He really forgot about it. To be more precise, he didn't forget it, but he never took it to heart.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

He hurried out.

Aunt Li explained, "Madam loves you and wants you to rest more. Madam got up early in the morning to make you a hangover soup."

She served the hangover soup.

Kong Liji wanted to refuse, but he took it and drank it in one breath. After drinking it, his mouth felt strange, with a strange taste.

He didn't think much about it, just thinking that Ren Suya's cooking skills were not good.

He picked up the car keys, hurried to the garage, and drove a car to the airport.

If the old man knew that he didn't send Ranran to the airport, he would be dissatisfied with him again.

The situation is unclear recently, so it's better to be careful.

He hurried and rushed, and when he arrived at the airport, Renran had already passed the security check.

"Husband, why are you here?"

"Ranran went to the capital for a competition, and I wanted to see him off. Alas, I was still a step late." Kong Liji looked regretful.

"Ranran knows your situation and won't blame you."

The couple left the airport side by side.

As soon as she got off the plane, she turned on her phone and saw several unread text messages and two missed calls.

The text messages included reminders from the Capital Tourism Bureau, as well as Gao Ying and Kong Liji.

Ren Ran looked at the money transfer from Kong Liji.

The red envelope of 50,000 yuan, and her lips curled.

Today she was generous.

She didn't hesitate to take the money and sent a perfunctory expression package thanking the boss.

She sent a message to her mother saying that she had landed safely, and sent a text message to Gao Ying.

After everyone took their luggage, they left the airport with the team leader.

"Over there, over there!"

The shouting was particularly loud even in the noisy airport hall.

Ren Ran and his group, like other passengers, were attracted by the sound and looked towards the place where the sound was. A group of people rushed to Exit 2, many of them holding fan cards in their hands.

A team member looked around curiously, "Is it a celebrity?"

"From the crowd, it must be. I wonder who it is?"

"It's a pity that I didn't see the fan sign clearly just now."

All the participants in the competition are top students. Although they study on weekdays, some of them chase stars. Even if they don't chase stars, they know a lot about them.

Speaking of this topic, they are naturally very interested.

"You are wrong. They are not chasing stars." Yan Kailang walked forward.


Everyone greeted him.

Yan Kailang was the champion of the last provincial Mathematical Olympiad, and represented the national team in the International Mathematical Olympiad, winning the second place in the individual competition. This time, the provincial competition organizer specially hired him to give them a small lesson and pass on his experience.

"Senior, do you know the news?"

"Who is that person?"

"We'll talk as we walk." Yan Kailang said as he walked, "Don't ask who she is. When you come to the capital to study at university, you will naturally know who she is. There is no such thing as the national daughter in the entertainment industry. That person is the little princess of the Beijing circle, a veritable little princess."

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed, and their curiosity was aroused.

The group walked to the airport gate and saw the next exit. A group of black-clad bodyguards blocked a group of fans outside and escorted a girl wearing sunglasses and with a noble temperament to an extended Lincoln luxury car.

Ren Ran also looked at the girl with curiosity. She had a beautiful face and was about the same age as her.

From this posture, this little princess of the Beijing circle is both noble and rich.

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