What should I do if someone takes away my fate? I will just kill her.

Chapter 96 The little princess is very arrogant

"I'll tell you another piece of news. This little princess from Beijing will also participate in this Mathematical Olympiad. You are all her competitors."

"Senior Yan, is she good?"

Yan Kailang thought for two seconds, "Good."

"Oh my god! The pressure is so great." A group of people screamed.

Ren Ran stood aside and smiled.

At this time, the extended Lincoln car drove away, and the fans who were chasing it dispersed.

The car that picked them up also stopped in front of them, and everyone got in the car. Even when they got to the car, the classmates were still very interested in discussing her.

Some students couldn't help but sigh, "Some people chase Rome all their lives, and some people are born in Rome. This is the gap between people."

The team leader couldn't help but say, "You already have one foot in Rome, and you can step over with the other foot. This competition is an opportunity to move forward, so let's start with this competition."

"Teacher, you are tricking us."

"Teacher, your trick is too old-fashioned, we are not cute!"

A group of people talked and laughed, without any tension before the competition.

On the eve of the competition, contestants from all over the country gathered in the waiting area, and everyone gathered according to their respective camps.

Suddenly, the door of the waiting area was pushed open, and a girl was surrounded by people and walked into the venue, with her chin slightly raised and her eyes looking down on everyone.

Her pomp instantly attracted the attention of all the contestants, and everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"Who is this person?"

"Don't you know her?"

"Her name is Jiang Zhiyu, a local. She is known as the little princess of the Beijing circle."

"Is it true?" The other contestants who were behind in the news were surprised and curious.

"Absolutely true! Her family background is amazing, ordinary people can't afford to offend."

Jiang Zhiyu naturally heard the people around her talking about her, but she didn't care at all, or she had already gotten used to it. She looked around and walked towards the central rest area.

There were already contestants from Handong Province sitting there.

Jiang Zhiyu and his group walked in front of them, and the five contestants from Handong Province were stunned.

"Make way!" The person next to Jiang Zhiyu spoke.

The five contestants from Handong Province looked at Jiang Zhiyu. Although they were reluctant, they knew it was unwise to conflict with her. They packed up their things and left.

This scene made everyone frown, but no one spoke up.

"Fortunately we didn't sit over there, otherwise it would be really embarrassing."

"Ren Ran, fortunately you pulled us to sit in the corner."

They originally wanted to sit in the middle, but they moved to the corner at Ren Ran's suggestion. Otherwise, they would be the ones who were laughed at today.

"By the way, they are too overbearing."

"The people of Handong Province are too spineless."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let anyone hear."

The contestants around lowered their heads and whispered. Some people couldn't stand it, and some people didn't care. No matter what the attitude of the people around them was, Jiang Zhiyu didn't care.

From her style and expression, it can be seen that this girl is not someone who can be messed with.

Ren Ran has made a judgment about her in his heart. If he meets her in the future, he will try to avoid her.

In Beijing, she couldn't afford to offend anyone who could be crowned with the title of "Little Princess of Beijing Circle".

She didn't want to cheat her grandfather or Asia Star Group.

Shen Shuyan walked into the waiting area. As soon as he appeared, all the contestants stood up and looked at him with burning eyes, even the Little Princess of Beijing Circle was no exception.

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