What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 103 Of course I’m staying in a hotel

"I also want to pick up shells..."

After sunset, the beach playground closed, and Qiu Wuji reluctantly grabbed a handful of shells.

"Why is the beach still closed?" The old lady didn't understand.

"The risk of accidents increases at night. If someone is accidentally swept into the sea, or if he is too full and swims too far, rescuers may not be able to detect it in time, and the difficulty of rescue has also increased... It is reasonable to close the door."

Chu Ge also wanted to laugh when he saw her little appearance. She looked like she was not interested in anything before, but in the end, what she did was no different from the children, even the way she reluctantly picked up shells before leaving was no different.

Did you say that your heart will be as still as water?

What is the use of your handful of shells in the end... Chu Ge is so experienced with this stuff. He loved to pick it up when he was a child. He picked up a bunch of them when he came home, but there was no place to put them and they didn't look good. In the end, they were all thrown away...

Qiu Wuji guessed what he was thinking and muttered: "The shells I picked up are really good! It's different from what you think!"

Chu Ge came to his senses: "Could it be that there is spiritual energy?"

"Yes, I picked the ones with a little bit of spiritual energy." Qiu Wuji said: "There must be treasures in the underwater world that are contaminated. I will go down to explore at night."

Chu Ge's first reaction was worry: "Isn't it dangerous for your clone to dive into the deep sea at night?"

The second reaction is to complain in my heart. Since I have to go to the sea to find real treasures, aren't these broken shells with a little spiritual energy still in vain?

Forget it, I don’t dare to say it. If I say it, I will be beaten.

Qiu Wuji was indeed very satisfied with his worries and said with a smile: "Let's see when the time comes. It's not a deep sea here, so it shouldn't be a big problem. If I really feel that it doesn't work, I won't act blindly. I can only say that you are not blessed. "

Chu Ge said: "If there are monsters in the sea, and there are so many people playing on the beach..."

"So it's probably not a monster, it's just an object." Qiu Wuji said: "It's probably a stone, a bead, something like that, buried in the mud at the bottom of the sea... I've seen this kind of encounter many times."

Chu Ge thought for a while: "Since people have superpowers, can animals become spirits? Logically speaking, it is not allowed after the founding of the People's Republic of China..."

Qiu Wuji: "?"

"Ahem, it's nothing." Chu Ge thought that people's superpowers can't mutate people. It's not the concept of turning people into monsters. It doesn't mean that a fish can hit people through a network cable. Most monsters don't have that.

But if there really is a place with very strong aura and inaccessible places, it’s hard to say.

But at least monsters are unlikely to appear in this kind of close-knit living area. They should have been cleaned up a long time ago, so everyone has never heard of it... Mom and her department are not just for food, otherwise they would be too busy to have time. What about going home?

Thinking of this, Chu Ge suddenly felt a little proud. It turned out that his parents were the guardian angels.

"Alas..." Chu Ge stretched out: "I thought I could learn from Ultraman to fight little monsters after I started practicing, but in the end I just chatted with people online and talked nonsense. Even when I went out to play with beautiful women, I was picked up and started to fight. I haven’t seen anything like that, and I can’t help but wonder if the charm of the beauties around me is not enough…”

Qiu Wuji's eyes were dangerous: "You want to change it, right?"

Chu Ge: "..."

"How can there be so many bullies in your society who molest women in public now? Do you think this is a book you wrote? The protagonist will get into trouble just because the women around him are attracted to him?" Qiu Wuji sneered: "There is a beautiful man. , I was teased just now, so I’m pretty lucky.”

Chu Ge said: "So you said, why is it that a man who molests a woman is a bully, and a woman who molests a man is a coquette?"

Qiu Wuji touched his chin and fell into thinking. This seemed to be a philosophical question.

But the result is similar, the man will be beaten, and so will the woman! If that woman just now didn't recognize her, I couldn't beat her to death!

She angrily said: "You just keep walking, where are you going? Are you looking for the woman just now?"

Chu Ge said helplessly: "Let's eat. It's dark. If you're not hungry, I'm hungry."

"Oh...what to eat?"

“Since we’re at the beach, of course it’s seafood.”

Chu Ge doesn’t know if eating seafood here in Nanjiang is the same as in other places. In short, it is very different from Japanese seafood. There are very few ways to eat sashimi. They mainly cook cooked food, fresh fish, boiled, steamed and other light dishes. Most of the dishes are made by dipping fish, shrimps, crabs and the like in some prepared sauce. They are so tender and melt in one bite that they are so beautiful that they are so beautiful.

It's a pity that it's expensive. Even though I live in a coastal city, I don't have much to eat. Qiu Wuji has been here for so long and I have never eaten it... Oh, I usually buy the so-called sea fish at the market and fry it at home. Does it count?

Qiu Wuji had never eaten seafood in that world... He didn't go to the beach when he was a low-level practitioner. When he was a high-level practitioner, he basically took fairy grass and elixirs and never touched ordinary food. This was my first time eating seafood. The old lady had her mouth full of dipping sauce and her face was glowing red.

"It's delicious, this is delicious, Chugo eats this... what kind of shrimp is this?"

"We call this shrimp mushroom, and outside it's called Pipi shrimp... I haven't written about these things over there. It stands to reason that there are natural derivatives."

"I've heard of Pippi Shrimp, it seems that others are said to be naughty."

"Ha, that's what it was based on."

"This boiled shrimp is delicious. I'll get some later...it's just not easy to peel, but it doesn't bother me." Qiu Wuji used his magic and placed a whole piece of shrimp meat on Chu Ge's plate: "Eat this Eat this."

Seeing her cheerful look, Chu Ge felt warm and satisfied in his heart.

very nice.

He put the shrimp meat back on the plate and gave it to Qiu Wuji: "Eat more if you like it. I've eaten these before."

Qiu Wuji raised his head and glanced at him. He was still eating shrimp in his mouth, moving every move.

There is still dipping sauce left on the mouth.

Chu Ge subconsciously took out a tissue and reached out to help her wipe the dipping sauce from her mouth.

Qiu Wuji still looked at him with her mouth moving, but did not move away and let him wipe it.

There was a little girl on the table next to her who took out her mobile phone and took a photo. The little girl was very envious and thought this scene was so beautiful.

Qiu Wuji, who had used magic to disable the camera when being secretly photographed before, did not stop him this time. He just turned to look at the little girl next to him and said, "Send me the photo you just took."

The little girl was a little nervous when she saw the person who was being secretly photographed speaking. She sighed after hearing this and said, "Sister, you guys have such a good relationship."

Qiu Wuji glanced at Chu Ge and grimaced.

Chu Ge smiled and said nothing.

The little girl sent the photo and asked cautiously: "Can I post it on my blog?"

Qiu Wuji looked at his profile in the photo and Chu Ge's gentle movements. He thought for a while and suddenly laughed: "It's optional."

Either I am a person with no identity who needs to hide, or my photos are seen all over the world, so what?

The only unpleasant thing is that people in the world may misunderstand her relationship with him... Forget it, it won't be just one or two misunderstandings anyway.

The little girl happily posted on her blog, and also scolded her boyfriend: "You can't even help me wipe my mouth."

The boyfriend was shot while lying down and muttered: "That man has no good intentions. Wipe your mouth now and fuck him when you get back..."

The little girl didn't hear clearly, but Chu Ge and Qiu Wuji heard it over there.

The two of them were not angry, but Qiu Wuji laughed: "Does every man say the same things behind his back?"

Chu Ge remembered the one who talked about small marshmallow balloons last time and smiled: "Maybe."

Qiu Wuji smiled slightly. Repeated similar situations may not prove that every man says weird things behind his back, but it can prove that in the eyes of other girls, Chu Ge is such a good person and they envy her.

Qiu Wuji has never been envied for this kind of thing in her life. Others have always envied her just because of how powerful she is.

But I have experienced it several times in the modern world, and this feeling is really weird.

There was actually a different kind of pride.

She restored her elegant posture and slowly peeled the crabs: "There should be staff cleaning up the beach now. When is the best time for us to go?"

Chu Ge said: "Let's wait until everyone goes to sleep. Even if someone is keeping watch, it will be easier to avoid."

"Then where are we going after dinner? And what to do when we go back..." Qiu Wuji now understands a little bit: "There is no night shift on the bus, right?"

Chu Ge blinked and looked at Shang Qiu's questioning expression.

After looking at each other for three seconds, he slowly said, "Of course, I'll stay in a hotel."

The voice was not lowered, and the man and woman next to him heard it, and the man blurted out: "Look, I guessed it right! How can a man have such good intentions?"

Thanks l Machine Head l Boss for joining the alliance~

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