What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 104 Sweet and sour, you and me

It was unclear whether Chu Ge had good intentions, but the man forgot that he also had to book a hotel tonight, and his intentions were clearly exposed. The girl walked away angrily, and she didn't know how long it would take to lick her back.

Chu Geqiu Wuji looked at the tragic brother's face, and the two of them laughed secretly like monkeys and continued to eat their own seafood.

What kind of intentions can a person named Chu have? It's just that they live together. Isn't this living together every day? Qiu Wuji is calm.

What dares him do? You can't kick him to death.

Qiu Wuji was not only calm, but also urged: "We've almost eaten, let's go to the hotel?"

The waiter passed by, looked sideways, and then left in tears.

Chugoqi said: "It feels like you haven't eaten much, why don't you eat more?"

"Too much is too much." Qiu Wuji wiped his mouth leisurely and stood up unsteadily: "Every time you still have something to say, you have expectations for the next time. If you really eat too much, you won't have any expectations for the next time..."

"Eh...I unexpectedly listened to Master's teachings." Chu Ge said with a smile: "Principal aside, it's true that this woman saves money."

Qiu Wuji glared at him, do you know I am saving money?

Wow, wow, those crabs are so expensive, my heart is bleeding from eating them.

It's better to go into the sea at night and catch a few and bring them back to do it.

"You're the only one who talks a lot?" Qiu Wuji said bitterly: "I'll pay the bill if I die, let's see if you feel bad or not!"

Chu Ge really doesn’t feel bad. It’s not that he’s so rich that he can’t afford to pay for a seafood meal, but he’s been preparing for a bloodletting, but now that she saved him, the price is much lower than expected...

So it looks like we can book a better hotel for tonight?

I took out my mobile phone and checked the transportation options. There was a hot spring holiday hotel nearby with a decent star rating...

I don't know if there are so-called hot spring holiday hotels in every place, but Chu Ge knows that there are real hot springs in Nanjiang area, and you can take a bath there. It’s a pity that I didn’t have a bathhouse at the beach before, but it would be nice to be able to bathe in a real hot spring...

It's a pity that I can't take a bath with Qiu Wuji, cough, what are you thinking about!

It's not a holiday, but the hotel is easy to book. There are many rooms of various types on the APP. Chu Ge was not in a hurry to order it, and thought about it before taking a look at it.

"Hey Chu Ge Chu Ge!" Qiu Wuji suddenly pulled the hem of his clothes and yelled: "Why are there still candied haws in here?"

Chu Ge looked along and saw that there was indeed an old man standing on a pole on the side of the road. It was covered with thatch or something, and a row of candied haws was stuck on it. It looked very cute.

"This is the county town, so there are a lot of small things. In fact, there are also some in Nanjiang. If you want to go to the old alleys in the old city, you have to eat the local fish balls and meat swallows in the alleys. That's the authentic way."

Qiu Wuji didn't bother to worry about the fish balls, and pulled him towards the candied haws with great interest: "I didn't expect that there are candied haws in this world!"

Chu Ge was startled, thinking of what she wrote in her autobiography. The little girl was sitting on the edge of the field, swaying her dirty little feet, waiting eagerly for the salesman to sell candy.

It turns out that she also had candied haws on a stick at that time.

Compared with the past, there may be only one difference between today's candied haws: you can scan the QR code to pay.

Qiu Wuji took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to buy a bunch. He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then scanned the code again and took the second bunch.

Just when Chu Ge thought she was going to eat two skewers, Qiu Wuji playfully reached out and handed over one skewer: "For you, one skewer per person."

Chugo really wanted to touch her head.

He raised his hand, but he didn't dare to make a mistake after all, so he made an awkward turn and took the candied haws.

Qiu Wuji seemed to see what he meant, curled his lips, flicked his ponytail, licked the candied haws and left.

Chu Ge followed silently, each holding a bunch of candied haws without saying a word. Qiu Wuji seems to be recalling his childhood feelings, and Chu Ge is recalling Qiu Wuji.

In the county town at night, the street lights reflected the movements and expressions of the two people. They couldn't see clearly, but they seemed to be exactly the same.

Neither of them spoke until they reached the door of the hot spring hotel. When they arrived at the door, they stopped in unison, waited for the automatic door to open, and then stepped in together.

This action was so synchronized that the lady at the counter skipped asking about the rooms: "Would you like a king room or a standard room?"

Qiu Wuji didn't understand what a double room was and what a standard room was, so he resumed the fine tradition of letting Chu Ge negotiate without saying a word when he first came to your place, and watched what Chu Ge said.

Chugo was confused.

Of course I want a double bed room, but there is a high probability that I will be kicked out and have to sleep on the floor. It is better to be honest and ask for a standard room. After all, I have completed the improvement of living in the same room, right?

Thinking of this, I endured my heartache and said righteously: "Am I that kind of person? Of course the standard room!"

Qiu Wuji nodded as he listened. The standard room sounded more serious than the double bed room... No, wait a minute, does this mean it's a shared room?

"Wait, wait!" Qiu Wuji looked over and saw that Chu Ge had taken out his ID card and registered.

Qiu Wuji said angrily: "I also have an ID card, and I also want one..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the price, 688.

Qiu Wuji closed his mouth.

It’s more expensive than the crab just now.

The lady at the counter looked up at her: "Your ID card is meant to be registered... not many people are so proactive these days."

We walked in while chewing candied haws on a stick together, talking about opening another room, that must not be what you meant, right?

Qiu Wuji silently handed over his ID card.

It’s the first time in this life to use an ID card. Why is it so uncomfortable? Thinking about it, when I wanted to do bad things before, I was worried about having no identity. So is this thing actually used to do bad things?

Chu Ge was also there, wondering whether he should regret it or not.

I originally wanted to take a look at the hot springs before deciding whether to stay there, but when I was asked, I immediately decided whether to decide between a double bed or a standard room. Damn...

Forget it, being able to live in a room is much more important than soaking in a hot spring!

As a result, the lady at the counter said: "If you two want to soak in the hot springs, you can call the front desk number, and we will send the wooden barrels to the hot springs..."

Well, Chu Ge never believed that the wooden barrels contained real hot springs, but it seemed better than nothing...

Chu Ge silently accepted the room card, and Qiu Wuji had his own secrets... No, he walked to the elevator with different thoughts.

Then we finished the last candied haws at the same time, threw the bamboo sticks into the trash can in front of the elevator, and looked up to see the elevator numbers change.

"Why do you do the same thing as me!" Qiu Wuji finally gritted his teeth.

Chu Ge: "...I still want to ask you."

The guests waiting for the elevator on the left and right looked at the couple with strange smiles. Everyone's expression was the same as that of a kind aunt. Both of them began to feel embarrassed again. At the same time, they turned their heads to the other side and shut up.

After entering the room, Chu Ge silently plugged in the room card, and the room quickly became brighter.

Qiu Wuji closed the door fiercely and held Chu Ge's collar against the wall: "It's all your fault. I can't even taste the candied haws!"

Chu Ge pursed his lips and suddenly laughed: "I've tasted it, do you want to hear it?"

Qiu Wuji was stunned: "What?"

"Sweet, sour." Chu Ge said, "It feels the same as mine."

Qiu Wuji was stunned for a while, then dropped his collar and walked into the house with a "hum".

Looking at the two beds side by side, Qiu Wuji's face was full of disgust: "I am going to the sea tonight, you can just lie here and go!"

Is that why you ended up accepting a room?

Chu Ge laughed dumbly: "If that's the case, then this room will be wasted...because I want to go with you."

Qiu Wuji said contemptuously: "What can you do?"

"Even if I'm just a cheerleader, I can't wait for you to go into danger at home." Chu Ge stepped forward and subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch her head, but after a temporary reaction, he put it down.

Qiu Wuji stared at him straightly: "Do you want to touch my head, just now and now?"

Chu Ge gritted his teeth and said, "Yes."

As he spoke, he touched it and rubbed it casually: "Even if I get beaten by you, I still have to say that you are so cute that it has surpassed the Qiu Wuji in my fantasy..."

Damn, he finally rubbed her head. She had been holding it all in for a long time. It was as comfortable as if she finally got rid of constipation. She was willing to be beaten to death.

Qiu Wuji's hair was messed up, and she looked up and glared at him.

I wanted to hit him, but his words distracted me.

Is it?

I'm cute? Is this word used for me?

No, I have surpassed the person in the book in his fantasy?


PS: There will be a third update tonight, also around ten o'clock.

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