What to Do if You Add Wrong Points After Crossing

Chapter 800: Yinlou Taobao, encounter first

The truth is that Tang Yun naturally understands.

Before she has enough strength, getting involved in certain things will do her personal harm but not benefit.

With a secret sigh, Tang Yun silently adjusted his mentality, raising his head.

"Master, didn't you mean to find a teahouse? I know that there is a flower shop in front of me. I heard that it is a good place. Why don't we go there and sit?"

"Don't worry, we will go shopping."

Qin Zhe said.

"In addition, I have a question. Like the exquisite fairy stone I just gave you, how many industry coins can a piece be exchanged in the Yinlou?"

Tang Yun was slightly stunned when he heard the words, surprised.

"Master, do you want to exchange business currency?"

"Excuse me, please use your mind. I'm not going to live in Longhan, so I want to do business with money?"

Qin Zhe rolled his eyes.

When he was stunned in the face, Tang Yun was speechless and unable to refute, humming in response.

"Master, you just gave me the exact amount of coins that can be exchanged for the exquisite immortal stone. I am not sure. After all, the quality of the exquisite immortal stone is too high. I am afraid that the exact value will not be known until after the silver building appraisal. It is certain. Yes, if the exquisite immortal stone in Master's hand wants to make a move, it will surely alarm the top of the silver building, and it will arrive in the palace in no time."


Qin Zhe blinked, tilted his head and thought, said.

"Go, take me to the Silver Tower in the Imperial City."


Tang Yun stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

"Master, what do you want to do?"

"Don't you mean that Yinlou can not only exchange business currency, but also any items?"

Qin Zhe grinned and said.

"It's a rare visit to Longhan. The exquisite immortal stone in my hand can be exchanged for a good price. Don't you think I should go to the Yinlou to see what baby I have?"

Tang Yun's eyes flickered twice when he heard this, thinking about it as if it was such a reason, and he became very interested in it.

There are indeed many treasures in the silver building.

The silver building in the imperial city has ample inventory.

She doesn't even recognize many rare treasures.

This trip with Qin Zhe will definitely gain a lot of knowledge.

As for whether the appearance of Qin Zhe's exquisite spirit stone in the Yinlou will cause riots, even he himself is not worried, why should she bother?

Her master, but a real immortal outside the territory!

Tang Yun happily drew Qin Zhe with his brows.

"Master, go here."


Before long, Qin Zhe led by Tang Yun to a tall building in the downtown area of ​​the Imperial City.

The entire tall building has seven floors.

In this world, what is the seventh floor?

But in the downtown area of ​​Longhan, this building stands out from the crowd.

The facades of high-rise buildings are low-key and luxurious, revealing rich aura.

A very conspicuous plaque, Silver Building, hangs above the Loumen.

Qin Zhe frowned slightly before entering the place.

There is nothing else, the key is that he caught the breath of his own daughter in the silver building.

Qin Qingqing, this little bastard, why did he run into the silver building?

Just wondering, Qin Qingqing in the silver building also sensed him and poked out a small head from the seventh floor of the silver building.

"Abba, above."

Qin Zhamu Ran raised his head.

When I saw Xiao Nizi smile and waved at herself, Qin looked a little helpless while smiling.

He learned about Yinlou through Tang Yun before he thought of it.

As a result, Qin Qingqing was only allowed to come out and let the wind by him not long ago. He actually ran to the Yinlou a step earlier, thinking that this little guy had already learned the role of the Yinlou in some way.

Looking at Xiao Nizi in front of the window sill on the seventh floor, she was already wearing a dragon-han style brocade, Qin Zhe sighed secretly and walked into the silver building.

Being one step ahead by his own daughter would not make him feel awkward.

But since Qin Qingqing is already there, I am afraid that all the good things currently in the silver building have already arrived in her pocket.

Not to mention that his sense of anticipation in coming to Yinlou is a little bit less, and it is impossible for him to grab something from his daughter's pocket as a father.

Tang Yun was a little surprised when she saw Qin Qingqing probe upstairs, then she saw Qin Zhe sighed and entered the door, then followed up with a vengeful smile.

"Master, we seem to be a step late, and we were preempted by Fairy Qin."

Qin Zhe rolled his eyes when he heard the sound and ignored her.

Qin Qingqing had obviously been in the Yinlou for a while, and there was a lot of noise.

Soon after Qin Zhe and Tang Yun entered, there was a person in the silver building who looked like a shopkeeper and brought four entourages to meet them, said.

"Two distinguished guests, please go upstairs."

Qin Zhe encountered this before seeing the door to see how the silver building works, so naturally he couldn't be happy.

But thinking about his little **** upstairs, he could only nodded silently, and went upstairs with the people.

Soon, the group came to the top of the silver building.

Then, under the guidance of the shopkeeper of Yinlou, he walked into a luxurious guest room and saw the red-faced Qin Qingqing.

Xiao Nizi saw Qin Zhafei quickly get up and behaved and pulled his arm, pushed him onto the seat and hammered him on the shoulder, and laughed.

"Abba, didn't you go to Miss Tang's house? Why did you suddenly come to the silver building?"

When Qin Zhe met, Qin Qingqing came to a "full service", and he was enjoying it for the time being. He glanced at Xiao Nizi and said.

"I'm here, did it hinder you?"

"No no, I just came here not long ago."

Qin Qingqing smirked, turning around with big eyes, and suddenly looked at Tang Yun who was standing beside him.

"Miss Tang, I just heard you call Abba Master, do you worship my Dad as a teacher?"

Tang Yun wanted to speak subconsciously after hearing the sound, and Qin Zhe took the first step.

"After all, how much did you spend in Yinlou?"

When Qin Zhe asked, Qin Qingqing's face stiffened, and his eyes drifted and whispered.

"Not many, only ten thousand best spirit stones..."

"Ten thousand?"

Qin Zhe stared.

He also asked casually, who ever thought that Qin Qingqing's mouth was "ten thousand"?

This TM...

Did she buy the Yinlou?

Having said that, how come Qin Qingqing has so many ready-made top-quality spirit stones?

Even for him, the ready-made top-quality spirit stones in the storage space are only a few hundred pieces.

On the side, Tang Yun heard that Qin Qingqing opened her mouth to be the "Ten Thousand Supreme Spirit Stone", and her legs softened and almost knelt to the aunt.

Ten thousand pieces of the exquisite immortal stone Qin Zhagang gave her is enough to buy half of the imperial city, right?

She knows that Qin Zhai is not bad at the exquisite immortal stone, but it is too outrageous...

Just casually sell 10,000 pieces of exquisite immortal stone, how rich can this be done?

Tang Yun didn't know that Qin Zhe's fortune in this world was based on the Yizhipin Lingshi.

But she knew that Qin Qingqing's 10,000 pieces of exquisite immortal stone flowed into the silver building, which was enough to cause turmoil in the entire Longhan Dynasty.

When the news reaches the palace, I'm afraid it's not the Emperor Dongshengzhou who has to come here himself...

A piece of exquisite immortal stone thrown into the market is enough to make Immortal Master Longhan go crazy.

Ten thousand yuan, a real immortal level figure has to kneel down.

After swallowing hard, Tang Yun managed to squeeze a smile.

"Fairy Qin, I wonder what you exchanged in the silver building?"

Qin Qingqing smiled shyly.

"I bought everything ready-made."


Tang Yun was speechless.


Qin Zhe's mouth twitched~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This girl, bought everything that Yinlou can buy?

He doesn't care about the prodigal invincible.

His old Qin family is not short of this superb spiritual stone.

Some time ago, Xiao Nizi's Difu ran one by one at ten o'clock, earning hundreds of millions.

The key problem is that Qin Qingqing bought all the things, and he ran away in vain.

Qin Qingqing coughed softly, seeing his old man looking at him angrily and funny.

"Abba, wait until the steward finishes checking the inventory of the silver building, and you can see what you need."

As she spoke, she quietly passed on her thoughts.

"Abba, I smelled an unusual smell in the silver building, which is very similar to the stone you crushed during alchemy. But I can't be sure where the things are, whether the silver building has been taken out, so I simply put all the silver building. I bought everything."

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