What to Do if You Add Wrong Points After Crossing

Chapter 801: I teach my daughter, do you have a voice?

Qin Zha was taken aback for a moment when Qin Qingqing's thoughts were passed on.

Isn’t the stone crushed when you refine your alchemy just like the azure coral?

Are there ceruleans in the silver building?

real or fake?

Turning his head to look at Qin Qingqing, Qin Zhe conveyed his thoughts.

"Are you sure you smelled the scent of Jade Blood Coral?"

"One hundred percent sure."

Qin Qingqing responded with thoughts.

Qin Zhe replied and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

According to Lianyue's statement at the time, the jade-blood coral is something that has disappeared in this world.

The product of this world, no matter how you think, it is impossible to appear in the small world of Canglan.

At the moment, it seemed that the woman was probably not telling the truth.

Compared to Lianyue, Qin Zhe had unconditional trust in Qin Qingqing.

The aura of the Jade Coral is restrained, and the aura that it exudes can only be captured in front of your eyes.

If you change other people, you will definitely not notice it.

But Qin Qingqing is different, she is a cat spirit beast with extremely sensitive smell.

Xiao Nizi said that she smelled the scent of the Jade-Blood Coral, and there is probably a Jade-Blood Coral in the Silver Tower.

Originally, Qin Zhai felt that the thousand-year-old aura in this world had not yet recovered, but it was strange to be able to give birth to a pseudo-ranked seventh holy thing like the Jade Blood Coral.

It's not that without aura, there will be no seventh-order holy relics.

The key point is that it is extremely difficult to give birth to a spiritual thing in the era when the aura has never recovered. The birth of a pseudo-ranked seventh holy thing is almost equivalent to a miracle.

Coincidentally, this "miracle" was also collected by Lianyue.

In addition, there are a lot of suspicious things about Lianyue's words at the time.

Jade blood coral is an extinct item.

Since it can be called extinct, then it was certain that there was more than one thing.

It is a miracle to be born one piece. How difficult is it to have plurals?

The origin of the connection with the Shanghai clan was probably the Canglan Small World, and Qin Zhe narrowed his eyes.

He had speculated earlier that the passage between Canglan's small world and this world was not the first time it appeared.

At this moment, most of it is true.

But if you really want to make a conclusion, you still have to see whether Yinlou can take out the Jade Blood Coral.

After a little thought, Qin Zhe asked Qin Qingqing.

"How long have you been here specifically?"

"about an hour."

Qin Qingqing answered honestly.

Qin Zhe frowned slightly when he heard this, and said, if no one was beside him.

"You have used 10,000 exquisite immortal stones to put all the survivors in the silver building, and let the people in the silver building take you to the warehouse to collect everything. Why are you waiting here? They said they want to count the materials, it must be Count the supplies? If Yinlou deliberately delays time with ulterior motives, what will you do as a girl?"

The Yinlou shopkeeper who was waiting by the side heard these words, his face changed, and he hurriedly spoke.

"Guest, we have no silver building..."

Qin Zhe curled his lips and looked at him before he finished speaking.

"I teach my daughter, do you have a voice?"


The shopkeeper of Yinlou was choked.

Qin Qingqing quietly passed on her thoughts.

"Abba, I know they are procrastinating on purpose."

Qin Zhe passed this thought and silently threw his eyes over.

How clever Qin Qingqing is, does he know?

On the surface, this little Nizi looked stupidly waiting for Yinlou to count the supplies, secretly knowing what was going on.

It should be noted that Qin Qingqing was taught by Yao Jing.

It's good if Xiao Nizi doesn't cheat others, how could others cheat her?

Originally, Qin Zhe didn't intend to expose this, after all, this would be the time he gave Qin Qingqing to "release the wind", so she could just let her go.

But he heard that there were cerulean corals in the silver building, and he wanted to see the real thing as soon as possible.

Seeing Qin Zhe's trouble, Tang Yun flicked her beautiful eyes twice, coldly moving forward on her little face.

"You Yinlou are so courageous! You dare to deceive my Master and Fairy Qin! You know, what are the identities of these two?"

Tang Yun was an official in the dynasty, so naturally it was impossible to be bad in mind.

The Yinlou was dragging time, and she had foreseen it when she spent 10,000 exquisite immortal stones from Qin Qingqing in exchange for all the items in the Yinlou.

As mentioned earlier, 10,000 pieces of exquisite immortal stone are enough to cause the Longhan Dynasty to shake.

Yinlou does not know what Qin Qingqing's identity is, and will definitely try his best to delay the notification of the ruling and the opposition, waiting for the response from the palace.

The reason why she didn't remind Qin Zhe was because she felt it was impossible for the latter to fail to see this.

Even if you don't see it, it doesn't hurt.

After all, even if the emperor Dongshengzhou came here in person, he would have to bow his head honestly when he saw the father and daughter.

At this moment, although I don't know why Qin Zhe suddenly exposed the words, she, as a disciple, needs a wave of assists.

When the shopkeeper of Yinlou saw Tang Yun speaking, his already ugly expression turned pale.

He didn't recognize Qin Zhe and Qin Qingqing.

But Tang Yun, he actually recognized it.

Don't look at Tang Yun being like a headless woman next to Qin Zhe, she is quite famous among the Longhan court and the wild.

The key to her official position is the governor of the imperial city, supervising the imperial city.

This official position is not easy!

As long as it is on the ground of the imperial city, whether it is military or government affairs, she can intervene if she wants to.

Who dares to say that he doesn't know Tang Yun if he is mixed up in the imperial city?

When I saw Tang Yun following Qin Zhe's master, the shopkeeper had a bad premonition, but he didn't show it.

At this moment, Tang Yun stood up, and the shopkeeper suddenly became a little flustered.

The backstage of Yinlou is definitely hard.

After all, all the silver buildings in Longhan are royal properties.

But with Tang Yun, the royal name may not be easy to use.

Coupled with the unidentified Qin Zhe and Qin Qingqing being revered by Tang Yun, how could he calm down?

After all, he is just a dispensable silver building shopkeeper.

Without him, there will be a new shopkeeper in Yinlou tomorrow.

Only hearing a "puff", the shopkeeper of Yinlou knelt to the ground.

"Master Tang, **** the little one! The little one doesn't know..."

Before he could say anything, Tang Yun snorted coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Take my Master and Fairy Qin to the silver building warehouse!"

As she spoke, her eyes narrowed.

"When you arrive at the warehouse, if I find that your silver building is not only deceiving, but also showing signs of injustice, I will seal your silver building!

The shopkeeper trembled when he heard the words, and raised his head to make sure.

"Master Tang, our Yinlou has absolutely no intention of plotting against Fairy Qin, please raise your hand!"

After speaking, he hurriedly got up.

"Master Tang, please calm down, I will bring three warehouses."

Qin Zhe stared at Tang Yun's "performance" and frightened the shopkeeper for minutes, and looked at her in surprise.

What official position is Tang Yun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He really didn't care about it before.

At this moment, it seems that his cheap apprentice has a lot of influence.

The silver building is a royal property. How dare ordinary officials say to close the building?

Tang Yun said that, and scared the shopkeeper into this virtue.


Not long after, under the guidance of the shopkeeper of Yinlou, the three came to the bottom of Yinlou.

In front of the three people, the shopkeeper dispersed all the guests in the building, and then pinched Yinfa to open the back door on the first floor.

The back door opened, revealing not the street.

What caught the eyes of the three of them was a huge space with golden brilliance.

Qin Zhe raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

What was exposed before his eyes at the moment was not a specific place in the small world of Canglan linked by a space spell, but a subspace!

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