What to Do if You Add Wrong Points After Crossing

Chapter 802: Massive inventory, earning blood

In the subspace, Qin Zhe has only seen one place in the Chujiang Palace so far, and there is no semicolon.

Yinlou uses Asia Space as its warehouse, which really surprised him.

Not to mention, the subspace displayed in front of us has obvious signs of artificial development.

Although the subspace in front of me is not small, it is limited in scale, unlike the invisible boundary in the Chujiang Palace.

When you look up, you can capture the edges and corners of the subspace where you can see.

Its edges and corners are square, which is obviously artificial.

And the people who open up this subspace have obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise the space boundary will not be polished to be sharp and angular.

I have to say that Yinlou's handwork is not small.

Using subspace as a warehouse is safe and reliable, and almost no one can invade it.

Sweeping around, Qin Zhe glanced at Tang Yun, who seemed to have been commonplace, and asked her through voice transmission.

"You Longhan's silver building all use subspace as a warehouse?"

Tang Yun was slightly taken aback by Chuanyin, and Chuanyin responded.

"That's right, but the subspace warehouses that belonged to the silver buildings in various places were not used as warehouses at first, but as refuges in wartime. These subspaces were all three thousand years ago when real immortals from outside the territories came to help Longhan to develop when he established the dynasty. Longhan was invaded by the southern barbarians unpredictably, and the people suffered heavy casualties. According to legend, one of the real immortals who descended at that time was proficient in space spells, and because he couldn't bear life and charcoal, he opened up subspaces throughout Longhan for people to take refuge in. Today, including the imperial city, today The main cities of Longhan are all built around Yinlou subspace."

After receiving Tang Yun's voice transmission, Qin Zhe remained calm on the surface, but was shocked in his heart.

According to Tang Yun, the silver buildings in each city of Longhan use subspaces as warehouses, and these subspaces were originally refuges opened by real immortals outside the territory.

Longhan built a city based on these refuges after the war.

Regardless of how tragic the Dragon Han was invaded three thousand years ago.

How strong is the real immortal outside the territory who opened up the "refuge" for Longhan to open up so many subspaces independently?

Although Qin Zhe did not know how many cities were in the Longhan version of the map, there were no fewer than a hundred large and small cities that he saw on the road from the border of Longhan to the imperial city.

Assuming that the imperial city is in the center of Longhan territory, the entire territory of the city is definitely no less than a thousand.

In other words...

There are no more than a thousand subspaces that once served as refuges in Longhan!

With such a masterpiece, even the pitiful and compassionate real immortal outside of the territories was proficient in space spells, I am afraid it has also used a lot of energy.

In combination with what I said before, if there were no people from the fantasy world to help Longhan for three thousand years, Longhan would not have been where it is today, and even the small world of Canglan would not have a foothold for humans. At that time, the war on the land of Longhan was hardly tragic. Imagine.

Controlling the horror in his heart, Qin Zhe thought for a while, and transmitted the sound to Tang Yundao.

"Wait for a while to finish here, tell me about the southern barbarians."

Before Tang Yun responded, Qin Qingqing squatted over.

"Abba, I seem to have made a lot of money in this wave."

Qin Zhe laughed dumbfounded.

This wave of Xiao Nizi has not only made a lot of money?

Seeing that the subspace is not large, it is compared with the subspace in Chujiang Hall where the boundary is not visible.

In fact, this subspace is at least half the size of Longhan Imperial City.

In the entire subspace, except for the clear openings that serve as aisles, all kinds of materials were piled up squarely everywhere.

Spiritual objects, spiritual materials, pill, and even magic weapons, piled up one after another.

Although looking in from the entrance of the subspace, the quality of these things is generally not good, and to Qin Zhe they are mostly useless "junk".

But its total amount is almost impossible to predict. God knows how many things are piled up in the subspace.

Even if these are really "junk", buying all the 10,000 best spirit stones will undoubtedly be a blood profit!

In the present world, buying two Tier 5 spirit fruits may mean that 10,000 of the best spirit stones will be gone.

In front of him, Guang Qinzha could initially distinguish five-order things through spiritual perception and there were no fewer than ten thousand things.

What is the concept of million pieces?

Take the fifth-tier spirit fruit as an example. Throwing 10,000 fifth-tier spirit fruit to the present country is enough to cause the country's spiritual creature market to collapse.

In the final analysis, Qin Zhe thinks that these are "junk" in front of him, starting from the perspective of his personal use.

The fifth level, properly placed in the present world, is the mainstream practice resource.

The issue is……

How can I take away so many things?

Qin Zhe has a lot of storage space and plenty of room.

But with such a large subspace and piles of various things, he was very reluctant to pretend to be one-fifth.

I was in a mess, and it was very troublesome to organize it later.

Qin Zha didn't know how big Qin Qingqing's storage space was.

But no matter how much Xiao Nizi can bear, the storage space may not be able to hold so many things.

Qin Qingqing felt what Qin Zhe was thinking, and winked in a low voice.

"Abba, don't worry. I have a lot of storage rings on my body, and they are all good ones, enough to carry them in one pot."

Qin Zhe was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and said strangely.

"Where did you get so many storage rings?"

"Jingjing Xiaoma gave it to me."

Qin Qingqing smiled honestly and said.

"Jingjing Xiaoma said, the secret realm is not from the Dragon Kingdom, you are welcome. If you see anything, put it away and take it back. Bring more storage rings to save it when you can't install it.


Qin Zhe was silent.

Yao Jing, this...

Is it a foresight, or has it taken her daughter to the wrong side?

Secretly shook his head, Qin Zhe looked at the shopkeeper standing aside.

"These are the inventory of the silver building bought by my daughter?"


The shopkeeper nodded, then said again.

"We always pay attention to fairness in the transaction of silver buildings. Although the quality of the inventory in the warehouse is high or low, you can rest assured that its value is definitely worth 10,000 gemstones."

Qin Zhe smiled when he heard this, but did not respond.

Ten thousand best spirit stones are exchanged for the massive amount of materials in the warehouse.

But this, there is no need to say it.

Dotingly stretched out his hand and stroked Qin Qingqing's smooth long hair, Qin Zhe whispered.

"Put everything away, and find the Jade Blood Coral by the way. Pay attention to whether there is anything in it with a quality of Grade 6 or higher, and remember to leave it alone for Abba."

Will Qin Qingqing be so clear from Qin Zhe?

of course not.

And in fact, she bought all the inventory in the silver building for Qin Zhe.

Although she didn't know that Qin Zhe needed the green blood coral, she had seen it in someone's hands after all.

What Qin Zhe kept was definitely a good thing.

It's not wrong to buy it as a tribute to your own dad. The price is not expensive anyway.

Qin Qingqing nodded vigorously after receiving Qin Zha's instructions, turning into a stream of light and shooting into the depths of the subspace.

Following this, piles of items began to disappear quickly in the subspace where the line of sight was visible.

Qin Zhe saw this, UU reading www.uukanshu.com no longer paid attention to the situation in the warehouse.

His own girl, can he not worry?

Qin Zhe said, turning his head to look at the shopkeeper of Yinlou with a smile.

"The shopkeeper, didn't you have a silver building checking inventory before? We are already in the warehouse at the moment, why didn't we even see a ghost?"

The shopkeeper looked stiff when he heard the words, his eyes dodged and lowered his head, not daring to reply.

Tang Yun hadn't paid attention to this detail originally.

Hearing Qin Zhe's mouth, her face quickly cooled down with the shopkeeper's posture.

"My master asked you something, are you dumb?"

Before the words were over, a hearty laugh came from the entrance of the subspace.

"Master Tang, the subordinates in the silver building are not doing things idiomatically, making you laugh. Please give me a face and don't embarrass the people below."

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