Chapter 29 - Legends of the Past [Part 2]

"It's a deal then!"

An Yurou turned around and said to Yu Le: "It's up to you whether you want to eat porridge or rice in the future."

Yu Le:.

It was only then that he remembered that the Raccoon Live Platform was a business of Byte Entertainment, and the dark-skinned middle-aged man who had returned from Africa had founded Byte Entertainment Group more than a decade ago. So since he had said so, the contract he would give himself would not be too low.

But the premise is that he has to have a good enough performance!

"I know."

Yu Le did not show too much excitement, and Li Wei, who was sitting in the driver's seat, glanced at Yu Le, took his calm expression into his eyes, and nodded secretly.

"I've watched the game live for more than ten years, and the commentators have been replaced one after another."

When approaching the competition venue, the surrounding buildings have already appeared some buildings with e-sports elements, such as billboards, and there are some fans wearing other team uniforms on the road, etc.

When seeing this scene, Li Wei couldn't help but show a look of emotion.

Once upon a time, they also laughed and cried on this stage. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

Whether they are champions or not, or talented players, they have disappeared one by one in the long river of memory of generations of audiences. The only thing that remains unchanged may be this game.

"Who said that? Teacher Maitreya is still here."

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, showing a surprised look and said: "They are still commentating. I thought they all retired."

"Mitreya and Wa Wa are gradually withdrawing from the stage now, but they have always insisted on commentating our KG games." An Yurou smiled and said: "In the words of Teacher Maitreya, everyone can forget KG but he can't forget this team that has brought the most honors to LPL."


Li Wei shook his head and said: "He must be fifty years old. I'm afraid he has to hang an oxygen tank to comment on the game."

"That's not the case."

An Yurou stuck out her tongue. The main reason is that KG's team's playing style basically doesn't produce any scenes that can make the commentator excited. One of the main reasons why Maitreya and others are still commenting on KG's games is that the commentary talents are uneven now. Commentators with excellent professional abilities such as Maitreya have always wanted to retire but can't.

But it's also not suitable for them to comment on some popular teams because they are old. After all, the audience has watched these old faces for more than ten years and they have to change to someone else, so Maitreya and others are basically Responsible for the games of some not-so-popular teams, such as KG

The business car stopped at the underground parking lot of the venue. Li Wei smiled and said to An Yurou and others: "We are here. Go backstage to prepare first. I'll watch from the audience."

"Play well in today's game. Maybe you can ask Uncle Li Wei to give you a raise on the live broadcast contract later."

An Yurou led Yu Le and others into the backstage. While passing the security check, she said: "The club's funds are limited every year. It is difficult to increase your salary. If you want to earn more money, it depends on your own performance."

"So nagging"

Wei Feng muttered softly,

"What did you say!!!!" An Yurou glared at him and said,

"No, no, no, I said An Yurou is the best." Wei Feng said seriously,

"Hmph, I'll deal with you later!"

After passing the security check, Yu Le also followed An Yurou to the exclusive lounge, which happened to be opposite the GNR team's lounge, but the door was full of media taking pictures. Later, a staff member even came to say that the filming was temporarily stopped and the players had to start pre-match preparations.

But on the contrary, the KG lounge was empty. Not to mention taking pictures, there was not even a ghost.

An Yurou and others seemed to be used to all this and didn't care at all. Then a staff member reminded them to go on the court to check the keyboard for pre-match preparation.

"Hurry up, Yu Le, don't be nervous, just play the way you usually play."

An Yurou was already holding a small notebook in her hand, and she looked like a coach until this time.

"Please go on stage to check the equipment and buttons in ten minutes."

At this time, a staff member knocked on the door to remind them, and everyone took out their mouse and keyboard. Wei Feng glanced at Yu Le and smiled: "Are you a little nervous for the first time on such a big stage?"

"It's okay."

Yu Le tilted his head and thought for a while, and he didn't seem to be particularly excited.

"It's okay, just say it when you are nervous, who doesn't have a first time."

"That's right, you get used to playing games, and the mentality, the most important thing is the mentality."

The other people in the team comforted each other, which made Yu Le very depressed. What are these people doing? What is there to be nervous about?

The moment the heavy curtains were pushed aside from the backstage, the sound waves from the competition site came overwhelmingly.

The dazzling lights and sharp shouts intertwined together. Even though he had experienced the baptism of the city championship, it still brought a great shock to Yu Le!

"What is that?"

Yu Le pointed to the flags hanging high on both sides of the venue, with different team badges on them.

"That is the team that won the spring and summer championships of our LPL region every year since its establishment." An Yurou turned around and smiled and said: "Did you see that series of KG team badges? That is a legend."

Until this moment, Yu Le was truly shocked,

one two three four

The flags of six KG teams are hung on the wall, which means that the KG team has dominated the LPL for three years in the past history. No, it should be that they have dominated this game for three years!

Most of the shouts at the scene were for the GNR team, cheers for the team. When I looked up, I couldn't even see any banners saying cheers for KG.

"It's so miserable."

Yu Le couldn't help but shook his head,

"Is this so miserable? You'll get used to it. We've all experienced worse things." Wei Feng and others shrugged and laughed.

"Hmph, I believe that sooner or later I can hang the KG flag again, and then the audience under the stage will shout for the KG team." An Yurou shook her hair and was full of confidence, although she didn't know her confidence. From where.

"Come on, you've been shouting for a year." Wei Feng covered his mouth and snickered,

"It's not like you old fools paddle every day."

"What can I do if I can't beat you?"

"Then why don't you give me less?"

It can be seen that the atmosphere in the KG team is actually quite good. Of course, it would be perfect if the team's results were better.

While Yu Le was adjusting his keyboard and mouse, a familiar voice suddenly came to his mind again.

"The check-in location has been refreshed. It is the enemy spring water in the first game of the LPL summer regular season KG team vs SGNR team."

"Hey, Senior Sister An."

Yu Le raised his head and shouted. An Yurou turned back and looked at him doubtfully and asked, "Is there something wrong with the equipment?"

"Let's make the playoffs without losing a game."

When she heard this sentence, An Yurou's first reaction was that this person had a brain problem, but seeing the confidence in Yu Le's eyes, she unexpectedly said, "Okay."

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