What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 30 From this moment on, let all the top laners in the league feel the fear of being dominate

Chapter 30 - From this moment on, let all the top laners in the league feel the fear of being dominated

After coming to her senses, An Yurou just smiled in her heart. Will they enter the playoffs without losing a single game?

This dream is beautiful,

but she doesn't mind dreaming for a while. As far as the current summer season schedule is concerned, they have already played nearly half of it. Because they lost too many games in the past, they are seriously behind in points. Under such circumstances, it is too difficult for KG to enter the playoffs.

Of course, there is no chance.

As I said during the meal, there is only one way for KG to enter the playoffs, and that is to win all the remaining games!

How difficult it is to do this.

The equipment inspection was fine. Yu Le and others returned to the backstage and waited for a while, and were told by the referee that they could prepare to officially enter the game.

The first to go on stage was the opponent GNR team. Their appearance caused cheers from the audience. Yu Le even doubted whether there were any KG fans in today's game.

Then it was their turn to go on stage, and the treatment they received was a bit of being ignored.

When the host read out their IDs, the audience below the stage reacted mediocrely, and they didn't even see a cheering sign, but Wei Feng and others had long been accustomed to it.

For them, today's game is not about winning but about not being shut out. After all, you don't want to lose so badly.

Returning to his chair, Yu Le put on his headphones and quickly adjusted his mood.

"Hello, hello, can you hear me?"

Wei Feng fiddled with his microphone and said, "Calling Yu Le, calling Yu Le."

"I can hear you." Yu Le's mouth twitched slightly.

"Don't be nervous. No matter how the game goes, you must have hope. OK?"

"Haha, A Le, who was not nervous at first, has become a little nervous because of you."

"Don't be afraid, kid. As long as you are willing to call me dad, my TP in the middle is unconditionally ready for you."

Yu Le:.

"Don't be naughty. Let's get ready. Yu Le, how does it feel to sit on a stage of this level?" An Yurou asked with a smile standing behind Yu Le.

"It's pretty good. The atmosphere is much better than the City League." Yu Le looked around and smiled, "Do you know what I'm thinking now?"


"I want to go to the world competition stage to take a look."



Wei Feng had to give a thumbs up and said, "It's okay. Newcomers always like to dream."

An Yurou also smiled and said nothing. This guy really dared to think.

At this time, both sides began to enter the room, greeted each other, and officially started today's BO3 at the instruction of the referee.

The popularity of this game is not low. In addition to the good results of the GNR team itself, many people came for Yu Le.

After all, the live broadcast accident last night has spread on the Internet, especially those fans of the T1 team have prepared their keyboards. If Yu Le makes any mistakes, they are ready to blacken him to death.

As for the win or loss of the game?

Don't you really think KG can beat the GNR team?

"Okay, hello everyone, welcome to watch today's game, I'm Maitreya!"

"I'm Maohuang, today's game is KG vs. GNR, it's different from the previous games, KG finally welcomed a new face today."

"Hello everyone, I'm Xiye, Teacher Maitreya, do you think this newcomer will have any outstanding performance today?"

The three commentators standing on the commentary desk are also familiar faces to the audience. Maitreya and Maohuang need not say much, they have been active in the LPL commentary stage for more than 20 years, Xiye is one of the newly promoted female commentators, and the three of them are responsible for commentating today's game.

"Although I like KG very much, Yu Le is a newcomer after all. I think as long as he doesn't make mistakes in the line today, it will be the most eye-catching performance."

Mile, who has already entered middle age, is also full of emotion when looking at the KG team. No one wants to see KG win the game more than him, but he also knows that it is too far-fetched to just replace a newcomer and directly win the upper-middle team like GNR.

"Yes, as a new player, he has to adapt to the atmosphere of the competition. We can't ask for too much." The cat emperor has already started to take precautions. You can't expect a new player to carry the game right after he arrives, right?

That's unrealistic. It's good enough to be able to keep stable.

Even if Yu Le had a brilliant performance before, it doesn't mean anything. After all, this is the LPL stage. Who can play here is not a genius?

"Okay, the game has started, let's take a look at the BP of both sides." Maitreya also focused on the commentary of the game at this time.

"Both sides banned the current popular heroes, but GNR directly took out Ornn in the top lane, which is also okay, after all, GNR is a team playing a four-protect-one system."

"KG took down the jungler and the support first, the bear and the Titan. Hey, if that's the case, the top laner should not take the front row again."

"Neither side continued to choose AD, but determined the mid laner for each other. KG's side is Ekko and GNR's side is Syndra. There is nothing wrong with it, but it seems that KG seems to have given the last position to the top lane."

"From this point of view, it seems that KG really trusts this newcomer and directly puts him in the core position of tactics."

"GNR has obviously done some research. They banned Skateboard Shoes and Kennen directly. This is targeting the hero pool that Yu Le has used."

"Let's see what choice KG makes. Shen!!? Locked, Shen! They are really confident. They directly use Shen to fight Ornn. But is it too confident? You should know that GNR's top laner Ren Di has a record in this season, that is, he has never been killed by anyone in the lane."


The lineups of both sides were finally determined.

KG's top laner Shen is the jungler Volibear, the mid laner Ekko is the bottom laner Ashe + Titan,

GNR's top laner Ornn is the jungler Mantis, the mid laner Syndra is the bottom laner Caitlyn + Thresh,

An Yurou closed the small book Ben reminded the five people behind him: "Wei Feng, remember what I said, the canyon must be given to the upper half, don't go to the top lane at other times, continue to help the bottom lane suppress their bottom lane, understand?"

After that, An Yurou took off her headphones and exchanged them with the referee,

"There's nothing wrong with An Yurou, but it's a pity that she's too nagging sometimes." Wei Feng muttered, "She's obviously in her early twenties, but she's more nagging than my mother."

"If she hears it later, your salary will be deducted again this month."

"Why are you panicking, Yu Le, I'm telling you, don't be nervous."

Yu Le smiled and said, "From now on, let all the top laners in the league feel the fear of being dominated."


"A Le, promise me, if you're pretending to be cool, please say hello."

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