Chapter 55 - What is bandit jungle?

Question marks are question marks, the first level group is still stable.

Both Yu Le and Chen Xiuer chose to attack the lower half of the area, and they both eliminated the buffs themselves.

"When I finish getting the red, I will destroy your jungle area!" Chen Xiuer was holding her breath in her heart. She had already planned her jungle route. She would clear the lower half of the area first and then go to the red area. Take it, so that when fighting for river crabs, your red buff will last longer than Olaf.

Jungling competition is all about the details.

However, just when Chen Xiuer was swiping the second group of three wild monster wolves, and was about to swipe away the three wolves, an ax was thrown directly from the blind spot of the field of vision and took away the last HP.

Chen Xiuer:?

Olaf! ! ! ?

At that moment, Chen Xiuer realized that the opponent was coming to rebel!

And the worst part is that he actually got caught.

It has nothing to do with skill, it's just a matter of hero restraint. She really can't afford to offend Olaf, who has the second level red buff.

"Damn it, whose Olaf is the second level counter-jumper."

Chen Xiuer's head hurt a little, but she also knew that when it was time to avoid the edge, she still had to retreat. Why couldn't she run away if she couldn't offend her?

"Did I say you could leave?"

Yu Le was also unambiguous. The Q skill just now not only snatched Chen Xiuer's wild monster, but also hit him. It had successfully slowed down to him, and he chased after him without saying a word.

Olaf's combat ability in the early stage is very strong, because the mechanism of his Q skill is to throw an ax to cause damage. If you pick it up, the skill CD will be reduced and it will also have a slowing effect. In addition, Olaf's passivity makes him He is a hero who has less HP and stronger combat ability, so many heroes cannot compete with Olaf in the early stage.

The skill of picking up the ax was almost finished cooling down again, and another ax hit Chen Xiuer's blind monk.

Chen Xiuer:

Is this poisonous?

The second most important thing is the damage, but the slowdown effect is a bit disgusting.

There was nothing I could do. My W skill was on cooldown and I couldn't touch it through the wall, so I had to hand over my flash.

But what she didn't expect was that after Yu Le picked up the ax, he seemed to know that she would flash and threw the ax directly towards the wall. This made Chen Xiuer seem to flash to catch the axe.

Next, Yu Le did not hesitate and jumped over the wall, chasing the blind monk and slashing at him.

‘First Blood! ’

Chen Xiuer:

Wei Feng:.

Even Brother Zaozi couldn't help but ask a question, probably meaning how could you kill Chen Xiuer alone?

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, I'm so angry!"

Chen Xiuer was so angry that she punched the table, and then screamed with pain in her hands. This Olaf didn't even want to kill him, but he actually stepped on his own body and danced and laughed. It was simply abominable!

"Brother, you"

Wei Feng was a little unbelievable. Chen Xiuer was arranged now?

"Look hard and study hard."

Yu Le said calmly: "With my semi-successful power, I can just be a wild king."

"As expected of you, I didn't expect you to be able to pretend like this."

After getting the first blood, Yu Le did not stay in the jungle area but went directly back to the city to update his equipment. After coming out, he went straight to his blue buff. After level three, he started to enter the opposite jungle area again.

Chen Xiuer, who was beating the stone man, found another ax thrown across the wall and snatched away the big stone man.


Chen Xiuer couldn't help it anymore, this "Wei Feng" was never finished! ! !

They got caught again, this is really annoying!

The key point is that he is still in his own jungle area. How can he come so unscrupulously to snatch his own wild monsters?

After two groups of wild monsters were robbed of her in a row, she fell far behind in experience. Yu Le was already at level three and close to level four, but she was still at level two.

In desperation, she could only ping her teammates to come over.

In fact, her teammates also noticed this and rushed over, trying to force Olaf out of the jungle. After all, the opposite jungler had been causing trouble in the jungle and the wingers had a hard time.

But this time Yu Le was just grabbing wild monsters and did not appear in front of Chen Xiuer. Instead, he circled around in the grass nearby and waited for her to come and fight F6.

The crocodile gave up his online experience and came over to take a look. He didn't see Olaf's movements and could only continue to return to the line. Chen Xiuer could only take the other little stone people away angrily, but what was a bit miserable was that he still Did not reach level three,

"Should we go?"

Chen Xiuer estimated Yu Le's position. She felt that Yu Le should be preparing to hunt river crabs at this time. He came into his wild area just to make herself sick.

"I'll see you later."

Chen Xiuer muttered, she had never tried this kind of thing after playing this game for so long, but she was not in a hurry as the game had just started.

Next she is going to fight an F6,

Then go and kill the river crabs in the lower lane, and then go to the lower lane to catch a wave.

But she didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the grass next to F6.

After finally knocking down F6's health, a ray of punishment appeared out of thin air and the big bird disappeared instantly.

Chen Xiuer:?

Where is my big bird?

Where is a big bird my size?

The next moment, another ax was thrown at the grass nearby, and Chen Xiuer's mentality collapsed on the spot.

why is it you again!

Why are you still here!

He rushed over and smashed her face with a set of skills, picked up the axe and used the Q skill, and Chen Xiuer's blind monk was half-blood instantly!

The mid laners on both sides realized that something was wrong and wanted to come to support, and it instantly became a 2V2 between the mid and jungle

But Yu Le's side was Syndra, and Chen Xiuer's side was only Akali,

Sindra also knew how to deal with things. Seeing that the blind monk W was on Akali and was about to escape from Olaf's pursuit range, she flashed the E skill and stunned the blind monk on the spot, so that Chen Xiuer could not escape,

Yu Le couldn't help showing a thumbs up expression when he saw this. This flash E skill was a bit essential,

As for Chen Xiuer.

Without flash and W skill, how could she escape?

Killed again near her own defense tower, Yu Le did not forget to step on her body while dancing and laughing, and with his thumbs up expression, Chen Xiuer felt a great humiliation.

As for Akali, she couldn't be killed but was forced to flash. Satisfied, Yu Le turned around to clear the river crabs in the upper half and then went to clear the river crabs in the lower half.

As a result, there was a gap between the junglers on both sides.

Level is not a big deal, it's mainly about rhythm. For a jungler, rhythm is the most important thing. Now, less than five minutes after the start of the game, Chen Xiuer's blind monk died twice. In layman's terms, this game has basically nothing to do with her.

Everyone keep going, each person comes with a reward of 100 book coins, I will continue to write, woo woo woo.

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