Chapter 56 - I, "Wei Feng", will be the jungle king today!

Yu Le's crazy invasion and oppression of Chen Xiuer's jungle not only disrupted her rhythm but also made his teammates comfortable.

Not to mention that this is a top-level ranking match, even in the ranking of the same segment, if there is no harassment from the jungler, I am afraid that everyone can play very comfortably.

Sometimes the jungler may be the one who is bad in the line.

If nothing else, just look at how comfortable Zaozige is playing. Without the invisible threat of the opponent's jungler, Zaozige's suppression ability is completely released. At level 3, he began to force the opponent's bottom lane to not be able to gain experience.

And Yu Le was not idle on the other side. His goal has always been clear.

That is to destroy Lee Sin directly in the jungle, not to mention catching people. Chen Xiuer is now in a jungle with three groups of wild monsters, and she may only be able to eat one group.

Yu Le didn't even brush his own jungle and directly treated Chen Xiuer's jungle as his own backyard. What Chen Xiuer felt most disgusted was that this Olaf was like a perspective, and he could catch her wherever she went.

The current level and equipment gap has widened. Once the two met in the jungle, she had only one word: run.

In the words of the players, she was being pig-raised this time.

This situation made Chen Xiuer a little uncomfortable.

How to play?

The opposite Olaf was already level 6, while she was only level 4.

How did he decide his jungle route? Why could he find her accurately in the jungle every time? Her teammates also tried their best to help her. They set up vision at some key jungle entrances to prevent invasion, but unfortunately, these visions were directly cleared by Yu Le within 30 seconds.

There was even a situation where Olaf was not seen in the vision, but he was able to bypass the blind spot of vision and invade.

When the game time reached 8 minutes, Chen Xiuer's record was already 0-5. It is conceivable that her game experience in this game was extremely poor.

The collapse of the jungler was accompanied by a disadvantage in the line, which was most obvious in the bottom lane. Zaozige suppressed the opponent by nearly 30 knives in half a minute, and ate three layers of plating without the intervention of the jungler. With Yu Le taking the Rift Herald and putting it in the bottom lane, the direction of the whole game became clear all of a sudden.

The first blood tower reward was obtained.

At this time, Zaozige wanted to return to the city to update his equipment, and then switch lanes to other lanes to push the outer tower. After all, the policewoman played a fast push system.

"Keep pushing."

At this time, Yu Le typed, Zaozi Ge was stunned for a moment and then he stopped and followed Yu Le to push forward.

This Rift Herald can continue to hit the second tower, maybe it can directly demolish the second tower?

However, he didn't know that Yu Le's goal was not only the second tower, he wanted to go directly to the high ground!

"Is this the LPL female jungler you mentioned?"

Yu Le glanced at Wei Feng and said, "Are you too bad or am I too strong?"

Wei Feng:.

Facing such a pretentious Yu Le, he couldn't refute it. After all, judging from the record, Yu Le really beat Chen Xiuer in the jungle.

"It shouldn't be. Is Chen Xiuer playing me?"

Wei Feng whispered softly. To be honest, Yu Le's aggressiveness in the jungle position is too strong. To put it nicely, it's your jungle area, I'm the boss. To put it bluntly, it's your jungle area and shit on your head.

Although this is just a rank match, it can be seen that Yu Le also has certain accomplishments in the jungle position.

It is currently known that Yu Le is good at top lane, AD, and jungle.

And he is not just good at it. He can compete with professional players.

This kind of game strength is outrageous.

"Are you a monster?" Wei Feng couldn't help but said: "I suggest dissecting it."


Yu Le didn't take it seriously and said: "Follow me to rush to the high ground."

Wei Feng:? ? ?

"No, brother, it's only ten minutes. It's okay for you to break other people's second tower, but you still want to go to the high ground?"

Wei Feng was stunned. Can junglers play so arrogantly?

"At this time in the game, I was also on someone else's high ground."

Yu Le's face was full of question marks. Is there anything wrong with going to the high ground in ten minutes?

Wei Feng:...

Good job!

The opponent chose to give up the first tower at this time, but what they didn't expect was that Yu Le and his team would actually push the second tower.

How can this be tolerated?

Then Chen Xiuer also started to ping the signal. They all thought that since the first tower was given, what was the point of wanting a second tower?

Although the jungler has a big advantage, he can't bully others like this.

A wave of 5V5 came into being again.

The teleports on both sides appeared near the second tower in the bottom lane. Seeing this situation, Zaozige immediately became serious. He had to operate well this time!

This time, the policewoman was not as frustrated as the last one. He felt that it was a bit unreasonable if he didn't prove himself well.

But obviously he overestimated his role and underestimated the role of his own jungler.

The moment the 5V5 team battle was triggered, Yu Le's Olaf had already turned on the mad dog mode, and even his own auxiliary wind girl threw the shield directly on him, because the wind girl's passive provided extra movement speed, so this Olaf looked like a god of war!

Before he could react, he directly killed the opposite AD Frost.


After activating the ultimate, Olaf is immune to all control for a certain period of time. He killed Ashe and then turned around to kill the auxiliary Karma.

"Double Kill!"

"Use the ultimate, use the ultimate to raise the health, I want to kill Chen Xiuer's blind monk."

"Calm down, calm down, he ran away."

Wei Feng's face was full of black lines. This arrogant jungle style is too fierce!

It would be great if his jungler could also accomplish this. However, Wei Feng could only envy it secretly in his heart. For professional players, it is actually difficult to change a person's game style. He is the kind of jungler who focuses on the team. He belongs to the style that can add icing on the cake but cannot hold up the sky alone.

Especially before the KG team, the five people all had this style.

To put it more bluntly, I can mix but I can't be the C.

This is not a derogatory meaning. In fact, most professional players have this type of style.

But Yu Le is different from them. Yu Le's style can be summarized in two words: attack.

No matter what position he plays, he plays the game with one idea, either I or you,

"Are you annoying this guy? He's already in this state, and he still wants to climb the high tower?"

Chen Xiu'er was so angry that she smashed the table and then covered her fist and cried in pain. Watching the Olaf on the screen who was desperate to climb the high tower to kill himself and then dance and laugh on his body, she wanted to go to the KG team base through the network cable and beat up Wei Feng. He deserved a beating.

Second update, keep going, buddy, there are already 300 friends on the fan list who have rewarded, you one, I one, as long as 500 friends help, the dog author can update five times a day, woo woo woo, this author is too easy to bully

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