What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 59 The opposing jungler is awesome, I raised him [5th update]

Chapter 59 - The opponent’s jungler must be very good, I raised him [Fifth update]

"I'll teach you what invasion means now!"

Chen Xiuer got angry when she saw Wei Feng's bully, and grabbed the top order? What's the use? I'm going to catch you!

You're the only one who knows how to ridicule, right?

You're the only one who knows how to show off, right?

You're the only one who knows how to rebel, right?

The start of both sides was a very normal start, and after finishing the first buff, Chen Xiuer did not directly choose to invade the jungle. After all, not everyone is a player with a golden finger like Yu Le.

However, after she got the second BUFF and then went to fight a group of wild monsters to reach the third level, Chen Xiuer started to take action.

"First Blood!"

And at this time, the news of the kill came from the top lane, and Yu Le's Riven got first blood!

Chen Xiuer:......

He is worthy of being called “the best top laner in the world” by netizens.

After taking a look at Riven's blood volume, it should be that both sides performed a wave of extreme operations when they reached level three. It was most likely that Yu Le had better control over the details, so he got the first blood.

Chen Xiuer shook her head and ignored Riwen, who had little health, and instead plunged into Wei Feng's jungle area.

Sure enough, she caught the bear fighting the three wolves.

"I'm so stupid."

Wei Feng couldn't help but feel a little headache when he saw this male gunman. This really happened.

However, Wei Feng was not too afraid. After all, his mid laner was also rushing over. He turned around and fought with the male spearman. From this distance, it seemed that his mid laner's arrival speed must be faster.

But he underestimated the tacit understanding of other people's midfielder coordination.

Chen Xiuer placed a ward in place, and then the teleported light appeared.

Other mid laners didn’t even bring it over, it was teleported directly!

Wei Feng was dumbfounded on the spot. What a joke.

At this point, he can only do a wave of operations, but the opponent's midfielder combination is male gun + card

When the teleportation landed, he directly gave himself a yellow card, leaving him no room to operate, and then sent out a head.

"Isn't this too cruel?"

Wei Feng knew at the beginning that there was a high probability that he would suffer disaster, but he did not expect that it would be so serious. This **** simply gave him no way to survive.

Sister Xiuer, sister Xiuer, Yu Le is the one who is showing off. If anything happens, go to him.

However, he didn't know that this was just the beginning.

After being resurrected, he ran towards the lower half of the area, but was caught again while playing F6.

Moreover, this time the cards on the opposite side of the road were also linked together, and the yellow card flashed directly to stop him. Wei Feng didn't have any temper at all.

Four minutes, two kills.

"It's too miserable for me," Wei Feng was about to cry without tears. Isn't Chen Xiu'er playing the role of herself?

In the last game, I played a blind monk and was beaten by Yu Le. Why did I have to attack him in this game? Shouldn't it be time to find Yu Le who is on the road?

"Sister Xiu'er, don't resist. If you resist again I will really cry. Can you go catch me and get on the road? Let me go."

Wei Feng couldn't help but type on the public screen to beg for mercy.


Chen Xiuer's response was still a roar, but she did not stop her actions against Wei Feng.

As long as Chen Xiuer's male gun enters the jungle once, Wei Feng will die tragically.

It can be said that just like what Yu Le did to Chen Xiuer in the last game, Chen Xiuer will do the same to him this time.

"Brother, don't give it away. I only killed the crocodile twice, why did you give it away four times?" Yu Le couldn't help but snicker on the road. This was so fun.

"You have the nerve to say, why doesn't Chen Xiuer arrest you?"

Wei Feng couldn't help complaining: "I'm already 0-4, and you still want to mess with my jungle. Is it interesting?"

Yu Le thought for a moment and said, "It's quite interesting to talk about it."

Wei Feng:.

However, Yu Le was not happy for too long. Although the explosion in the jungle had little to do with him, what was fatal was the linkage between the opponent's midfield and jungle.

The jungler brings the middle lane to do things together. If the jungler gets the kill, there must be assists in the middle lane. This time and again gives the card some advantages, and the card is a roaming hero, but he has advantages over others. The road began to suffer.

The wave with the ultimate move at card level six,

After all, the opponent's midfielder still didn't let him go. They directly linked up and cooperated with the crocodile to directly surpass him. However, before Yu Le died, he also made a move to replace the crocodile, otherwise he would have really lost blood.

"The damage from this male gun is a bit unbearable." Yu Le couldn't help complaining. If this was a normally developed male gun, maybe he could exchange it for two this time. It's a pity.

"The damage is high, I raised it."

Yu Le:.

How dare he say it after raising a father?

No, I have to get serious.

In this case, there is only one way to win the game, and that is to kill faster than your teammates can deliver.

"I'm starting to get serious. I want to open my eyes and play games."

Wei Feng:? ? ?

He looked at Yu Le with an expression as if he had seen a ghost, right? Sir, how can you just pretend like this?

And then Yu Le really started to prove that he was serious about playing. After completing the details of the laning, he began to show off his skills online. Although this crocodile played well, he seemed so weak when facing Yu Le. A little bit is not enough

Basically, the crocodile was killed by Yu Le once, and Wei Feng was also caught and killed once.

It feels like the jungler on one side and the top laner on the other side are competing to see who can give away more.

Chen Xiuer naturally noticed this. She did try to stop the unscrupulous Yu Le, but she also faced a problem she had thought about facing before.

But if she relied on herself, she could not catch this Riven no matter what, as if he could capture her position. She tried everything, whether it was going around or in the river triangle grass or even walking into the grass on the side of the top lane with vision.

There was still no way to find a chance to kill Yu Le.

As for tower crossing

As long as the brain is normal, no one will choose to tower crossing, because the equipment and level gap between the top laners on both sides have begun to gap. Even if her own equipment is not bad, after all, the male gun is just a younger brother in front of a hero with extremely high burst like Riven. At this time, Riven can kill her, but she can't kill Riven, even with the crocodile.

If Riven was determined to swap with me when crossing the tower, Chen Xiuer would lose a lot of blood.

Unless the mid laner cooperates with me, but the problem now is that once the mid and jungler all run to the top lane, then we have to lose the little dragon.

I finally beat Wei Feng's bear like an outsider. If I give him the opportunity to control resources, the outcome is uncertain.

A jungler like bear only needs to rush to the front in the team fight. The demand for equipment is not very large. Although I caught him to death in the early stage, if I let him mess around for a while, he will have more room to play in the team fight than me.

"Forget it, I can't care about this Riven, continue to crush Wei Feng!"

PS: There are still 150 people away from 500 rewards. Brothers, come to QQ Reading to arrange it. I want to update five times a day.

Good night, good night, good night.

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