What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 60 Wei Feng: Why was I the one being beaten?

Chapter 60 - Wei Feng: Why am I the one who got beaten?

It must be said that Chen Xiuer's reaction was quite correct, but.

When a player of Yu Le's level loses the jungler's target, he can only be described in four words: lawless.

The crocodile on the opposite side could not suppress Yu Le's Riven at all because of the hero proficiency problem and personal strength.

After losing the focus on the jungler, Yu Le began to happily cross the tower.

In the next few minutes, the battle information on both sides was basically that the crocodile was killed by Riven or the bear was caught and killed by the male gun card. When the game time was only eight minutes, Yu Le's data had reached 6-1 and Wei Feng's data had reached 0-7.

But the good news is that Wei Feng sneaked over and took the first dragon while Chen Xiuer's attention was still in the upper half, so the situation was at least not too bad.

"Host, stop giving up, your teammates are almost at their best."

Wei Feng was playing games while watching the live broadcast and reading the comments. He couldn't help but ask, "How can you talk like that? Is this giving up? Do you have any conscience? I'm being targeted."

"Indeed, you can't say you're giving up." Yu Le couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "Maybe I haven't passed the test of the KG team yet, and I need to continue weight training."

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing at the sarcasm between the two people, which was quite effective.

"To be honest, if I were Riven, I might have doubted whether I had destroyed the earth in my previous life to have teammates like you."

"Host, please be patient, it's 0-7."

"She's just a newcomer, how can you bully others like this?"

"Host, I'm your fan. Since I saw your Volibear, I decided to buy a Riven. Can you let Riven start the live broadcast?"

The comments in the live broadcast room began to emerge in an endless stream, and Wei Feng felt a bit amused.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, stop scolding me. Didn't you just say that you won't scold me in this life? Is your life worth only a few minutes?"

When Yu Le heard this, he was drinking water and almost spit it on the screen.

"And my teammates, you don't think he is really innocent, do you?" Wei Feng looked at Yu Le faintly and said, "I thought I could handle it all, but I found that I was naive."

This Chen Xiu'er is outrageous

It was Yu Le who beat him in the last game, why did he keep staring at the innocent self?

Shouldn't it be revenge?

"I also helped you share a lot of pressure, otherwise your current record would be 0-8." Yu Le thought about it, and the male gun money led the tower crossing that time squatted in the top lane four times.

"It doesn't matter, I made a mistake this time." Wei Feng said shamelessly: "Every time I get killed, it means that I am paying the price for someone's pretense."

Yu Le:.

Good guy!

This weird angle is indeed tricky,

"Haven't you ever thought that the opponent is targeting you?"

Wei Feng was stunned for a moment and said: "Impossible! In Chen Xiuer's eyes, you are Wei Feng!"

"Why don't you ask?" Yu Le said with a smile,

At that moment, Wei Feng also typed and interacted directly on the public screen,

"Sister Xiuer, why are you targeting me? Wei Feng plays in the top lane!"

After a few seconds, Chen Xiuer responded: "I am targeting you, a piece of shit, Wei Feng."

Wei Feng: ? ? ?

No, why is that.

"Look, they are hitting you, it has nothing to do with me." Yu Le shrugged his shoulders and looked at the Rift Herald, which had been refreshed, and added: "Please, do something, I want a Rift Herald."

"I'm 0-7, what can I use to compete with them for the Rift?"

"It doesn't matter, you're 0-7 but you still have a 6-1 top laner."

Wei Feng thought about it carefully, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with the comparison. Although he is 0-7 now, the opponent's top laner is also 0-6!

In this wave of Rift Herald, the bottom lane combinations on both sides have no interest in coming up, because the gap between the junglers is too big. One side thinks that they can't beat them even if they go, and the other side thinks that they can beat them even if they don't go, so it's better to develop safely in the bottom lane, and let the top, mid and jungle handle the fighting and killing.

This wave is a 3v3 battle between the top, mid and jungle of both sides. It is hard to say whether it will win or lose.

Chen Xiuer's mid and jungle have good combat effectiveness, but the crocodile in the top lane is probably useless.

Yu Le's top and mid have combat effectiveness, but the jungle is useless.

And relatively speaking, his own mid laner Sylas has one more ultimate than Card. It is based on these judgments that Yu Le decided not to miss this wave of team battles.

It is naturally best to take the Rift Herald, but his real purpose is to expand his advantage through team battles.

It is true that Riven is at a disadvantage in laning, but at the same time, his upper limit of operation in team battles is very high, but the tolerance rate is very low, and it is a bit difficult for ordinary players, even professional players, to control it.

Now Yu Le's Riven has passed the laning period and even gained a huge advantage, so there is a lot of room for operation in team battles.

"How dare you fight with us like this?"

The short-haired girl sitting next to Chen Xiuer couldn't help showing a surprised look,

"It must be that bastard Wei Feng who forced him to come to the team battle..."

Chen Xiuer frowned. She originally wanted to take the Rift Herald herself,

But the opponent didn't seem to be willing to give in, especially this Riven, who relied on the big advantage in the laning phase and had already begun to wander around the river, as if looking for an opportunity.

As expected, the team tyrant Wei Feng.

Because according to common sense, Riven is now the opponent's biggest advantage. What needs to be done is to continue snowballing in the laning phase instead of blindly grouping in the mid-term. You have to know that they are Card + Graves, and this set of burst damage + control is no joke.

So the only explanation is that the team tyrant Wei Feng forced Yu Le's Riven to join the group, probably wanting to prove that the jungler was not beaten by him through this wave of Rift Herald?

It's really funny.

"Kill Wei Feng first later." Chen Xiuer communicated with her mid laner. Wei Feng wanted to prove himself by successfully controlling the map resources, but she just didn't get what she wanted.

"Not so good, this Riven is a little hard to handle."

"It doesn't matter, we can lose the teamfight, but Wei Feng must die."

I'm afraid even Wei Feng himself didn't expect that at this moment he has become someone who must die in the eyes of others.

"Go, brother, you're 0-7, what are you afraid of, just go up and use your ultimate skill." Yu Le encouraged from the side, mainly because Wei Feng's Volibear can't be operated if he doesn't go to start the teamfight, and you can't let him take the damage alone with Riven.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, go ahead, brothers

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