Ji Yunzhou certainly did not ignore this feature. As an ordinary player who is very addicted to the "Martial Arts World" game, he was originally prepared to spend money to purchase the number of deaths to increase the daily play time of the game. He only hoped that his role in the game would become more powerful. .

If he hadn't read the discussion thread about the new feature, he might have only purchased the lowest-level servant at 28 yuan. Anyway, that would be the cost of activating the new feature, or the cost of buying this 3A-level masterpiece. .

Which 3A-level masterpiece on the market now only costs 28 yuan? At least adding a zero at the end is enough...

Ji Yunzhou is worried that "Future Technology Studio" will go bankrupt because of the development of "Martial Arts World". Then which game company can produce other types of 100% realistic virtual reality games in the future?

Therefore, Ji Yunzhou is very happy to make money. Ever since he started working to make money, he has never been stingy about spending money on games. This may be the reason why he is still single.

Compared to spending money on games, it would be extremely difficult for him to spend money on women, mainly because he had been cheated a lot during the blind date.

There are many blind dates who just rely on their status as women to eat and drink for free and receive free gifts, but in the end they reject him for various reasons. At the beginning, they said that they were slow to get married, and in the end they said that they were still young and always felt that they would get married. It's too early, or he is not her ideal type after all. She still wants a true love...

Ji Yunzhou didn't know how many weird people he met during these years of blind dates. He has completely seen through it. Spending money on a blind date girl is a waste. In the end, she doesn't belong to you anyway. You might as well buy games on Steam. These games are yours. Yes, there is no need to worry about them abandoning you, you will only get tired of playing with them one day.

Ji Yunzhou finally entered the interface to purchase a servant at this time. The first step was to choose the gender of the servant. He chose female without even thinking about it.

After all, servants cannot be brought into the game world to fight, so for male players, they will naturally choose maids.

Of course, it is not ruled out that in order to enter the game quickly, some male players will buy a default servant for 28 yuan without thinking. The default gender of the servant is male.

After choosing women, Ji Yunzhou finally saw different levels of maid options.

The highest level is, of course, the private customization of 5 million yuan, and the lower level is the hundreds of thousands of yuan for the rich player [Yinji] to buy a maid with high intelligence, top-notch looks, and a freely selectable personality.

The next level is a maid with mid-level intelligence, good looks, and a pre-set personality that costs tens of thousands of dollars, and then there are maids with mid-level intelligence, mid-to-upper-level looks, and pre-set personalities that cost several thousand dollars, and there are several more. A hundred-yuan good-looking person but a rigid NPC like a 28-yuan high-end goods servant.

Some maids who buy hundreds of dollars are purely for eye candy, just like buying a skin in LOL or using pesticides.

Ji Yunzhou simply ignored the high-end products and the maids priced at a few hundred yuan. He felt that such low-end products had no soul at all.

He was torn between the two grades of tens of thousands of yuan and several thousand yuan. In fact, there is not much difference in the intelligence of the maids in these two grades, but there is indeed a visible difference in appearance.

The appearance and temperament of a maid at the level of tens of thousands of yuan can at least make her a star in reality, while the girl at the level of several thousand yuan is the kind of girl who is the class star, and she is definitely better-looking than the ordinary-looking girl. But it's not top-notch.

However, if such girls appear in real life, they will often chase a lot of men because they have no sense of distance. On the contrary, a girl who is too beautiful will make a man unable to have the courage to pursue her.

After all, Ji Yunzhou was limited by his own financial ability. In fact, if he was allowed to recharge money in a steady stream, he would not feel bad about spending tens of thousands of dollars on a game, but he still felt that he had to spend so much money at once. Too luxurious.

Therefore, Ji Yunzhou finally chose a maid with a price of several thousand yuan. Her appearance can be selected, but her personality has been matched and cannot be set by herself. For example, a maid with two ponytails is basically Arrogant character.

Ji Yunzhou actually really wanted to find a woman with decent looks and a virtuous personality to spend his whole life in reality. However, such women are really rare now, so he decided to realize his idea in the game.

He finally bought a wife-type maid who looked about the same age as him. She had a virtuous personality and a beautiful appearance. The most important thing was that Yue Xiong was really big, far larger than the real girl. He was very satisfied.

After confirming the purchase of the maid, the system reminded him to name the girl. Of course, he could also set the relationship between the maid and him. Without hesitation, he set a "husband and wife relationship" and asked the wife-type maid to call her He is "husband".

After doing all this, the girl he named "Liu Yujia" appeared next to him, and then she shouted to him affectionately: "Husband..."

At this moment, Ji Yunzhou felt as if his life had reached its peak. He showed a silly smile and said to his maid: "Honey, I want to hear you call me 'husband' again."

"Liu Yujia" did not show any shyness or hesitation. If she were a highly intelligent maid, she would appear more anthropomorphic. However, the moderately intelligent "Liu Yujia" shouted to Ji Yunzhou exactly as before: "Husband... …”

Ji Yunzhou didn't notice at all that she was simply repeating his previous behavior. Instead, he felt that her obedience was so in line with his ideal image of a wife!

Well, if his idea is made public, he will probably be sprayed to death by female fists, asking him why women must obey men like this. Are you looking for a wife or a nanny?

Ji Yunzhou then started chatting casually with his maid, and unexpectedly found that he could chat with her very congenially, and there was no silence at all. The key was that the other party's answers were always in line with his wishes, as if she knew what he wanted to hear. What kind of answer is the same.

Although Ji Yunzhou vaguely felt that something was wrong, he still didn't take it to heart. He just felt that he had finally found true love whose appearance, body and even soul matched his aesthetics!

Compared with "Liu Yujia" in the game, women in real life are simply scum!

When he was about to enter "Martial Arts World" and start today's martial arts journey, Liu Yujia would also say to him "Be careful along the way", which gave him special motivation to play the game today!

He suddenly felt that this place, which was similar to the "Lord God Space" before entering the game, still lacked one thing, and that was a house!

Otherwise, he couldn't bear to let his wife stay in this place with only a big ball of light and a mist of white, waiting for his return.

After he finished playing the game today, he planned to go to the [Player Suggestions] section of the official forum to give his opinions...

Second update completed! ! !

Thanks to [Mo Yexi] for the 500 reward~~~

Asking for favorites, recommendation votes, and rewards~~~

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