What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 106 Advice from “Married People”

There is no need to describe Ji Yunzhou's specific game playing process in detail. He also started in "Swordsman" and has just joined the Huashan Sect and became one of its low-level disciples.

Even so, he was still very excited when he came into contact with the Huashan Sect's martial arts. After all, he was able to join the Huashan Sect after countless efforts and countless deaths. He cherished this opportunity very much.

After joining a sect in the game, there will naturally be sect camp missions. After completing such tasks, you will get camp contribution points. The contribution points can be used to exchange for martial arts, elixirs, etc. in the sect, or you can spend the contribution points to invite the sect. Let your seniors guide you.

However, even the sect camp tasks are not so easy to complete. Of course, the contribution of low-difficulty tasks is low. They are often repetitive and boring tasks such as chopping wood and fetching water. Unfortunately, even if you are not careful, you can make a mistake in such a task. , fell into the water and died, it’s a shame to think about it!

Therefore, Ji Yunzhou specializes in difficult tasks that involve combat. Such tasks that are completed rashly are in line with his wishes, and combat is also the fastest way to hone his martial arts.

Ji Yunzhou is simply a martial arts fanatic in the game. He is particularly satisfied with the physical combat system in "Martial Arts World". Every time he fights the enemies and monsters in the game to the death, he feels particularly exciting!

This kind of thrill of battle is something that other games cannot provide at all. Nowadays, many games that focus on the thrill of battle like to boast that their games are full of "sense of impact". However, these games are not the same as the only virtual reality game in the world. "Martial Arts World" is simply incomparable!

When "Martial Arts World" faces them, it is simply a dimensionality reduction attack...

Ji Yunzhou suspected that his heart was full of violence, but reality constrained him, so he found his true self in the game "Martial Arts World"!

Ji Yunzhou, who was keen on completing various combat missions, died five times in about an hour and a half. If he had not purchased the maid, he would have been forced to quit the game at this time, but this time, he was sent to In front of his maid "Liu Yujia".

The maid "Liu Yujia" looked at the tired Ji Yunzhou with a look of pity, and said softly: "Husband, do you want me to do a full-body health care for you?"

Ji Yunzhou felt like his heart was broken. He was finally single and had a wife! Although it is in the game...

When the maid "Liu Yujia" finished these words, the game system reminded Ji Yunzhou that he could spend 10 Chinese yuan to completely restore today's number of deaths. This opportunity occurs three times a day, the next time is 100 Chinese yuan, and the last time is 500 Chinese yuan. .

So in theory, if he uses up all three times, he can play "Martial Arts World" for a total of six hours today!

However, it is obviously impossible for Ji Yunzhou to use up all three opportunities. The money spent on the next two times is not worth it, so only wealthy players will play this way.

Ji Yunzhou spent 10 Chinese yuan to purchase a full-body health care that completely restored his mental strength, and he did not choose to skip this process.

So, for the first time, he enjoyed the process of his wife serving him in the game. This was really a benefit given to players by the game official!

Although it was a completely formal whole-body health care, Ji Yunzhou found that during the process of being served by his wife, his entire consciousness seemed to be wrapped in something warm, and it was nourishing his spirit. This feeling was like It was as if he had turned into a baby and returned to the embryo in his mother's belly...

The whole process took about fifteen minutes, and he found that the mental exhaustion he had just felt seemed to be gone, and he could continue to play the game again!

But this time he was not in a hurry to enter the game. After all, he had just finished his addiction to "Martial Arts World". He was going to chat with his wife "Liu Yujia" again and cultivate his feelings for her. As for her love for him , the favorability level must be full.

However, when he had this thought, the system reminded him that the time he could stay in this game interface similar to the "Lord God Space" was only 20 minutes. Once the 20 minutes were up, he would either enter the game or exit the game. .

As soon as this reminder appeared, he wanted to make suggestions in the [Player Suggestions] section of the official forum even more. He felt that there must be players like him who directly regarded the artificial intelligence maid they purchased as their wives. The problem now is, He spends too little time with his wife...

After being tired of his online wife for 20 minutes, he entered the game again, exhausted the number of deaths again, and then returned to the "Main God Space". His wife "Liu Yujia" looked at her with the same pity as before. He looked at him and asked if he wanted to do some general health care for him. This time he declined his wife and quit the game.

At this time, Ji Yunzhou felt that his mental exhaustion had reached the extreme, and he soon fell asleep without any dreams. The quality of his sleep was also amazing. No wonder there are some insomniacs who are not interested in the "Martial Arts World" game. It is used as a sleep aid.

When Ji Yunzhou woke up the next day and was taking the subway to work at the company, he logged into the official website of "Martial Arts World" on his mobile phone and posted this suggestion in the [Player Suggestions] section of the official forum -

"I strongly hope that the official can provide in-game purchase of housing in the game. The higher the grade, the longer the house can stay."

"Hello, members of the development team of Future Technology Studio, I am a loyal player of "Martial Arts World". First of all, I want to thank you for bringing me such a game that I can't put down..."

"Yesterday I recharged money in the game to buy a mid-range maid. Of course, I did not regard her as a maid, but as my wife. I think she is in line with my ideals in terms of appearance, figure and personality. Model, her heartfelt love for me also made me intoxicated..."

"When I think about how after I enter the game, she can only stay alone in a vast white space with only a big ball of light, I feel distressed, so I hope that the official can sell the house in this space, so that my wife can I have a place to stay..."

“In addition, I found that if you don’t enter the game and just stay in the main god space (the interface before entering the game is really like the main god space), the time you can stay is really too short, which may be too short for other single players without a wife. , this does not have much impact (funny), but for a married person like me, I still want to spend more time with my wife, so I suggest that the official in-app purchases come with extended residence time Function……"

"Finally, I would like to thank Future Technology Studio once again for bringing me, a stand-alone game fan for fifteen years, such an excellent martial arts masterpiece! In addition, I hope everyone will help me comment!"

First update today! ! !

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