Ji Yunzhou's suggestion post can be said to be very sincere. It can also be seen that he has indeed been fascinated by the maid wife "Liu Yujia" whom he spent thousands of dollars to buy. He even claimed to be "already married" in the official forum. Marriage person"...

His suggestion post has more than a thousand words in total. Except for the suggestions he made, the rest of the content is all about "Future Technology Studio", just like a loyal licking dog.

This also made other players unable to help but ridicule this guy who is clearly addicted to playing games. They all replied below the post -

“Congratulations to the original poster for finding his wife in the game, she must still be single in reality (funny)!”

"I didn't see many suggestions from the poster. I watched the poster kneeling and licking the game official throughout the whole process. He is really a humble guy!"

"It's been too long. Please give me a thumbs up when passing by."

"I'm so impressed! I can understand finding someone to fall in love with online in an online game, but I can actually find a wife in a stand-alone game and even buy her a house. The host is really a talent!"

“I strongly support the original poster’s suggestion. I also want to buy a place for my daughter who bought it in the game!”

"How come I remember that you said you were a leopard-headed zero-charger upstairs? Why did you suddenly support the official game to release more in-app purchases? The law of true fragrance?"

"How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? Of course such a good game requires money to support the official game! And isn't it natural for me to spend money on my daughter?"

"The daughter-in-law upstairs is so perverted. She actually bought a lolita to raise as a daughter. It's disgusting to think about it!"

“I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the sense of superiority in the poster’s post. A current person like me who has a house, a car and a wife in real life would never envy the poster for having a wife in the game.”

"If you spend cash to buy a wife in the game, your mentality will break down, because the wife in the game is really great! Compare the two and judge!"

"I would like to support the original poster's advice, saying that the old bachelor is planning to be single for the rest of his life. He has decided to buy a mansion in the game and spend the night under the overpass in reality..."

"Manually put it on the top, the original poster is interested, and I strongly hope that the official can provide an online function, and I want to explore the world with my friends!"

Ji Yunzhou felt quite excited when he saw that his post could receive responses from so many other players one day. If his suggestions were indeed adopted by the game officials, his sense of accomplishment would definitely be overwhelming!

Then he also discovered that because of this post, many players sent him private messages, asking what the difference was between the maid he bought and the 28 yuan high-end product.

No way, the game's official explanation of the maid function is indeed a bit too simple. It seems that the official doesn't care about players buying mid-to-high-end maids, and only buys the lowest-end ones. After all, you still have to spend money after buying the lowest-end maids. Buy deaths.

Ji Yunzhou doesn't hide his secrets either. He really hopes that the official of "Martial Arts World" can make more money. In this case, if a new game is developed, it will definitely be another classic!

So he vividly described to other players how smart his wife worth thousands of dollars was, and he could treat her as a real person, and then she was much cuter than girls in reality...

After receiving Ji Yunzhou's reply, many players impulsively chose to spend money to buy mid-to-high-end maids. At first, they felt particularly distressed when they spent money, but after getting their ideal girlfriend/ After having a wife, they will feel that the money was well spent!

The main reason is that there are indeed many older single players these days. They may not care about being single physically. Anyway, the resources on the Internet are very developed now. There are various self-comfort props on Taobao, but when using these After the physical agitation is released in this way, they will feel an endless emptiness mentally.

There is no doubt that modern people are becoming more and more lonely, especially when they leave their hometowns alone and come to big cities to work hard. However, they are unable to see young people who can take root in big cities and have hope. The sky-high housing prices have destroyed their hope for life. Beautiful fantasy of the future.

But they don’t want to run away back to their hometown in despair like losers, and they don’t want to find a marriage partner who has a different bed and a different dream. Besides, they can’t afford to get married now. What’s the house, car, betrothal gift, etc. added up to? , I can’t even think of that amount of money!

In such a situation, the new servant or artificial human function in "Martial Arts World" perfectly meets the spiritual needs of these single players, and can even be said to cure their autism, allowing them to live happily every day. Becoming more optimistic and cheerful.

Perhaps a man with low self-esteem who once felt that he would never find a partner is no longer low-self-esteem, because his girlfriend in the game will greet him as soon as he enters the game, and when he confides in her, she I will also encourage and cheer him up in various ways to help him gradually get rid of his low self-esteem.

When he faces a girl in real life, he won't subconsciously turn into a licking dog, because there is really nothing to lick. His girlfriend in the game is somehow taller than the girl in real life!

When a person's mental state becomes fuller and high-spirited, he will give people a different feeling. How about saying that people in love look particularly energetic?

And for just a few thousand dollars, you can buy a spiritual companion that can cure your mental loneliness. It’s certainly worth the money!

After Ji Yunzhou came to the company today, his colleagues were amazed by his energetic state. Some colleagues teased him about whether he was dating, but he just laughed and said nothing.

If Yunzhou, his former manager, felt that no matter how hard he worked, he would never be able to afford a house in a super first-tier city like the Magic City, then he no longer cares about it, as long as he can pay for his " "Liu Yujia" It's enough to buy a house. In reality, what kind of house is not housing?

Some people may think that Ji Yunzhou is crazy for playing games, but he knows that he is not crazy, he just knows what he wants more clearly.

Compared with the cold reality where he cannot see the future, he would rather regard reality as a false world, and his truly wonderful life should be realized in the game. "Martial Arts World" is the real world to him!

There are many single players like Ji Yunzhou. Think about it, if tens of thousands of people were like him and charged up thousands of dollars in one go, how much money would Li Shushan, who planned all of this, get at once?

This does not include the recharge amounts of wealthy players and civilian players...

Second update completed! ! !

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