As a game producer who cares very much about players, Li Shushan of course read this post very seriously, and then felt very happy. After all, half of this post was about "Future Technology Studio", that is, he and Alice .

In any case, "World of Martial Arts" can be regarded as his first planned game, although the ultimate goal is to harvest players' mental power, increase their magic reserves, and also to accumulate experience for future online games.

But he still hopes that most players can like this game and at the same time let this game promote China's martial arts culture.

In the field of games, Li Shushan is undoubtedly a newbie. He only relies on the magical artificial intelligence Alice and the Magic Network to create such a game that allows players to enter the Magic Network through their consciousness.

Fortunately, Li Shushan is still very creative and asked Alice to collect information on almost all popular games on the market, including gameplay, level settings, skill settings, etc.

In this way, she can restore these things in the magic network. As long as Li Shushan passes his ideas about the game to Alice, she can add such functions to the game that meet Li Shushan's ideas.

Alice is also the most powerful artist in the world, because as long as Li Shushan conceives the character's shape in her mind, or calls it "modelling", she can create the character in the game and create it according to the original novel. Give it character.

Alice's ability can be regarded as inheriting the ability of her creator Olivia. The way Olivia creates familiars in reality is the way Alice creates characters in the game.

It's just that using magic to create a familiar in reality consumes much more magic power than in the game.

Since this post has made Li Shushan feel comfortable, of course Li Shushan will seriously consider this player's suggestion, and he originally thought this suggestion was good. "Selling a house" in the game is even easier than "selling a person".

Because the buildings in the game are all dead objects, the magic power consumed is probably one thousandth of that of creating characters.

Maybe everyone has fantasized about living in a big house or a mansion, but this kind of fantasy often cannot be realized due to financial constraints and can only remain in fantasy.

However, the existence of the magic network can turn this fantasy into a reality in another sense.

If the real world is the "material world", the Magic Network can be understood as the "spiritual world", a space where human consciousness can stay. As long as human consciousness lives in a mansion in the Magic Network, even if he sleeps rough in the real world On the street, that was when his consciousness left the magic network and returned to his original body.

The actions of human consciousness in the magic network are probably an upgraded version of "lucid dreaming".

The so-called "lucid dream" is to stay awake while dreaming, also known as lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is not the same as daydreaming. Lucid dreaming is when the dreamer remains conscious during sleep; daydreaming is when the dreamer meditates or fantasizes while awake without entering sleep.

It can be said that everyone can daydream, and who has never fantasized about it? It can even be said that every Internet writer who writes cool articles is a daydreaming master. They write down their daydreams and pull them up Readers daydream together and have fun together.

However, not everyone can have lucid dreams. In the state of lucid dreaming, dreamers can have the same thinking and memory abilities as when they are awake. Some people can even make their dreams feel as real as the real world. It's no different, but I know I'm in a dream.

And when you know that you are dreaming, it is of course very satisfying. You can directly control the dream, make it so that beautiful women appear, and let you fly when you can. This will make people feel like they are out of body, as if their consciousness has already Completely separated from his body and entered a magical world.

Therefore, sometimes "nightmares" will occur, which is the situation where a ghost is lying on the bed. It means that you clearly feel that you are awake, but you cannot control your body, as if your consciousness is trapped in a dream.

Why is the Magic Web said to be an upgraded version of lucid dreaming?

That's because the world of the Magic Network is far more stable than dreams. Dreams are too easily affected by personal consciousness, and it is almost impossible to create an identical dream after accidentally waking up. Of course, Some dreamers are able to pee after waking up and continue dreaming after returning to bed.

The world of Magic Network is completely unaffected by the player's personal consciousness. Its control is completely in the hands of Li Shushan and Olivia. Li Shushan can use Alice, just like a lucid dream, to use magic to create various realities in reality. Or something that doesn't exist, provided to the players.

In the future, as long as players who play "Martial Arts World", no, I should say players who play games under "Future Technology Studio", I am afraid they will buy a house in the "Master God Space" as the residence of their own consciousness, and it lives in It doesn't look much different from a real house.

Anyway, if Li Shushan releases another game in the future, the "game login interface" for players will still be the current "Lord God Space", so players don't have to worry about changing the game and the servants and houses they purchased will disappear.

Li Shushan forwarded this post to Alice and asked her to further improve the "Lord God Space", or the game login interface. Now the login interface is just a big ball of light and a vast expanse of white, plus entering "Martial Arts" The portal of "World" is indeed a bit too monotonous.

As for the price of houses that players can buy, Li Shushan did not hesitate to follow the real house prices. Of course, he removed the word "ten thousand". In reality, a house worth one million Chinese dollars? When you get to the "Lord God Space", it only costs 100 yuan!

As for a super mansion that costs more than a billion dollars in reality, it only costs hundreds of thousands in the game. This is really too cheap for the wealthy, and it is not as good as the price of a piece of equipment in some online games.

After Alice received Li Shushan's idea, of course she went to the Internet to collect information skillfully and collected almost all real-life building information. Even if players want to buy a world wonder to live in in the future, such as the ancient city of Petra, The Great Pyramid, Hanging Gardens, etc. are not impossible.

Li Shushan's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of a good way to give full play to the player's subjective initiative and harvest the player's mental power at the same time!

He feels that only selling finished buildings to players is too restrictive of players’ imagination. Why not sell building materials and tools?

When players create their own buildings, their thinking must consume mental energy, which is naturally harvested by Alice.

Well, Li Shushan must admit that this inspiration comes from a classic game called "Minecraft".

Second update completed! ! !

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