"Minecraft" is a game that can fully stimulate players' imagination. Players who liked playing with building blocks as a child will probably like this game that allows them to create their own world.

However, there are also many players who were dissuaded by its pixel art style. Even if this is said to be the game with the highest degree of freedom in history, and even pixel style mini-games can be developed in this game, it will not be able to attract these players who were repelled from the beginning. its players.

Li Shushan is a player who has only heard of "Minecraft" but has not played it for a long time because he really can't get into it. However, there is no doubt about the popularity of "Minecraft".

"Minecraft" has sold 176 million copies since its launch. It is amazing that a three-dimensional game full of pixels and blocks may become the best-selling game in the world.

The figure of 176 million means that the average sales volume of games per year is at least 17.6 million copies, which is also a figure that is difficult for most games to achieve.

There are two modes in the game "Minecraft" - "Survival" and "Creation".

As the name suggests, in the former, players have to build a house and collect things to ensure survival.

The creative mode is more free, you use cubes with various functions to freely construct buildings and objects.

Most of the largest worlds are created in "Creative" mode, where players can acquire all kinds of blocks that appear in the game in time and never end the game.

In the "survival" mode, even the sword used to repel zombies and spiders requires players to forge it with wood and iron ore, which is somewhat similar to the game "Don't Starve".

Li Shushan decided to add a "Creation" mode function similar to the "Creation" mode in "Minecraft" to the "Lord God Space", so that players can freely build their own worlds in the Magic Network as a place for their consciousness to live.

Players who don't want to build it themselves don't care. They can just use money to buy ready-made ones. You can even buy them from other players.

Li Shushan will continue to add the function of uploading the buildings he has built, and the players can set their own prices. If the sales are good, the initial cost of purchasing building materials and tools can be earned from other players who are too lazy to build their own "Master God Space" return!

Of course, every time the transaction is successful, the trading platform will charge a 5% handling fee.

Therefore, Li Shushan actually hopes to see some players with incredible imaginations build all kinds of magical buildings and then sell them at high prices, so that he, the middleman, will also gain a lot.

The more Li Shushan thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was quite good, and it could even greatly increase the players' sense of belonging to their "main god space".

Perhaps those who were not very interested in the game "Martial Arts World" will also be interested in this virtual reality game version of "Minecraft".

Li Shushan himself did not expect that an ordinary player's post about adding buildings to the "Lord God Space" would actually give him such an interesting new idea.

It can even be announced that the second game under the "Magic Network" platform is about to be born. It is "My Lord God Space"!

The way to play it is to give full play to your imagination and creativity to build your own "Master God Space". As long as the building you build is good enough, you can also upload it to the trading platform for sale - if you play this game well, It’s really possible to make money!

Li Shushan certainly encourages players to create their own buildings. First, in this process, their thinking and actions will consume mental energy, which will be harvested and converted into magic power.

Second, selling materials requires less magic power than selling finished buildings.

Therefore, if players rely on their own creativity to build a building that is the same as the official finished building, the price is estimated to be only one-fifth of the price, which also takes into account the possible waste of materials.

In addition, these buildings created by players themselves can also be uploaded and sold. Players with some business sense will choose to build their own buildings that are similar to the finished system products, and then sell them at a lower price than the finished system products.

In many online games, many players who specialize in life skills do this. The equipment and potions they create may be better than those officially sold.

In fact, what Li Shushan values ​​most is magic power. As for money in reality, with his extraordinary monopoly power, he can have as much money as he wants. However, he does not want to destroy the order of the entire society. Only in this way will everyone be interested in playing. Game, and he was willing to harvest his spiritual power.

In addition, Li Shushan also saw the pursuit of "fashion" by some wealthy players in the [Player Suggestions] section of the official forum. They not only want to wear fashion for themselves, but also for their maids.

Li Shushan doesn’t think there is anything wrong with such a suggestion. Selling “fashion items” in the game is probably equivalent to selling skins, and it will indeed not affect the fairness of the game. As for “skin suppression”, it is just for the players. Psychological factors are at play.

But to be honest, this "Martial Arts World" is just a stand-alone game. Rich players are still so obsessed with "fashion". It can only be said that most people don't understand the world of rich players.

Li Shushan decided to meet the suggestions put forward by these enthusiastic players when updating the game next time, and naturally launched "My Lord Space", a new game that references the gameplay of "Minecraft", to increase the subjective initiative of players.

In the future, as long as players agree with each other, they will be able to connect their respective main god spaces.

Li Shushan thinks that the problem of "fashion" or "skin" can also be solved with the new game "My Lord God Space".

"Minecraft" cannot design fashionable and beautiful clothes due to the limitation of the painting style, but "My Lord Space" is different. Players can purchase materials to make clothes and sell them to those in need through the trading platform. player.

Maybe this can also attract many fashion designers to enter the game, because in the game world, you can design clothes more boldly, and even "gravity-free short skirts" can be designed, which are a kind of skirt that sticks to the thighs no matter what. short skirt, unaffected by gravity.

All in all, whether "My God Space" is fun or not depends on the imagination of the players. Li Shushan hopes to see more players who use their imaginations and perform tricks to "lose money" on the game.

Li Shushan passed the idea of ​​​​making "My Lord God Space" to Alice, and then asked casually: "Alice, how much income do you have now after the recharge function of "Martial Arts World" is enabled?"

When Li Shushan heard the numbers reported by Alice, he was slightly shocked!

First update today! ! !

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