Although Li Shushan had expected that as long as "Martial Arts World", a truly unique virtual reality game in the world, had a recharge function, loyal players would be eager to earn money, but what he did not expect was the players' ability to earn money. So powerful!

This function has obviously been online for less than half a month, and when it was first launched, its krypton gold value was not too high. However, as more and more single players discovered its true usage, its krypton gold value It grew at an unimaginable speed!

Players no longer charge money to buy the number of deaths, but to buy a spiritual companion, and this can be done for only a few thousand yuan. No matter how you look at it, it is very worth buying!

What surprised Li Shushan the most was that there was already a super wealthy man who was not short of money and chose to spend 5 million to customize a maid!

And the gender of this super hero is actually female!

According to Alice's backend data, this super tycoon's name is Luo Yuexin. He is no more than fifteen years old and comes from a wealthy businessman family. His father seems to be a real estate tycoon in the province.

Since her mother died unexpectedly, Luo Yuexin has fallen into autistic state and fallen in love with the virtual world of games.

And her father obviously loved the daughter of his deceased wife very much, and seemed to want to use money to make up for her lost maternal love, so no matter what games Luo Yuexin wanted to play or how much money she wanted to charge, he would satisfy his daughter.

Luo Yuexin, who is addicted to games, came into contact with the game "Martial Arts World", which was inevitable.

Although the Chinese government has officially banned this game that cannot even be explained by black technology, it cannot stop players who "have the skills" to take the initiative to play it.

There's nothing stopping players from taking an interest in the world's only true virtual reality game.

With "Martial Arts World", Luo Yuexin seems to have found a way to relieve her inner sadness, that is to go to "Martial Arts World" to fight and kill. Whether she kills the enemy or is killed by the enemy, she feels Very enjoyable.

The most frightening thing is that when other players adjusted the pain settings to the lowest, she chose to maintain the pain of the real world.

In other words, if she is hacked by an enemy in the game, she will suffer the same pain as if she was hacked in reality!

The average player certainly can't bear such pain, and the game is so hard-core and difficult, it's just deliberately seeking abuse.

Therefore, the game system will remind the player what kind of pain sensation to adjust and what effect it will have.

Most players directly choose to adjust it to the lowest level. They think that if this is the case, they can fight against the enemy without any worries. This is the so-called "blood flow" play method, as described by the forum ID of [Above the Dome]. The style of play developed by Gao Wan is widely welcomed by new players.

Later, another expert pointed out that minimizing pain is not conducive to training one's gaming skills.

Pain is originally a protective mechanism. Only when you know it hurts, you will know how to avoid it and use it to train your body skills. Therefore, it is best to lower the pain sensation to 30% of the original level. After you have developed your body skills, you can slowly increase it. Pain sensation, further train your body skills, and then directly reduce the pain sensation to the lowest level when facing a truly powerful enemy.

As a result, the players split into two schools. One is a reckless fighting style, and the martial arts is also consciously learned from the fierce type. The skin is rough and the flesh is thick, which is particularly durable. As the saying goes, the thickest armor can be beaten. The most vicious beating can always kill enemies and monsters.

Another genre is the so-called dodge technique flow. As the saying goes, there is no attack that cannot be avoided by rolling around. If there is, then just roll around like a lazy donkey. Players of this genre, even if they are not high-level players, can Have a heart to pursue high fun!

What they pursue is not only completing tasks and killing enemies, but also pursuing the so-called "quick kill without injury".

If there is an evil skill with lower blood volume and higher attack in "Martial Arts World", they will definitely choose to practice it, and then deliberately turn themselves into a trace of blood. If they are touched by the enemy, they will die, but they will also attack if they attack. Cause the enemy to take huge damage.

Now on the official website of "Martial Arts World", some players who pursue "quick killing without injury" have uploaded their own game videos, and have won the admiration of many "brainless people".

After all, those people in the game who are not very powerful and are not even considered third-rate are all NPCs without intelligence. They can indeed achieve "quick kill without injury" by relying on the backplane.

When players really have to fight with the famous characters in the novel, they will find that backboards are useless. The best way is to integrate the martial arts they have learned and apply them flexibly.

Luo Yuexin did not lower her pain sensation. Of course, it was not because she was pursuing a "quick kill without injury". She was just self-abuse, using this method to numb her closed mind after her mother's death. .

When the new features of the "Martial Arts World" game were launched, Luo Yuexin didn't take it seriously at first, nor did she expect to use the new features of the game to create her own mother.

Until she was browsing the game forum and saw this reply - "Star-chasing biss! If I had five million, I would resurrect the old mother in my memory. Do you think I am raising a filial son?"

Luo Yuexin seemed to be opened to a new world by this reply!

Without any hesitation, she directly asked her father for five million, saying that she would resurrect her mother in the game.

Although Luo Yuexin's father, Luo Tiejun, doted on his daughter, it could even be said that he devoted all his late wife's love to her. Therefore, when his daughter asked for krypton gold to play games, he complied with it. Anyway, it was only a few thousand. No more than tens of thousands, it’s all small money!

But this time my daughter actually wanted to top up five million in a game and said she wanted to resurrect his wife. Is this a bit exaggerated?

As a normal father, Luo Tiejun's first reaction was whether his daughter had been cheated. He didn't understand the game at all. Which game would require players to top up five million at a time?

As a result, after Luo Yuexin told Luo Tiejun everything about the game "Martial Arts World", the father who loved his daughter deeply was completely shocked. He really didn't expect that there was such a magical game in the world!

When Luo Yuexin promised her father that she would record the conversation between herself and her mother to prove it to him, Luo Tiejun did not stop her daughter. If she could use money to untie her daughter's knot, it would cost five hundred What does ten thousand count for?

Thus, the first super hero in "Martial Arts World" to purchase a customized maid appeared!

Second update completed! ! !

Thank you [here is Meng Meng Da Zi Fei] for the 1000 reward~~~

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