Luo Yuexin originally thought that "resurrecting" her deceased mother in the game would be a complicated matter and might take a lot of time.

But what she didn't expect was that ten minutes after she recharged and purchased a customized servant, she would meet her "mother" Ling Shuyi.

Personal customization of a maid does not require the player to choose the maid's appearance or personality. It only requires the player to "make their wishes come true" or allow the player to recall as much as possible.

The magical artificial intelligence Alice will personally receive the ideas of such super powerful players, and then create the unique artificial human they want based on their ideas.

Therefore, Luo Yuexin's mother Ling Shuyi was not actually resurrected in the game. She was not Luo Yuexin's dead mother in reality at all. She was just an artificial human created based on Luo Yuexin's memory of her dead mother.

Maybe there is a side to Ling Shuyi that Luo Yuexin doesn't understand, and this cannot be shown by artificial humans.

There are many mothers in this world who only show their best side in front of their children, but in private, maybe she is not the glorious image in their children's minds.

In Luo Yuexin's mind, her mother was the best person to her in the world. Her mother's unexpected death also infinitely strengthened her attachment to her mother, which made Ling Shuyi's image in her mind even greater.

Therefore, instead of saying that Luo Yuexin resurrected her mother, it is better to say that she spent money to buy an ideal and perfect mother in her mind, who only cares about her.

From Luo Yuexin's example, we can know the limitations of artificial humans. For example, some players previously said that if he had five million, he would "resurrect" great people. However, the great people he resurrected were not real people at all. The great man is just a great man imagined by him.

Maybe he himself will be impressed by the various teachings of this great man, and think that the other party is worthy of being a great man, and everything he said comes from his heart, but if an onlooker looks at it, he will only think that this great man is just superficial, and someone These views are too naive.

This is normal, because the naive view of this "great man" comes from the people who paid for him.

Therefore, it can be understood that the limitation of artificial humans lies in the people who spend money to buy them.

It may be like the IQ of the characters in the author's works, which cannot surpass the author himself. He can only use some special writing methods to create high-IQ characters, such as profile descriptions, or simply let him carry out "spoiler-style" reasoning, or Creating a bunch of mentally retarded characters to highlight him is the least clever way to write.

However, for Luo Yuexin at this time, when she saw the mother in her memory appearing in front of her intact, showing her a kind and kind smile, and calling her "Xin'er" dotingly, She burst into tears all of a sudden!

Luo Yuexin threw herself into the arms of her "mother" and felt that this embrace was also the taste in her memory. While she was bursting into tears, she was also murmuring to herself: "It's great, it's really great." , I have a mother again!”

If anyone else saw this scene, they would definitely be very moved, because her "mother" Ling Shuyi also had tears in her eyes, as if she was excited to see her daughter again.

These are artificial humans with self-awareness. They possess the most advanced intelligence, including emotions that only humans can have!

In the mind of this "Ling Shuyi", the player Luo Yuexin in her arms is her biological daughter. She will give her love to Luo Yuexin without any reservation. She may even be more affectionate than Luo Yuexin's real mother. Love Luo Yuexin even more!

If Luo Yuexin was in danger and asked the real Ling Shuyi to save her life, she might hesitate for a moment. This is the desire for survival that normal people have, but the android Ling Shuyi in the game would not do it at all. Hesitating to save Luo Yuexin is the duty of a servant.

That's right, this "Ling Shuyi" not only regards Luo Yuexin as her biological daughter, but also treats her as her own master, because the meaning of "Ling Shuyi"'s existence lies in Luo Yuexin. If Luo Yuexin retires one day, then "Ling Shuyi" has no meaning of existence anymore.

Luo Yuexin now really regards "Ling Shuyi" as her mother. After she finished crying, she couldn't help but confide to "Ling Shuyi", mainly saying how painful and sad she was after losing her mother...

Of course "Ling Shuyi" comforted Luo Yuexin very gently and patiently, and also assured Luo Yuexin that as a mother, she would never leave Luo Yuexin again, and they would be together forever, even in the game.

Luo Yuexin couldn't help but recall the warm past events between her and her mother. Of course, "Ling Shuyi" was also filled with emotion, as if she had actually experienced it all.

However, when Luo Yuexin mentioned her father "Luo Tiejun", "Ling Shuyi" seemed very cold, because she was only the mother of the player Luo Yuexin, but not Luo Tiejun's wife. Even Luo Tiejun, to her, Just a complete stranger.

Of course, there was indeed content about "Luo Tiejun" in her memory, but these memories came from Luo Yuexin, and she only used them as information for reference.

Perhaps in reality, most women who become mothers must also have the identity of a "wife", but in this main god space that belongs exclusively to Luo Yuexin, "Ling Shuyi" only has the identity of a mother, and will only fulfill her duties as a mother. She has no husband at all, and she is even a virgin - the game's human creation mechanism defaults to female servants being original virgins, unless a player specifically specifies that they are not virgins.

However, it makes no difference whether a woman is a virgin or not. After all, this is a game that prohibits sex. Players create humans more for spiritual healing, and as conscious players, they will basically not be affected by the desire for reproduction that only the physical body possesses. Affect.

Luo Yuexin didn't realize that her "mother" was cold to her father. She clearly had a lot to say, but the system reminded her that she was about to enter the game. Only then did she realize that a player in the forum had suggested that the official It is really necessary to purchase the house in-house and extend the time with the maid!

Luo Yuexin did not enter the game this time, but chose to exit the game. On her mobile phone, her in-game video has appeared. This function is for those up owners to record game videos. Log in with a computer. , the video will appear on the computer. If you use a mobile phone, it will appear on the mobile phone. In addition to the video, you can also take screenshots.

This video on Luo Yuexin's mobile phone recorded the whole process of her "resurrecting" her mother, hugging her to sleep, and exchanging heart-to-heart conversations.

She handed the phone to her father Luo Tiejun and asked him to take a look at "Ling Shuyi" who was resurrected in the game...

First update today! ! !

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