Yu Shengfan couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. This Mo Yexi is really a live broadcast genius. In order to create a live broadcast effect, he just deliberately sent a wave.

Yu Shengfan could guess what he would do next. He must be serious about defeating these unintelligent ghost monsters one by one. Even the elite monster boss would definitely not be his opponent in a one-on-one fight.

The difficulty of the side missions is not as good as the main missions, not to mention that they are just appetizers.

After the resurrection, Mo Yexi was just as Yu Shengfan guessed. He said something like "You forced me" and "I'm going to get serious", and then he worked steadily, using props to seduce the monsters one by one, and he was done easily. got them.

"These monsters are really too weak and cannot reflect my master style at all." Mo Yexi said leisurely while looking at the barrage in the sky.

To be honest, when Mo Yexi came to this small country to do this side mission, it felt like he was playing another game, because the style of Zhao country was really weird.

"Although I did a side mission about this country last time, I killed a bad guy from Zhao State in the big map of "Swordsman". I didn't expect that this time I went deep into this country and discovered this small map. The style of painting is so different, I suspect that this is a small world generated by the "Martial Arts World" game based on a martial arts novel with dark supernatural elements." Mo Yesi speculated.

Some barrages asked about martial arts novels with dark supernatural elements. Of course, Mo Yesi couldn't answer. He just felt that the surrounding environment along the way was very depressing and the frequency of battles was particularly high.

However, other barrages gave examples, saying that the environment of this small world is very similar to the novel "The Ultimate Demon" by Gokai Master, with demons and monsters running rampant. However, fortunately, players can already count the entire small world when doing this side mission. The top player in the world is still a second-rate figure even in "Swordsman".

Therefore, ordinary people in Zhao country may not dare to travel far into the wilderness. It is really a dead end.

In addition to the rampant demons and monsters, the entire Zhao Kingdom is clearly in troubled times. There are also many robbers, bandits, and refugees. The refugees who starve to death often turn into ghosts. Although their combat effectiveness is not high, if they gather together and swarm the players, the players It's definitely better than that.

After all, Mo Yexi is still in the low-level martial arts world, and it is impossible for one person to defeat a thousand troops.

Following the mission NPC all the way to the Zhao Kingdom Palace, he literally killed all the way, died four times, and finally met the Zhao Kingdom Emperor Su Hu, the publisher of this side quest.

The first time Mo Yexi met the other person, he felt that this person was not a good person. And along the way, he also understood more clearly what kind of dire straits the people were in in the tyrant's country. These monsters and monsters The source of the rampage is probably this Su Hu.

However, Mo Yesi didn't fall out on the spot. He accepted the commission of this side mission after all. It was better to investigate the truth of the incident and then make plans.

During the investigation, Mo Yexi discovered that the ministers and dignitaries who were assassinated were also minions of the tyrant, with a wicked record. Their deaths were all applauded by the people...

Just when his heart was leaning toward the assassin, a well-known and decent sect named "Chunyang Sect" in the Zhao Kingdom's martial arts community jumped out and said that the assassin was not a person, but a gang.

This gang is described as a force brainwashed by a certain mastermind, careerist, and conspirator. Once a certain mastermind comes to power, he may be even more cruel than the current emperor. Anyway, he is the root cause of the current chaos in Zhao country!

The Chunyang Sect also believes that this gang is a cult, because the other party actually discloses various exercises so that everyone can practice them. If you want everyone to be like a dragon, is this okay?

When Mo Yesi heard this big sect denounced the assassination gang repeatedly, and also sent Yan Qingmeng, a righteous fairy from the Chunyang sect who had a similar personality to his master Feixuan, to assist him in completing Su Hu's mission, he felt it in his heart sneer.

Mo Yesi said to the audience: "It seems that Zhao Guoshui is really deep. I'm sure that this side mission is not that simple. A person like me who is very resourceful can see through the Chunyang faction at a glance. I used a honey trap, do you think I am the kind of person who is deceived by a honey trap? I am not the idiot Xu Ziling in The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty!"

However, although Mo Yesi said this, his actions were completely opposite to what he said. He made full use of the handsome cheeks that he had spent a long time to create, and played ambiguously with Yan Qingmeng, a righteous fairy, and explained to the audience That is, he wants to use a beauty trick on Yan Qingmeng...

The audience commented "really fragrant", mainly because this righteous fairy, who is almost the same person as Shi Feixuan, is indeed beautiful and charming. If they were Mo Yexi, they would definitely be able to flirt with her.

Although this game is very harmonious, it is still possible to capture the heart of the female character in the game by increasing your favorability, and she can also become your partner in the world.

In the big map of "Swordsman", Mo Yexi focused on "Saint Aunt" Ren Yingying, and now Ren Yingying's favorability has been boosted very high by him.

He was now repeating his old trick, trying to improve Yan Qingmeng's favorability, but found that although the righteous fairy was affectionate to him on the surface, in fact, his favorability was not rising, which made Mo Yexi couldn't help complaining to the audience: "In the end, Which martial arts novelist was the first to come up with this kind of character, the Righteous Fairy, who is simply a combination of the green tea bitch and the white lotus bitch..."

Complaints are complaints, but since Yan Qingmeng assisted him in completing the task, he was happy to increase the completion of the task based on the clues she gave.

While he was playing around, he suddenly discovered that the plot of this side mission seemed to be longer than ordinary side missions, and in the small map of Zhao country, it seemed that it was not that easy to die.

This resulted in Mo Yexi, who usually had to go offline at this time, to still be active in "Martial Arts World", which even increased the number of viewers in his live broadcast room.

Mo Yexi couldn't help but feel certain that since everyone seemed to like watching him complete this suspenseful side mission, he would broadcast it in one go. He didn't pretend to be crazy and act stupid for the sake of the live broadcast effect, but deliberately gave it away. Played very attentively.

What Mo Yesi didn't know was that the side mission he was playing was an easter egg inserted into the game by Li Shushan, the man behind the scenes, based on the novel inspiration in his mind. It was a story about an unknown girl.

In order for players to perfectly experience the plot of this story, Li Shushan showed his compassion for the players.

After Olivia and Yu Shengfan, the third heroine written by Li Shushan is about to appear.

First update today! ! !

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