That's right, in order to fully present the plot of this side mission to the players who are lucky enough to play it, Li Shushan has adjusted the player's death probability. This means that after players receive this side mission and set foot on the land of Zhao, , as long as you stay a little bit more cautious, you won't die so easily.

After all, in this side mission, the players are not the protagonists, they are just spectators. The side mission will guide them step by step to understand the whole story.

This is the inspiration for Li Shushan’s third heroine after Olivia and Yu Shengfan.

Of course the heroine is not the righteous fairy Yan Qingmeng whose name sounds very heroine-like, but a princess of the Zhao Kingdom. Her surname is Su and she has no name. Maybe we can call her "Su Wuming"?

Su Wuming is the daughter of the tyrant Su Hu, but her mother was a swordswoman who danced for Su Hu, but was tortured to death by Su Hu. Su Wuming watched her mother being tortured and killed by the tyrant, which left a lasting impression on her young mind. cast a huge shadow, and at the same time there were seeds of hatred.

Li Shushan's third heroine obviously has a much worse background than the previous Olivia and Yu Shengfan, but this kind of background is obviously the standard configuration of many protagonists. How can she be the protagonist without bearing a blood feud? What about rising with blessing?

Su Wuming is a swordsman. The nameless Princess Su of the Zhao Kingdom lives by her sword. No matter when she is scared, frightened, or numb, she chooses to pin it all on her Feihong Sword, which is a relic of her mother. .

Su Wuming was extremely talented in swordsmanship, but she herself didn't know what kind of swordsmanship she had mastered. Until one day, she finally relied on her swordsmanship and left the palace that left her with countless dark memories.

From then on, Su Wuming was no longer the Su family. She no longer wanted to be named Su. She had no name, no past, and no future. All she had was superb swordsmanship.

No matter what, the only thing that will not betray her is her sword.

Gradually, a legend began to spread in the Jianghu of Zhao State. There was a wandering swordsman with no name, but he had a beautiful swordsmanship that was unparalleled in the world. He was like dancing. His name was - Tianwai Feixian. The nameless girl also had a foreigner. No. - Heavenly Sword.

Looking at the tragic experience of the nameless girl, Li Shushan initially thought that this would be a dark villain heroine. However, as the story developed, he discovered that the nameless girl was not only not a villain heroine, but also a dark and desperate country. The only bright color in it.

It was clear that the girl had a tragic background and experienced an extremely dark childhood, but she did not turn evil.

She is the true knight in this dark and supernatural martial arts story! Just like the Sun Knight in the Souls series of games.

The girl is taciturn because she has no friends, only a sword.

A girl always does more than she says, even if her actions are like Jingwei filling up the sea or Foolish Old Man moving mountains...

The girl never knew that what she did was in line with chivalry, she just simply wanted to help the weak.

The girl doesn't want other people in the world to be as miserable and lonely as she is.

The girl doesn't know what love is, and she doesn't clamor to correct the path and save the common people. She just chooses to use her sword to do some things within her power, maybe they seem so insignificant...

Of course, there is another thing that the girl can't forget, and that is - patricide.

Whether it is for her mother who was tortured and killed, or for the common people of Zhao State, she will choose to kill her father.

The girl is not a reckless person, she is always accumulating strength silently. After all, the background setting of this story is not a world of high martial arts. A person's power is limited.

The girl helps others without asking for anything in return. She just hopes that one day, she can meet someone who doesn't ask for anything in return.

In that case, what if she dedicated her life to him?

The girl built a "nameless city", a paradise in troubled times.

And this city was built by the money that the girl accumulated in her nine-death life while accepting various commissions to slay demons. In the process of doing chivalry and righteousness, the orphans she saved would also be sent to the nameless city. …

However, no one knows who built this nameless city, because the girl always "gets done and goes away, hiding her merit and fame".

Li Shushan's fan novel "Martial Arts World: The Unknown Girl" about "Martial Arts World" has been serialized on Qidian Chinese website.

There is no suspense. As soon as this fan novel was uploaded, it was criticized by readers because of "E-Sports Pianist" Eunuch, saying that if they read the book "Boundless Sea of ​​Blood" again, they will eat shit!

As for the fan novel "The Unknown Girl in the Martial Arts World", there is no doubt that it was thrown into the street. The results were so poor that it made those readers who were angry at the dead eunuch Xuehai Wuya simply gloat.

However, this novel was so popular that it was obviously not because of his previous book eunuch, but because the background setting of this novel was really dark and depressing, and as the heroine of Su Wuming, who was "bitter and resentful", it was obviously They are not as lovable as Olivia and Yu Shengfan before.

In addition, Su Wuming obviously has the attributes of "Madonna". Today's readers don't like to see Madonna protagonists. They like Olivia, a protagonist who kills decisively and doesn't take human life seriously.

Yu Shengfan, a protagonist with an inexplicable contrast and cuteness, is also very popular. After all, she is a tsundere loli with two ponytails, but she is "elegant and easy-going" and "smells sweetly", which is very interesting.

The protagonist Su Wuming is actually a bit like the protagonist in Japanese light novels, such as Kamijou Touma in "A Certain Magical Index".

Kamijou Touma is a person who never forgets his original intention even if he loses his memory. He is a person who wants to make everyone happy and protect everyone's hearts. He is a person who never gives up in desperate situations. He is an ordinary good person in ordinary daily life. , is the light that can save everyone in a world of despair and darkness.

Therefore, many demon fans said that they may feel that other male protagonists in Japanese light novels are not worthy of having a harem. Kamijou Touma is the only one who makes them want him to have a harem, because he really risked his life.

Su Wuming also wanted to save the entire Zhao Kingdom and let all ordinary people learn martial arts, so that everyone would have the power to protect themselves. However, with this difficulty, even if she was given the halo of the protagonist by Li Shushan, she would not be able to succeed.

Without the aura of the protagonist, she might not have been able to successfully escape from the Zhao Palace, nor would she have been able to develop her peerless swordsmanship.

But even so, she failed to change the world and save the common people.

Therefore, what made Li Shushan find it incredible was that Su Wuming became the only tragic hero with the aura of the protagonist and his death.

Therefore, it is really normal for "The Unknown Girl in the World of Martial Arts" to be a hit on the street. In a novel where the main character is tortured throughout and the protagonist dies tragically, it would be strange if it is not hit on the street!

It seems that Su Wuming cannot come to reality from his writing...

Li Shushan thought with a sigh, he was quite distressed. After all, the appearance of Su Wuming in his inspiration showed that such a noble girl really existed in all the worlds.

The girl has saved so many people, who will save her?

Li Shushan can only make the plot about the girl into a game and write a novel, so that at least more people can remember her.

Second update completed! ! !

Thanks to [Mo Yexi] for the 100 reward~~~

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