What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 125 Not asking for anything in return

After Mo Yesi met this "blind girl swordsman" who claimed to have no name, he seemed to have completely forgotten about his side mission, and instead wanted to explore the secrets of this girl who was full of mystery.

Of course, this is also the opinion of the audience. Who makes the Chinese people "white-haired" per capita?

When Mo Yesi was talking to the unknown girl just now, he and the audience saw the girl's cheeks and hair color under the hood. She had short silver-gray hair, and she wore a black eyepatch on her cheeks, covering her eyes. .

Even without Mo Yexi saying anything, there were already comments from viewers saying "Martial arts version of Miss 2B" and "Putting on Miss 2B's clothes will make you a perfect cosplay".

Some viewers who don't know "Miss 2B" can just use Baidu to find out who she is, and there are also many cosplays about her.

And Mo Yesi thought that since this girl spent so much effort to save him, it must mean that he is valuable to this girl, and maybe he can improve himself by completing various tasks issued by the girl. The girl's favorability towards him.

To his surprise, the girl didn't seem to ask for anything in return for saving him, it was just a casual behavior when she passed by...

The girl didn't issue any tasks to him, and she didn't even say a few words.

But being with her makes me feel safe and warm.

Mo Yesi couldn't help but become more and more interested in this girl who didn't like to talk very much but was very mobile.

He chose to follow this girl. Of course, he encountered many dangers along the way, but the girl never flinched. The sword in her hand seemed to be made for chivalry and slaying demons!

The most important thing is that she never asks for any reward or thanks when she does these things, as if she is just practicing the "Tao" in her heart.

Mo Yesi soon couldn't bear it anymore. The number of deaths was rapidly increasing, and after the unknown girl discovered that he was "immortal", she no longer cared about his life or death.

If he was willing to follow her, she wouldn't drive him away, but how many people like her are there in the world?

"This martial arts version of 'Miss 2B' doesn't seem to have any side quests to explore. It seems impossible to take off her eyepatch, so I decided to go back and do it before I finished it. mission." Mo Yesi explained to the audience.

Mo Yesi was still a little unwilling. He always felt that there was a story behind that girl who was always taciturn but extremely powerful.

But he failed to open the other party's heart. Even his strength was far behind the other party.

With such an analysis, you will find that this girl who claims to have no name must have a strong background in the Zhao country!

As Mo Yexi continued to do side tasks, he finally found out that the force that assassinated the dignitaries of Zhao State turned out to be a force called "Unnamed City"!

The "Nameless City" has a very ambitious goal, which is to liberate the entire Zhao Kingdom and allow every human being to practice martial arts. In this way, if more and more human warriors become available, they can form an army of warriors and then clean up all the demons and ghosts in the entire Zhao Kingdom. clean!

There is no doubt that the "Unnamed City" wants to overthrow the rule of Emperor Su Hu of the Zhao Kingdom, because the owner of the Unnamed City believes that the world does not need an emperor. The existence of the emperor and those famous sects hinders human beings from becoming stronger. It is obvious that this country is already full. Suffering from demons, these carnivores still have to be superior to ordinary people. It is really disgusting!

"Wow, there is such a highly enlightened organization in this martial arts world. Why do I feel like I, who helped Emperor Zhao complete the commissioned task, have become an accomplice!" Mo Yexi said with some regret.

When doing side missions before, some choices would lead to different routes. Now Mo Yexi is completely on the side of Zhao Emperor Su Hu and Zhengdao Fairy Yan Qingmeng.

What comforted him was that Yan Qingmeng's favorability towards him had finally increased, and it was not in vain for him to work so hard to improve her favorability.

However, what he can't forget is the "blind girl swordsman" who saved him but asked for nothing in return. Unfortunately, he was on the other side and did not trigger any side missions.

"But it's hard to say. Many organizations like to come up with lofty goals for brainwashing, but they are actually tools for careerists. I think this unknown city lord and Emperor Su Hu of the Zhao Kingdom should be the same kind of people, so I help There is no big difference between anyone. This world definitely needs emperors or leaders. Only their existence can organize ordinary people and prevent them from becoming a mess."

Mo Yexi forced himself to clean up the situation to cover up his mistake in joining the team. In fact, after all, he still valued the players who rewarded the mission more than his own preferences.

If the force of Wuming City also issued a mission to him, and the mission rewards were very rich, he would not mind turning his back immediately and working for Wuming City.

Even if the two forces can accept the missions, he will accept them without hesitation and try his best to get all the rewards. Anyway, this is just a small map, and he completely regards it as a way to improve himself. Copy, of course, will choose to increase the copy income as much as possible.

The audience didn't think there was anything wrong with Mo Yesi's choice. The main reason was that Yan Qingmeng, a righteous fairy, had been blowing wind in Mo Yesi's ears, saying bad things about the power of Wuming City in various ways, and also concluded that The nameless city lord is an evil careerist. If such a careerist overthrows the rule of the Emperor of Zhao, it will definitely bring disaster to the entire Zhao State.

Of course, Mo Yesi couldn't believe all Yan Qingmeng's lies, but many viewers did, just because "appearance is justice." If Wuming City also sent a peerless beauty to Mo Yesi to turn a deaf ear, it would probably be There will be some viewers who prefer the nameless city.

Mo Yesi continued to play, only to realize that at some point, he had completely become a soy sauce character, and the protagonist had become two forces.

One side is the ruling class and the famous factions of Zhao State, and the other side is, of course, Wuming City.

Then Wuming City showed no resistance at all when faced with the encirclement and suppression by the ruling class and famous factions of Zhao State...

In other words, Mo Yesi, a player who is very close to the ruling class and famous factions of Zhao State, seems to have won.

"I always feel that this side mission is a bit inexplicable. I originally thought that the nameless city is so powerful and is the strongest rebel organization, but why do I feel that it is just a mess? The nameless city lord may need a book "Anthology of Great People" to teach him Teach him how to organize." Mo Yexi couldn't help but cheered, it was because of this Magic Network live broadcast platform that he dared to do this.

And when the identity of the Wuming City Lord was revealed, he finally realized why the Wuming City was so weak!

Second update completed! ! !

Thanks to [book friend 150912120117303] for the 100 tip~~~

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