What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 126 The Death of the Unknown Girl

It turned out that the unknown city lord turned out to be the "blind girl swordsman" who had saved him before. This fact was almost unacceptable to Mo Yesi, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

Mainly because in the process of Mo Yexi following the girl to fight for justice and slay demons, he and all the viewers in the live broadcast room could not help but develop admiration and affection for this girl.

She is more like a mute than a blind person, because although she wears a blindfold, she does not seem to have any troubles that a blind person should have. As if she is open-minded, she kills monsters very efficiently.

The reason why she is said to be mute is because, apart from taking care of Mo Yesi at first, she became completely autistic after that. She could remain silent for a whole day and transformed into a machine that performed chivalry and slayed demons.

How can we not make people fall in love with such a young swordsman whose actions are far greater than her words?

The audience all used barrage to express their opinions on this matter——

"The martial arts version of Miss 2B actually has such an identity!"

"No wonder Wuming City is so weak. It turns out to be because its leadership is so unreliable!"

"No matter how you look at it, that girl without a name is only suitable to be a thug and doesn't know how to build an organization at all..."

"A city lord who spends all day slaying demons and doing chivalry is really incompetent."

"The anchor has no conscience. At least the unknown swordsman saved you, but now he has become her enemy and is siding with the tyrant!"

"Hurry up and rebel. The Nameless City is the organization that truly represents justice. It is a paradise in troubled times. Unfortunately, it will be destroyed soon."

Yes, it was precisely because of Mo Yexi's diligent investigation that the secret location of Wuming City was exposed to the eyes of Zhao's ruling class and famous sects.

Then the tyrant Su Hu and the Chunyang faction did not hesitate to send troops and many warriors to encircle and suppress Wuming City.

Originally, Mo Yexi thought that Wuming City was such a majestic city, at least as good as the capital of the Zhao Kingdom. Otherwise, how could it be regarded as the most feared opposition force in the entire Zhao Kingdom that Su Hu was afraid of?

After arriving, I discovered that this was not a big city at all, just a small town. Most of the people in the small town were old, weak, women and children. Those warriors who joined the nameless city were the kind of independent warriors without any sect, and some were missing arms. Few legs...

Mo Yesi quickly realized that the people in this nameless city were probably all saved by the nameless girl from monsters, robbers, bandits, and thieves.

But the nameless girl doesn't understand organization and leadership at all, and people with such talents don't need the nameless girl to save them.

Therefore, Wuming City is almost in disarray, supported entirely by Wuming Girl, a top warrior.

The tyrant Su Hu was worthy of being a tyrant. Even though the nameless city was composed of old, weak, women and children who had no threat to his rule, he mercilessly ordered the massacre of the nameless city. Who dared the owner of the nameless city to assassinate the dignitaries of the Zhao Kingdom?

And at this moment, the nameless girl with short hair wearing an eyepatch appeared again, and she still chose to protect the old, weak, women and children in the nameless city!

One man and one sword, even if he faced thousands of troops, there was no look of flinching on his face!

At this moment, Mo Yesi was shocked, not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room.

In fact, if a super warrior like the nameless girl chooses to escape, no one can stop her.

But she didn't. The moment she was discovered in the Nameless City, her tragedy was doomed.

The unknown girl directly set her target on the tyrant Su Hu. She fought her way out of the military formation with one sword and one sword. Even minor injuries could not stop her murderous intention towards Su Hu!

At this time, Mo Yesi also received the task of "protecting Su Hu with other warriors from famous sects". If he was asked to surround and kill the unknown girl with all the warriors present, how could he do such a thing?

The audience had switched sides at this time, and all kinds of abusive barrages made Mo Yexi's live broadcast room become a mess. Who knows that most people sympathize with the weak, not to mention that this unknown girl is so annoying. pity.

Mo Yesi also wanted to rebel at this time, but he still had not received a mission from the nameless girl. Logically speaking, an important NPC like the nameless girl could definitely issue missions to players...

But from the beginning to the end, he never received a mission from the nameless girl. It seemed that the nameless girl had long been accustomed to being alone. She never expected anyone to be her companion, and she would never force others to help her.

She doesn't stand on the so-called justice and morality at all to force others. She doesn't even know how to talk. Such a "Mother" is really unqualified.

Mo Yexi judged the combat effectiveness of the enemy and ourselves again, and found that even if he counterattacked, he would not be successful. This was because Su Hu was surrounded by several Ouchi masters whose martial arts were not inferior to his. He could not be like the unknown girl. It's like hitting a stone with an egg.

The unknown girl died without the dignity of a strong person. She was beaten to death by a group of top warriors from the famous sects of the Zhao Kingdom. In fact, she had the option to escape several times, but she just didn't want to!

She was still too young, too stubborn, and even stupid, but she couldn't be blamed.

When Mo Yesi was reminded by the system that the task had been completed, he saw such a "holographic movie" about an unknown girl. This video also appeared in his live broadcast room, so that all viewers who were watching the live broadcast could see it. …

The girl was born into the royal family of the Zhao Kingdom. On the surface, she seemed to have a noble status. After all, she was the daughter of King Zhao. In fact, she never even had the title of princess. Who made her mother's status so low?

Her mother was just a dancer who was good at sword dancing, could not even read and had no education.

Logically speaking, she was completely unqualified to serve as King Zhao's bedchamber. It was only because of Su Hu's bestiality that the nameless girl Su Shi was born.

Su Wuming never received any fatherly love from Su Hu from the beginning, and Su Hu never thought about raising this unexpected daughter.

So she grew up under the difficult upbringing of her mother, and was bullied in her childhood. Perhaps it was because she was too aware of the pain of being a weakling since she was a child, so when she became a strong one, she always liked to lend a helping hand to the weak...

I have to say that this is simply a miracle, because in reality, many people who have suffered misfortune in childhood often have some flaws in their character. Precisely because they have suffered, when they have the ability to inflict pain on others, they will not hesitate to do so. Do this.

Many beings who were originally weak will intensify their bullying once they become strong, as if they want to take revenge for everything.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Go Home for Dinner] for the 1500 tip, and [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for the 100 tip~~~

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