No way, who made Mo Yexi, a lucky and unlucky anchor, trigger such a beautifully made "holographic movie"?

He is lucky because he was the first to play the easter egg that Li Shushan inserted into the game. He is unlucky because he did nothing in the easter egg plot and watched Wuming help him. The girl fell.

This undoubtedly made Mo Yexi's mentality explode, and it was broadcast at the speed of light. I can only say that the story about the unknown girl is really depressing!

However, it must be admitted that the "holographic film" about the nameless girl produced by Li Shushan through the magical artificial intelligence Alice is so sophisticated that it can be considered an epoch-making martial arts blockbuster!

Some enthusiastic viewers have recorded this well-made "holographic movie" and spread it widely!

But they soon discovered that this seemed to be unnecessary, because this time the video appeared on the official website and official forum of "Martial Arts World", the official version, with extremely high definition.

And as long as you watch the video on the official website or official forum, it will be as if your consciousness has been pulled into the memory of the nameless girl, becoming a camera that can be beside the nameless girl, and you can watch the film from all directions and angles. "Holographic movie".

This "holographic film" can be said to record the tragic life of the unknown girl, and basically shows the "inspiration" in Li Shushan's mind.

Based on the examples of Olivia and Yu Shengfan, we can know that such a girl does exist in a certain plane of the world, and such a story did happen.

So there is no doubt about the authenticity of this story, and its appeal is very powerful!

Players who don't know the truth think that this is a new DLC, or a new expansion pack, in "Martial Arts World". The official is encouraging players to conquer it and complete the feat of saving the unknown girl!

The most important thing is that the map of this new DLC is not so easy to die. This alone is enough for players who are addicted to "Martial Arts World" to experience this map.

It can be said that this also makes up for its lack of immersion. After all, the large maps players are playing now are all familiar classic martial arts novels.

The "holographic movie" that can only be watched has its limitations after all. Only players like Mo Yesi who play this side plot in person can have a more perfect experience.

Because if the players are not rescued by the nameless girl and walk with her in that dark and depressing environment, they will not be able to truly feel her charm!

Some cloud players who had only watched the "Holographic Movie" couldn't help but curse in the comments below the video, thinking that the heroine of the movie, an unknown girl, was an idiot and that she was seeking death and did not deserve sympathy at all. And a virgin-type protagonist like her , the most frustrating.

Of course, this kind of provocative comment made other players who were quite kind and had a sense of justice extremely unhappy, and they responded in various ways——

"The guy who said the heroine is stupid is just standing and talking without back pain. If you had never been to school since you were a child, you would be worse than her!"

"What's wrong with some people nowadays? If they can't do it themselves, they will die in black families. It's really true - nobility is the epitaph of the noble, and despicability is the passport of the despicable."

"As a cloud player, go play this DLC yourself first. When you are trapped in darkness, you will understand how valuable the existence of the Virgin is. Besides, the Virgin is always your own behavior, and there is no morality to kidnap you!"

"Those who say they are not worthy of sympathy are all wolf-hearted. Their views are too crooked. I will always support the kind and just nameless girl!"

The side plot about the nameless girl has successfully made the game "Martial Arts World" even more popular!

"Saving the unknown girl" has suddenly become the goal of many players.

Some players who like to speculate on the game's official "Future Technology Studio" can't help but post to analyze the game's official intentions for releasing this DLC.

A player whose forum ID is [Cheer Doli] posted such an analysis post - "About the significance of the emergence of new DLC in the game"

"As we all know, "Martial Arts World" is a very difficult hard-core stand-alone game, and 'suffering' seems to have become the main theme of many players. However, since this black-tech virtual reality game is the only one without a semicolon, we have no other choice. No choice…”

"However, the emergence of the game's new DLC and the significantly reduced mortality rate in this map show that the game officials still know how to make us players happy..."

"In fact, we can completely regard our main mission world as a place to hone ourselves. Only when we become stronger can we pretend to be cool and do whatever we want in this side mission world!"

"Of course, the side mission world is also complementary to the main mission world. I don't know if you have watched "The Lord of the World" by the squid god who loves diving. I think the setting of this game is similar. Your main world means the main story. The world where the mission is located, the small world is the world where the side mission is located, and then you can go to the small world to improve yourself..."

[Come on Chedoli]’s analysis post can be said to be full of useful information and very powerful in brainstorming. Many players have believed his statement. Just from the decrease in the death rate in this new DLC map, he can write such a post. This analysis post is really hard to believe!

For a while, everyone responded enthusiastically——

"The game officials really have the interests of our players in mind, and they actually came up with such a new map that makes it less easy to die."

"Although the analysis is very good, I still want to say, is this really a new DLC? I remember that this map existed a long time ago, but no one played it at that time. Everyone still wants to play a map with a familiar plot. "

"Game official: We didn't think so much about it at all."

"Self-inflicted brain damage is the most deadly!"

"No matter what, I will immediately go to this small map to save the nameless girl, and then take her out of this small world!"

"The "World of Martial Arts", which is not very difficult, has no soul. Continuously sharpening one's own martial arts is the way to go. What's the point of pretending to be a boss in a small map? This new DLC is totally unacceptable!"

After Li Shushan, the game producer, saw this post, he certainly did not expect that so many players would regard the Easter egg he had already stuffed into the game as a new DLC. It can only be said that the "hologram" he created for the nameless girl Movie" is indeed too easy to mislead players.

Players will subconsciously think that it is a promotional video for the new DLC.

As for the players who passionately want to save the nameless girl in the game, he is still happy to see it succeed. Unfortunately, this is almost a goal that is destined to have little profit and is almost impossible to achieve.

"What do you think of Su Wuming now?" Li Shushan asked Olivia.

"At the risk of my dignity as a player, I will save Su Wuming!" Before Olivia could respond, Yu Shengfan rushed to say with red eyes.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [Brothel Selling Liquor] for the 1000 reward, [Qin Xiaotian] and [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for the 100 reward~~~

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