Obviously, Yu Shengfan has been moved by the "holographic movie" produced by Li Shushan.

As a middle school girl who is only fourteen years old, Yu Shengfan is still full of passion, and she has a sense of justice that far exceeds that of an adult.

So at the beginning, she was worried that Li Shushan would use the props in her game panel to bring out some kind of demon or evil god on the earth, causing the deaths of many innocent humans.

In Yu Shengfan's eyes, Su Wuming would rather die to protect her Wuming City, and at the same time, he would never give up on revenge. It was simply explosive!

Although in the end she was outnumbered with one person and one sword, what she did had completely won Yu Shengfan's respect.

So, Yu Shengfan said what she just said, she must save Su Wuming and use all kinds of methods!

While Yu Shengfan shouted with red eyes that he wanted to save Su Wuming, Olivia remained calm as always.

She responded to Li Shushan's question just like this: "It's a pity that Su Wuming has unlimited potential in swordsmanship, but she has not fully grown up, but you can't blame her. The plane she is in has been completely corrupted and polluted. The protagonist Even the halo can't offset the whole world's ill will toward her."

"Hey, you old... why do you always say such bland words? Are you not moved by Su Wuming at all?" Yu Shengfan said a little indignantly.

"Why should I be moved by her? No matter how you look at it, her actions are meaningless. There is nothing wrong with her practicing her own way. Her fault is that she is not strong enough and does not know how to save her life. If she In the last battle, she was able to choose to escape. In fact, with the blessing of the protagonist's aura given by Li Shushan, she could definitely succeed. After that, she could become stronger and save more people. But she completely lost her rationality and was Emotional dominance, who can blame it?" Olivia analyzed it very objectively.

As the most rational and indifferent heroine in Li Shushan's "writing", Olivia can be said to be well aware of the power of the "protagonist halo" given by Li Shushan. As long as she does not want to die and always maintains a strong fighting spirit and perseverance, then No matter what she encounters, she can turn danger into safety!

Logically speaking, Su Wuming should be like this, but she gave it to herself, which made Olivia completely sad for her misfortune and angry at her.

"Why are you so cold-blooded? In your eyes, isn't Su Wuming great enough? She died protecting the weak. How many people in the world can be like her?" Yu Shengfan bared his little tiger teeth and said bitterly .

Olivia no longer wanted to deal with Yu Shengfan anymore, because the other party was also dominated by emotions. Everything she said would add fuel to the fire. Anyway, she felt that Su Wuming's death was meaningless. Only by living can she do more. What a meaningful thing.

"To correct you, Su Wuming is not dead yet. She is protected by the protagonist's aura. Her spirit is immortal and her soul will last forever. As long as she goes to the plane where she is and fulfills her wish, she can become a heroic spirit." Olivia Said with great certainty.

This suddenly made Yu Shengfan stop worrying about Olivia's over-rationality. She turned her eyes to Li Shushan for help and said: "Old Li, let's go and fulfill Su Wuming's wish. She is really pitiful." ”

Li Shushan said in his heart that it was extremely difficult to locate Su Wuming's plane. How could he fulfill her wish?

However, he suddenly felt blessed and said to Yu Shengfan: "Perhaps you do have this ability, because you have a game panel that embodies the game and gamifies reality. If you save Su Wuming in the game and fulfill her wish If so, maybe she can become a Heroic Spirit. However, my side mission about Su Wuming is almost a dead end, can you really break it?"

Yu Shengfan was about to say something when she suddenly discovered that there was a new task on her game panel!

Mission goal: Rescue the nameless girl in the real plane corresponding to "Warrior World", help the nameless girl fulfill her wish, and reverse her life! (Through the game "Martial Arts World", you can travel to the many timelines in her real plane)

Mission difficulty: Highest (probability of completing the mission is 1 in 14 million)

Mission reward: Li Shushan's favorability is greatly improved, and the heroic spirit Su Wuming comes to reality and can serve as your substitute and fight alongside you! (Note: The heroic spirit Su Wuming does not occupy the substitute slot)

After Yu Shengfan saw the mission posted on the game panel, she couldn't help but feel refreshed. She just felt that this mission came at a very timely manner. As for the difficulty of the mission, she completely ignored it. When had she ever been afraid of difficult missions? ?

The more difficult the task, the more it stimulates her desire to challenge!

What is the 1 in 14 million chance of completing the mission? This is a game panel playing a Marvel joke. Is it true that she has never watched the "Avengers" series of movies?

Her mission completion rate will always remain 100%, and this time will be no exception!

Yu Shengfan confidently responded to Li Shushan at this time: "Old Li, just wait. Some selfish guys don't want to help you, so let me help you rescue Su Wuming. Then Su Wuming and I will merge." , absolutely invincible!”

When Li Shushan heard Yu Shengfan say this, he naturally understood why Yu Shengfan was so confident. It must be that her magic game panel was working again.

With just a thought, Li Shushan knew what the mission the game panel had issued to Yu Shengfan was. He even suspected that the game panel was his clone, and after seeing the mission issued by the game panel, he was certain - it turned out that Su The unknown will come to reality in such a way!

Sure enough, as long as she is the heroine of my "writing", even if she "dies" in the "novel", can she still come to reality?

"Okay, Xiaoyu, I believe in you! As long as you are in the 'game', you have unlimited possibilities." Li Shushan said with confidence.

Maybe in other aspects, Li Shushan is still worried about the younger and impulsive Yu Shengfan, but as long as games are involved, she will definitely not let him down.

Olivia didn't care at all about Yu Shengfan's cynicism, but she was very interested in what Li Shushan just said about Yu Shengfan's ability to "make games real and gamify reality". They had indeed proved it through experiments before. Yu Shengfan’s ability.

That is, Yu Shengfan can not only take out the props from the original game in the prop bar, but also kill chickens and explode things in reality.

Olivia couldn't understand this ability at all, but she had to admit that Yu Shengfan's ability, combined with Li Shushan, the game designer and mission publisher, had very terrifying potential.

She was looking forward to Yu Shengfan's growth and Su Wuming's arrival.

Without any hesitation, Yu Shengfan immediately started to do this most difficult task, which was said to have only a one in 14 million chance of completion!

At the same time, other players who wanted to save the nameless girl in the "Martial Arts World" game were shut down by this new DLC in their minds. They did not expect that saving the nameless girl would be so difficult. thing!

Is it promised that the difficulty of this new DLC will be greatly reduced and the mortality rate will be lowered?

Why do they feel that no matter what they do in this side mission, they can't change the unknown fate of this unknown girl?

Second update completed! ! !

Thanks to [book friend 20181023131834723] and [book friend 20171201193905888] for their 100 tips~~~

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