What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 130 Remarks on the launch [must read]

This book will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, and there will be ten updates at that time, so that everyone can enjoy reading it all at once!

Why do I want everyone to read this acceptance speech?

That's really something I don't want to say.

To be honest, I did not write the book well at the beginning. There were many poisonous points that were written carelessly and without consideration. You need to read it without thinking to ignore it. Therefore, it is inevitable that I will be criticized in various ways, and of course I will be persuaded to quit. There are many new readers, resulting in a very average score for this book.

The title of this book also dissuades readers, because the title is very light novel style, but the content is not light novel at all.

In fact, when I first started writing this book, my mentality was in a state of collapse.

As for the reason, you can understand the reason as I, a writer of "male-centered articles with female protagonists", don't even have a female-centered article. But don't worry, I will definitely write again one day.

And the disappearance of about five to six million words in those three books directly led to the eunuch of "The Great Writer" that I was still writing at the time. Because my mentality collapsed, all the hard work of six or seven years in the industry was gone...

And I feel that even if "The Great Writer" continues to be written, the end result will be to be harmonized, so is it necessary to continue writing it? Even if I write it, it will be for free.

As for why I am so sure, it is because I am really used to harmony. In terms of harmony experience, I don’t think many writers can compare with me.

Therefore, my current requirements are really not high. I just want to write a book that is not harmonized in a safe way to adjust my collapsed mentality. When I write the next one, I will use my best state to write another book. More exciting work.

I will work very hard to update this book, with a minimum of 2 updates every day. The rules for additional updates are as follows -

Reward the leader and add 2 more updates. (There is currently a leader who owes 2 updates)

100 monthly tickets plus 1 update.

5000 recommendation votes plus 1 update. (It is now 20,000 recommendation votes. There was 1 update when it was 5,000 recommendation votes before, so there are still 3 updates left)

Every time the average order increases by 100, one update will be added.

In addition, tomorrow’s 10th update will not be included in the additional updates.

Finally, please subscribe. Subscription is the foundation of a book. It is the key factor that determines whether the author can continue writing with passion. Most of the authors' eunuchs and unfinished works are caused by the inability to subscribe.

As a full-time writer with a heavy mortgage, my only source of income for my family is my writing, so I sincerely hope that everyone can understand...

So be it, I will write better and better, harmony will only make me stronger! ! !

come on! ! !

effort! ! !


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