What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 131 The whole world is targeted [1st update]

When the "holographic movie" about an unknown girl became popular on the Internet as the first "holographic movie" with epoch-making significance, the game "Martial Arts World" once again dominated the screen!

In fact, even if the Chinese government officially banned this game, no official media or self-media are allowed to report on this game, but who can stop every player with Internet access from being enthusiastic about it?

In many communities and forums, some sections about animation and games have long been filled with discussions about this game, and derivatives of this game are also everywhere.

The official ban in China is in name only, covering up one’s ears and stealing the bell.

Some players were inspired by the nameless girl's "holographic movie" and even planned to use the built-in recording function in "Martial Arts World" to make a movie. It depends on how they fool the NPCs in the game to cooperate with them.

These players also strongly appealed to the game official to enable the online function. In this case, like-minded friends can be gathered together to use "Martial Arts World" to make a martial arts movie. The special effects will definitely beat any martial arts movie at the moment!

But there is no doubt that the most cutting-edge information and the most heated discussions about the game are still on the official website and official forum of "Martial Arts World".

Nowadays, the number of visitors to the "Martial Arts World" game forum has reached an astonishing number. Players from all over the world are enjoying it because there is no language barrier in the forum.

The attention of countries around the world has obviously been attracted by this epoch-making game, and many researchers and official agents have also settled in to see if they can gain insight into the secrets behind this game.

Unlike China, which treated this game coldly, magazines in the gaming field in other countries began to make fancy reports on such a game that transcended the current era!

The famous game magazine "FAMI" directly gave this game a perfect score of forty points. Whether it is graphics, music, plot, or gameplay, it is all a perfect score!

This is an epoch-making masterpiece worthy of entering the platinum palace!

In the end, the magazine summarized and said that in fact, for "Martial Arts World", whether it is pictures, music, plot, or gameplay, there is actually nothing to rate, because it is not so much a game, but a game. For every player in Second Life, this Second Life is also very difficult...

With the extensive reports from foreign media, the stock prices of many well-known listed game companies have fallen. Many investors are no longer very optimistic about the future of these game companies. They always feel that their games will one day be destroyed by this black technology that appears out of thin air. replaced by virtual reality games.

Now it’s “Martial Arts World”, what’s next?

In fact, there is no need to worry like this. The lifespan of many classic games is not as short as ordinary people imagine.

Others suggested that these game companies take the initiative to surrender to the "Future Technology Studio", the game producer of "Martial Arts World", and transplant those classic games to the Magic Network platform, so that players can play real virtual reality versions of classics. Game over.

All in all, the user base of the Magic Network is developing very fast now. Many people are accustomed to connecting their consciousness to the Magic Network. Through this platform, an unparalleled consciousness network has been formed. They think and play in the games on the Magic Network platform. Death, etc., will provide the magic network with harvestable spiritual power, and then these spiritual powers will be converted into magic power.

Li Shushan, on the other hand, uses his almost omnipotent magic power to realize his fantasies one by one. He once could only change the world in novels, but now he can change the world in reality!

At this moment, the most popular post in the official forum of the "Martial Arts World" game is - how to save the nameless girl?

Originally, when many players were playing what they thought was a new DLC map, they had the misconception because of [Liver Emperor] Mo Yexi’s live broadcast that rescuing an unknown girl was not a matter of “brainfulness.” Something simple?

In the final analysis, the nameless girl died because her nameless city was discovered, and it was this troll who harmed her!

In the opinion of many players, the discovery of the Nameless City was not all done by Mo Yesi himself, so they only need to learn from Mo Yesi's lessons and accept the commission from the tyrant Su Hu, and then just do their best...

Is it possible that the tyrant Su Hu could trace the specific location of the Nameless City without the help of players?

As a result, these players soon discovered that they were too naive. Even if they did not investigate the nameless city, Su Hu's other master warriors would investigate the nameless city, and the players of Mo Yangong would be underestimated by Su Hu. , resulting in a decrease in Su Hu's favorability and camp contribution.

The players of Moyanggong were completely reduced to spectators, and continued to watch helplessly as the nameless girl who had saved them died tragically with one sword and one sword.

In this small map, as long as players encounter a desperate situation in the wild, it will definitely trigger an event where the unknown girl comes to help with a sword.

Seeing others being saved by the nameless girl, and being saved by her, are two completely different states of mind!

"Martial Arts World" is a black technology game that can detect the state of the player's consciousness. Otherwise, there would be no function to force the player to exit the game.

Therefore, when the nameless girl saves the player, he must be the most helpless in his heart. According to the principle of the "suspension bridge effect", the player who is saved by the nameless girl will definitely have a good impression of her unconsciously.

Then, many players will choose to follow the nameless girl for a period of time and fight side by side with her. In the process, they will further feel her charm. Thinking of her tragic past in that "holographic movie", most players will be completely defeated. Finally, I vowed to save the unknown girl!

Some stubborn players simply followed the nameless girl, and even told her directly that the nameless city would one day be discovered by Su Hu's lackeys, and told her not to involve themselves in the nameless city.

However, it can only be said that it is too naive to want to change the tragedy of the unknown girl just through words!

Players who have been following the nameless girl will end up worse than Mo Yexi. At least Mo Yexi successfully completed the side mission and received generous mission rewards, while the former received no rewards and was buried with the nameless girl.

At this time, many players suddenly realized why they felt that the game officials did not support their efforts to save the nameless girl?

It feels like the whole world is targeting the unknown girl!

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