This is Li Shushan's respect for these players who fought to the end. Those players who did not persist will forever lose the opportunity to save the unknown girl and help her fulfill her wish. Even if they play again, it will not help.

Li Shushan used the background statistics of the magical artificial intelligence Alice to find that so far, there are only 368 players who are still insisting on saving the nameless girl.

Li Shushan couldn't help but feel sad when he thought back to the countless players two weeks ago who passionately discussed how to save the nameless girl, and now that this side mission was being complained about and considered to be the biggest scam in the history of the game.

The current mainstream view is that the unknown girl is killed by the plot and cannot be saved. Many high-level players support this view, which undoubtedly increases the persuasiveness and authority of this view.

And this also makes many ordinary players stop trying to get into trouble.

Not even high-level players can save the nameless girl, let alone ordinary players like them.

Those players who were originally enthusiastically discussing how to save the unknown girl have now turned into people who are looking for all kinds of evidence to prove that this is a "plot killing". They seem to want to use this method to avoid conscience condemnation and seek psychological protection. comfort.

The more evidence they find, the more they can prove that they have tried their best. It's not that they don't want to save the unknown girl, it's just because there is really no way to save the unknown girl, and the outcome of the unknown girl is destined to be unchangeable.

What made Li Shushan feel very speechless was that the most powerful evidence they found turned out to be the "Unknown Girl in the Martial Arts World" under his authorship "Boundless Sea of ​​Blood".

A player whose forum ID is [Super High School Level Ace Pigeon] posted an analysis like this: "As we all know, the game "Martial Arts World" generates maps and characters based on many martial arts novels in our reality. The big maps we use for the main missions are all works by well-known masters of martial arts novels, such as "The Swordsman", "The Passionate Swordsman" and "Seven Swordsmen"."

"Most of the maps for side missions are based on those little-known martial arts novels about martial arts. For details, you can read this post [click on the link]. The research party who has so much time to spare actually actually compiled all the martial arts novels about martial arts into the streets. I found it, and there is actually something very disharmonious..."

"Then the question is, which martial arts novel about the nameless girl is based on which martial arts novel about the unknown girl is based on? The research party is said to have searched through many unknown martial arts novels in the last century, but could not find the original work. So much so that everyone misunderstood and thought that this map was randomly generated..."

"However, as the nameless girl became more and more famous, someone finally discovered the Pujie martial arts novel that generated this map. Yes, this is not a martial arts novel from the last century at all, but a Pujie Internet novel. The name of the novel is "The Unknown Girl in the Martial Arts World", and the author is the old eunuch Xuehai Wuya!"

"So now everything has been revealed! We couldn't save the unknown girl. It's not because we didn't persist, nor because there was a bug in the game itself. We can't blame the game official. After all, the game mechanism is like this. If we want to blame, we should blame This damned eunuch is boundless in the sea of ​​blood!”

""The Nameless Girl in the World of Martial Arts" is the only completed martial arts novel by this dead eunuch. It may be because its data is so popular that he chose to take revenge on society! The protagonist of this novel is the nameless girl, and the whole novel is While he was cruelly torturing the protagonist, except for those weak and dragsters in the nameless city, there was not a single good person in the entire novel world. Needless to say, the final ending was just a forced death of the protagonist! I have never seen anything like this. Authors who poison and feed their readers shit!”

"Logically speaking, it's not a big deal for him to write such a work of revenge against society. Anyway, all his readers have fled because of the eunuchs in his previous two books. But who made the game "Martial Arts World" based on his The book created a small map? He wrote the nameless girl to death in the book, which directly led to the fact that no matter how we save the nameless girl, it is useless!"

"To sum up, this is all the fault of the dead eunuch [Blood Sea Boundless], he should bear all the blame!"

[Super High School Level Ace Pigeon] As soon as this post was posted to the official forum, it instantly became popular, including the eunuch author of [Blood Sea without Limits], and his only complete book of less than 200,000 words. This work "The Unknown Girl in the Martial Arts World" has become a hit!

Just because the official forum of "Martial Arts World" has so many visits now, the number of clicks on popular posts can reach a very astonishing number, and these data are all real and do not contain any moisture.

Many players have gone to read this work. They didn’t know it. They were shocked when they saw it. It’s just because it is written like that. It is a perfect complement to the “unnamed girl” in the game. , making the originally thin image of the nameless girl become fuller.

Those more impulsive players scolded the author in the book review section of this work live, thinking that the author was so desperate that he actually wrote such a novel that deceived millions of players.

The more rational players couldn't help but express their doubts in this post [Super High School Level Ace Pigeon], that is, this book seems to be a fan work of the game "Martial Arts World", maybe it is played This work was written after this side plot, so it seems that this shouldn't be the fault of "Blood Sea"?

It's a pity that there are only a few sane players after all, and some even sane players pretend to be irrational. Anyway, in this case, just pass the blame and that's it!

As a result, "Blood Sea" and his novel "The Nameless Girl in the Martial Arts World" became the most powerful evidence of the "plot killing" of the nameless girl. Its book review section was completely destroyed, and the notoriety of the pen name "Blood Sea" was even higher. …

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