What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 136 No more seeking death [sixth update]

Li Shushan, the creator of "The Unknown Girl in the Martial Arts World", certainly doesn't care that this work has been harmonized. Anyway, the existence of pirated websites makes it almost impossible to completely eliminate its traces.

Not to mention that some good people reposted this article to the official forum of the "Martial Arts World" game. This way it will never be harmonized.

Taking a step back, so what if the traces of the novel are completely eliminated? Anyway, Yu Shengfan has found Su Wuming. As long as she completes the "Game Panel" task, she can bring Su Wuming back. He completely believes that Yu Shengfan’s ability.

And because of the existence of the novel "Martial Arts World: Unknown Girl" and its impact, many players have opened their minds - if they write "Martial Arts World: xxx", it will also be "Martial Arts World" What about the map that this game adopts and generates side missions?

Such speculation has caused a rapid increase in the number of game fan fiction for "Martial Arts World", and they are all first released on the Magic Network platform. It seems that writers all know that posting to Dian Niang is too risky and it is too easy to be harmed.

Li Shushan is happy to see this happen. He even asked the magical artificial intelligence Alice to realize the players' imaginative ideas and select some outstanding "Martial Arts World: xxx" to generate side mission maps. It depends on when the players We will play with them by chance.

In a sense, this gives those writer players the function of a "map editor", that is, they themselves do not know when their novels will be selected by the "Martial Arts World" game.

Three days later, Li Shushan quickly went online with a slightly modified setting that the nameless girl no longer actively seeks death for the remaining 368 players who fought to the end.

The first player to notice this change turned out to be the wealthy daughter Luo Yuexin who "resurrected" his mother, Ling Shuyi, by recharging 5 million yuan.

Ever since Luo Yuexin "resurrected" her mother Ling Shuyi in the game, she has become even more addicted to the game "Martial Arts World".

It can even be said that her life is inseparable from this game, and she does not want to lose her mother again.

Luo Yuexin used to play the game "Martial Arts World" and was very stubborn. When other players lowered the pain level, she refused to adjust it and wanted to have the same pain level as in reality.

Of course, she was self-abuse at that time, but later she got used to the pain, and truly looked down on life and death, completely unafraid of the pain before death.

But now, when other players have completely given up on saving the nameless girl, and even think that this is an inevitable "plot kill", she just refuses to give up on saving the nameless girl.

Anyway, for Luo Yuexin, no matter which map it is in "Martial Arts World", she plays it the same way, because she is only 15 years old and has never read any classic martial arts novels or TV series. Instead, she plays martial arts-style games. Got to be more.

Therefore, she actually has no sense of immersion in the classic plots and characters in "Martial Arts World". She is one of the very few players who chose the start of "Seven Swords Down Tianshan" simply because she prefers the number "seven".

In the big map of "Seven Swords Down the Tianshan Mountains", Luo Yuexin was killing Tatars in various ways, and of course she was often killed by Tatars. But now in the small map of Zhao Kingdom, she was killing demons in various ways, among others. What she did was no different from that of an unknown girl.

So after she fell into a desperate situation and was rescued by the unknown girl, she followed him to fight swords in the world, fight for justice, and slay demons.

Even when the unknown girl generously died in the end, she did not hesitate to go forward and die together with the other party without blinking an eye.

For two whole weeks, Luo Yuexin seemed to have been doing the same thing as Yu Shengfan, which was to accompany the unknown girl. However, she was not as good at "talking out" as Yu Shengfan, so she used her actions to fight to the end. !

Since you, the nameless girl, are completely unafraid of death, how can I, a player who has long been used to dying in the game, be afraid of death?

Luo Yuexin also had to admit that she liked the feeling of fighting side by side with the nameless girl. There was obviously no verbal communication between the two, but the silent understanding made Luo Yuexin feel that she had found the game. The most satisfying partner in the world, you can always trust the nameless girl and trust her with your back.

Therefore, Luo Yuexin will never give up on the nameless girl. She is so paranoid, just like she couldn't easily get out of such a shadow after her mother died unexpectedly. She is born to value friendship.

On this day, she fought side by side with the nameless girl as always, and then thought that she would die with the nameless girl soon... There was no fluctuation in her heart, because she was used to this scene.

But to Luo Yuexin's surprise, when she and the nameless girl were surrounded by Zhao's army and warriors from various major sects, the nameless girl didn't rush forward and kill her!

Instead, he said to Luo Yuexin: "I have known that such a day would come, so I have dismissed Wuming City in advance. Now, what we have to do is to survive, and let's break out of the siege together!"

Only then did Luo Yuexin notice that the nameless city behind them was deserted. The originally lively town had now become extremely depressed.

This made Luo Yuexin very surprised. She had been killing monsters with the nameless girl. When did the other party send a message to the nameless city to let those innocent people leave early?

Luo Yuexin quickly turned on the recording function that came with the game. She vaguely felt that this time she would definitely make big news!

In a sense, as long as she and the nameless girl successfully break out this time, it means that she has successfully saved the nameless girl, or at least this time, she succeeded, because she extended the nameless girl's survival time!

It's a pity that although the nameless girl didn't kill anyone this time, Luo Yuexin became the nameless girl's scapegoat. In order to rescue her, the other party failed to break out...

This made Luo Yuexin extremely moved, but at the same time she was deeply worried. It was rare that the unknown girl didn't take the initiative to send it off, would she be like before next time?

Facts have proved that the nameless girl seems to have come to her senses. From her original state of not knowing how to play the game without giving up her life, she now wants to break out of the siege with the player and try to survive. If the player is trapped in a tight siege because of his inability to escape, She will still die generously to save the players.

Such a discovery made Luo Yuexin's previous worries completely disappear.

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