What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 137 A large-scale face-slapping scene [seventh update]

Next, Luo Yuexin finally succeeded in breaking through after many attempts!

Facts have proved that if the nameless girl doesn't want to die, no one can keep her, and her Qinggong and body skills are also unparalleled in the world.

Therefore, as long as Luo Yuexin can successfully break through, the nameless girl will not die because of her drag.

In other words, in this mission that brought about changes, the nameless girl's role changed from an old, weak woman and child in the nameless city to a player.

At this moment, when both of them survived, Luo Yuexin excitedly took screenshots, and she had also recorded the entire process.

The game system reminded her that a hidden mission about the nameless girl has been launched. The mission is to fight side by side with the nameless girl and complete her grand ambition together!

Luo Yuexin's sense of accomplishment reached its peak at this moment. Her paranoia and stubbornness, or persistence and resilience, paid off for her!

She was not in a hurry to continue doing hidden tasks, but couldn't help but share her sense of accomplishment in successfully rescuing the unknown girl with many players of "Martial Arts World". Speaking of which, this was her first time in Post in the official forum.

Although Luo Yuexin is a super powerful player, she is not the kind of player who likes to show off how powerful she is. She did not reveal that she was the player who spent 5 million yuan on private customization.

But this time, she really couldn't help it, mainly because she had always disagreed with the mainstream view of the nameless girl on the forum about "plot killing". Unfortunately, she couldn't provide any strong evidence to prove that the nameless girl could be killed. save.

On the contrary, this mainstream view in the forum has various "evidences". Even those high-level players who have become famous in the "Martial Arts World" game circle have chosen to support the view of "plot killing"...

Luo Yuexin's post is - "The unknown girl is not killed in the plot, she can be rescued. After the rescue is successful, there will be hidden tasks"

Well, as a 15-year-old girl, Luo Yuexin is not very good at refining her post titles.

"Today, as before, I continued to fight side by side with the nameless girl. Since doing this side plot, I have not changed the map. I died probably hundreds of times with the nameless girl. But for some unknown reason, the nameless girl didn't die. If you actively seek death again, you will break out with me instead!"

"It's useless to say more. This is the complete video of me and the nameless girl successfully breaking out. Finally, there is a photo of me after I successfully rescued the nameless girl [view picture]"

"After successfully rescuing the unknown girl, a hidden mission will appear. Next, I will work hard to complete this hidden mission, regardless of whether there is a reward..."

Luo Yuexin's post doesn't have a lot of text, but whether it's a video or a picture, it can be said that it's full of useful information!

As soon as her post was posted, it didn't take long for the popularity to rise rapidly, making the unknown girl who was about to leave the center of public opinion once again become the focus of the entire forum!

The replies in this post have simply become a huge slap in the face!

"Holy shit! What kind of magical player is this poster that you can still do this side quest and accompany the nameless girl to death hundreds of times? This hidden quest should be yours!"

"Kneel down, sir. In terms of patience in playing games, I would like to call you the strongest!"

"If there weren't videos and pictures that were full of evidence, I would have suspected that the poster was one of those sensationalists before school. He claimed that he had successfully rescued the unknown girl, but couldn't produce any evidence. He didn't even have a screenshot, let alone a video. Already..."

"I worship the original poster, but to be honest, I really can't learn this kind of fighting style. I hope you can share the rewards you get after completing the hidden tasks."

"Besides the poster, there should be other hard-core players who have successfully rescued the unknown girl. I hope they can also come forward, otherwise the poster will be a solitary witness! This means that this gameplay is not universal."

"Master, please admit it. Did you top up the money? The game official must have opened a backdoor for you..."

"To put it bluntly, I didn't recharge, and then I successfully saved the nameless girl, because like the original poster, I have been happily killing people with the nameless girl. Maybe it's because the nameless girl was killed by hardcore gamers like us. I got impatient, so I didn’t want to die. This is a screenshot of my hidden mission being opened [view picture].”

"I'm shocked. Why did everyone think the death of the unknown girl was a plot kill before? Are they all dumbfounded now?"

"The game officials must be behind it. They secretly changed the settings and added hidden tasks!"

"No matter what, I'm going to do this side mission again now. The condition for opening the visual hidden mission is to die with the nameless girl at least a hundred times."

"I hope those high-level players who misled us ordinary players will stand up and be beaten. It's you who let us help others in the game!"

"As one of the high-level players who supports the view of 'story killing', I would like to defend myself. I admit that I did misjudge this mission, but now even if everyone knows that there is a hidden mission behind it, how many ordinary players can kill it? At the end of the day, you know, that means spending two weeks doing the same thing over and over in the game."

"Although I am envious of the original poster for successfully rescuing the unknown girl and starting the hidden mission, I have no regrets at all. Hidden missions will definitely lead to good things? Haha."

"It doesn't matter if there are no good things in the hidden mission, but the surviving unknown girl will definitely give special treatment to the players who insist on saving her. In the future, she may be able to follow the players to the big map. Wow, thinking about it like this makes me feel sour. ah……"

When Luo Yuexin saw her virgin post, it became one of the most popular posts in the entire official forum. The sense of accomplishment she originally got in the game has now been gained again!

But after she saw that there were other people who had successfully done this, she felt a little unhappy, because she thought that she was unique and that the entire nameless girl belonged to her.

But soon, when she saw posts from other regretful players saying that they would never be able to do this side mission again, her psychology suddenly became balanced again.

It seems that the players who can complete this hidden mission and receive the mission reward should be very rare.

Luo Yuexin feels that the game officials have done a good job in this regard. Those players who go back and want to do this side mission again because they discovered the hidden mission are not sincere enough!

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