At this time, Li Shushan finally stood up. He was undoubtedly the backbone of everyone present, and the heroines he "wrote" would definitely not disobey him.

Just because they can feel Li Shushan's sincerity and kindness towards them all the time, and think about the fact that they were inseparable from the "protagonist halo" given to them by Li Shushan when they were growing up, they will identify with Li Shushan from the bottom of their hearts.

In addition, just as Yu Shengfan was unable to select Li Shushan after opening the "Game Panel", Li Shushan did not have a "health bar", which meant that she could not attack him at all. Olivia and Su Wuming could not attack Li Shushan. There would be no thought of attacking Li Shushan at all.

The relationship between them and Li Shushan is a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.

Li Shushan showed a sincere smile to Su Wuming and said very gently: "Hello, welcome to my place. You don't need to save anyone here, but you can ask for my help at any time. I think the meaning of my existence is It’s up to you, you can use me as your wings so that you can fly higher!”

Su Wuming's pure and clear sword heart could of course accurately judge whether what Li Shushan said was true or false. In addition, she also had her best friend Yu Shengfan as an endorsement, so she also nodded to Li Shushan in a friendly way and finally said The first words she said when she came into this world: "Hello."

Su Wuming's voice was as cold as a sword, she spoke very little, and her eye patch obscured her expression. It was easy for people to mistake her for that kind of ruthless swordsman, as if she was the female version. Just like Ximen Chuixue, everyone present actually knows what a gentle and kind heart she has.

Li Shushan said to Olivia again: "Everyone should know about Su Wuming's situation, but she must be relatively new to you. You can introduce yourself to her in detail."

Olivia knew Li Shushan's intention, and obviously didn't want her to create a grudge between the two because of the confrontation she had just had with Su Wuming.

In fact, this is because he is overly worried. Is Olivia the kind of petty person?

Reason makes Olivia generous and calm.

But the premise of all this is to exclude Li Shushan. Olivia seems to be less rational when it comes to Li Shushan. He inspired her slightly emotional side.

So Olivia made a mage salute to Su Wuming, introduced herself just like she had introduced herself to Li Shushan, and also made an appointment for a sparring session.

Su Wuming responded with the courtesy of a swordsman, and did not refuse Olivia's request for a sparring match. She was never afraid of fighting, and fighting with an extraordinary person who had another training system should also improve her strength and increase her self-esteem. You know it?

But now, Su Wuming is indeed not Olivia's opponent. The reason is, as Olivia just said, the world she comes from is a low martial world and the energy level is too low, so she still needs to grow.

Li Shushan naturally made the atmosphere at the scene harmonious. He felt that his strong affinity played a role. Of course, it was more likely that everyone was willing to give him face.

Then Li Shushan asked Su Wuming to choose her own room in the villa, which was regarded as joining this big family.

Of course, if she doesn't want to be separated from Yu Shengfan, she can also live with Yu Shengfan, but this may affect Yu Shengfan's live broadcast.

Su Wuming still hoped to have a private space. She obediently chose a room and easily learned how to use modern technological creations under the guidance of Yu Shengfan. Olivia on the side was very jealous. Who told her His body is a "technological insulator", but fortunately his magic talent is extremely strong.

Li Shushan increasingly felt that buying this garden-style villa with a large area was the right choice. Even if there were ten or eight more heroines, it could still be accommodated.

But it is very helpless. Now Li Shushan's mind is empty, and there is no new "novel inspiration" anymore. Obviously, in addition to Olivia, Yu Shengfan, and Su Wuming, there were many inspirations before, such as the doomsday He thinks that as long as she comes to reality, she will definitely become a big boss in technology...

However, as Su Wuming on the martial arts side came to reality, Li Shushan felt as if his "inspiration" had been emptied out. It was probably like those authors who have been writing books for many years. After finishing a work, their minds went blank. I have absolutely no idea what to write about in my new book.

In this case, the author needs to go out to collect ideas, find materials, and inspire inspiration, so as to create works that are truly satisfying to him and to readers.

However, this is definitely not the case for Li Shushan, a special creator. He feels that his abilities are still lacking, just like Yu Shengfan currently only has one stand-in slot, and now his protagonist’s halo is given a number , has reached 3/3.

Of course, all this is his own speculation. It may also be that his ability is still in a "cooling" state, so he is unable to generate "inspiration."

Perhaps unless one of Olivia, Yu Shengfan, and Su Wuming regains the protagonist's aura, there will be no new "inspiration", and naturally it will not be possible to bring the "written" heroine into reality.

However, Li Shushan would definitely not do this. He felt that the three heroines all had good personalities. At least they were very orderly and would not take the initiative to destroy the real world he was in. But the crazy one who was born in the doomsday wasteland world The scientist-type heroine is not in the order camp.

Maybe this mad scientist-type heroine came to reality. Although she still wouldn't hurt Li Shushan, she didn't listen to Li Shushan at all...

As a result, Li Shushan will definitely have a headache. He feels that the number and abilities of heroines are now sufficient, and the development of science and technology in the real world is definitely not slowing down.

Moreover, he has not forgotten that a few months ago, he bound a "student master's future technology system" to a girl that Olivia was very optimistic about. Her name was Tan Keying. A plump and fat girl.

I don’t know what her situation is now. You know, although the system he gave is a top student system, it actually includes small functions such as weight loss and body shaping. It can be said that as long as she has the perseverance to fully follow the system’s requirements. If you do it, you will definitely gain something!

It just so happened that the first semester of his junior year had begun. Li Shushan decided to go to the school in person tomorrow to secretly observe the changes in Tan Keying. With the system in place, he could locate Tan Keying's position at any time.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

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