In addition to Tan Keying, Li Shushan certainly did not forget the other two unlucky guys who were bound to a strange system.

Different from the "Future Technology System of Academic Master", which is a serious system that assists the host to strive for progress, the purpose of the existence of those two systems is to prank the host and harvest the host's mental power.

In fact, as the game "Martial Arts World" becomes more and more popular, and a large number of players provide mental power for the magic network, the two previous spoof system hosts named Sun Xiaofei and Zhang Jiao no longer serve as "humanoid magic stones" It's necessary.

The opportunity that prompted Li Shushan to take back their systems was that the two men's strange behavior had attracted the attention of the police. However, the moment they were arrested, their systems disappeared.

In fact, Li Shushan is not worried about their systems being discovered at all, because this kind of thing has no scientific principles at all, and not many people are willing to believe in its existence. They will only think that their hosts are mentally ill...

Sun Xiaofei was arrested for repeatedly snatching nieku from women in public. This kind of "underwear thief" behavior, in the eyes of the police, was purely the work of a psychopathic person.

Sun Xiaofei was very tight-lipped and never revealed the existence of the system. As a result, after he was released, he found that the system on his body was gone, and then he couldn't get hard anymore, so his mentality completely collapsed!

This "goddess strategy system" obviously overdrafted his body as a reward for his "underwear thief" behavior.

Sun Xiaofei actually chose to call the police and explained everything to the police, saying that it was all the fault of the system. Of course, no one believed him. A young policeman who had just joined the profession couldn't help complaining: "You must have read too many online novels. It’s still that kind of obscene system novel…”

Sun Xiaofei once thought about breaking free from the control of the system, but he did not expect that the moment the system disappeared, he discovered that he could no longer leave the system!

In order to bring the system back, he continued to transform into an underwear thief, as if he wanted to use such actions to please the system...

However, Li Shushan, who took back the system, had long forgotten this second-generation ancestor who had offended Olivia in Java.

If it hadn't been for Li Shushan, Olivia would have crushed Sun Xiaofei, the bug in her eyes, to death.

As a result, there is another rich second generation in the world who lost his sexual ability after excessive indulgence. There is no doubt that this is his own fault.

As for Zhang Jiao, who entered a luxury store as a shopping guide without training and through entrustment, she was also detained for violating the "Public Security Management Regulations". Her "Shameless Goddess System" allowed her to run naked in public and then improve her temperament value.

Zhang Jiao did all kinds of shameless things in order to become a goddess. She was willing to do so, because she really felt that she was getting more and more beautiful in the mirror, but it was strange that the people around her seemed indifferent. ?

What she obviously doesn't know is that this "Shameless Goddess System" is playing tricks on her. This personal system developed based on the magic of "spiritual charm" deceives the host itself, and the various abilities of those hosts are not what the system wants. How to change it?

Compared with this system, Tan Keying's "future technology system for academics" is a true conscience system. All values ​​​​are objective and accurate. It will truly improve her talents and develop her brain. It will not deceive the host and make the host feel inflated and confused with self-confidence.

Zhang Jiao became more and more popular because of the "Shameless Goddess System". Even if she was detained for streaking, she was completely justified. She thought that she was already "the most beautiful woman in the world" and she could win over with just a wink. The policeman who detained her was fascinated and then released her…

Similarly, at the moment she was detained, Li Shushan, who was notified through the magical artificial intelligence Alice, directly recycled her system. Now she no longer lacks her magic power, and giving her a personal system would be a waste.

Poor Zhang Jiao still didn't know it. When the police asked her why she was running naked, she said nonchalantly that she was trying to improve her charm.

Such a response left everyone speechless.

A female police officer asked her if she didn't have any sense of shame. She said that only without shame can she show all her beauty. Clothes are just a constraint on human nature. "The emperor's new clothes" are the most beautiful clothes in the world. !

At this time, the police really discovered that it was more difficult to deal with this kind of weirdo who had different views from ordinary people than those thieves and robbers!

However, what made the police officers feel extremely strange was that when Zhang Jiao looked in the mirror habitually, she was stunned for a moment, then showed an extremely surprised look, and then smashed the mirror and murmured: "This Impossible! My beauty and temperament values ​​are almost full, but why has my face turned ugly! System? System, tell me what's going on?"

Since the system was established, Zhang Jiao basically doesn't wear makeup because she feels that she is so beautiful without makeup, so why should she wear makeup?

Every time she faced those women with exquisite makeup on the street, she would have a strong sense of superiority in her heart. She almost forgot that she was the kind of woman who could not see anyone without makeup.

Of course, Zhang Jiao could no longer receive a response from the system. The "spiritual charm" magic effect on her body was all gone. She could finally correctly understand how ugly her bare face was...

It's a pity that the police station where Zhang Jiao entered and the police station where Sun Xiaofei entered are not the same police station. Otherwise, the police might have taken it seriously. After all, it is nonsense for a person to say that he has been tricked by the system, but for two people, things are different. Maybe it's that simple.

However, since Zhang Jiao quit her job as a shopping guide, she took the money Sun Xiaofei gave her to a small county town and rented a house by herself, so now she works in the police station of a small county town.

Originally, she was planning to go through the system first, practice leveling and lose face in a small place that no one knew about, and then go to a big city to stun the world with her beauty!

She also used the "skill points" she obtained after completing the mission to improve her "acting" and "singing skills" to enter the entertainment industry and become a big star that attracted much attention!

However, all of this, after she discovered that her "Shameless Goddess System" had disappeared, her dream was shattered in an instant!

At this time, like Sun Xiaofei, she also helplessly confessed everything to the police. Of course, no one believed her, and instead suggested that she should go to a mental hospital to see a doctor...

"It turns out he is mentally ill. No wonder he ran naked in public." A female police officer who had just questioned Zhang Jiao suddenly realized.

The second guaranteed update is completed today! ! !

Thanks to [Blood Xi Xue Piao] for the 1000 reward~~~

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