What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 143 Positioning [Additional update with 100 monthly tickets]

From the examples of Sun Xiaofei and Zhang Jiao, we can see that if you blindly follow the tasks issued by the system that is unreliable at first glance, you will become a slave of the system. This is really sad.

Of course, what is even more sad is that in the end, these two people were willing to complete the system's tasks. No matter how weird the tasks issued by the system were, as long as the "rewards" fed back to them by the system could satisfy them, they would You will think that all this is worth it.

But when the system disappeared and no longer enslaved them, their mentality collapsed. They really wanted to be enslaved by the system but couldn't...

After Li Shushan took back the system, he no longer paid attention to these two tool men who were just experimental products of his personal system.

After all, the benefits brought by the spoof system are still very limited, especially after the "Martial Arts World" game is on the right track and the source of magic power is abundant.

Therefore, those who are qualified to be bound to the serious system can bring more long-term benefits to Li Shushan. For these people, the system is just an auxiliary tool, and their achievements are still earned through their own efforts.

For such people, even if the system suddenly disappears, their mentality will not collapse, because their abilities and achievements are still there. Without the system, they are still strong.

After Li Shushan took back the systems from Sun Xiaofei and Zhang Jiao, now the only person with a personal system is Tan Keying.

It was already late September, and the weather was getting colder. Li Shushan was walking on campus and felt that everything on campus was a little strange.

It seems that he has indeed stayed in the spiritual world of the Magic Network for too long, and with Olivia as a person who uses his body to learn, he does not need to control his body to come to school.

At this time, Li Shushan was not in a hurry to observe Tan Keying's situation. Instead, like an ordinary college student, he walked to the classroom of the professional course he was going to take.

After arriving in the classroom smoothly, he, who was already low-key and without any sense of presence, did not attract anyone's attention. He still sat back habitually.

What surprised him a little was that Professor Jiang, who taught the "Mathematical Analysis" course, was very enthusiastic about him and even asked him to sit in front, as if he completely regarded him as a malleable talent.

During class, Professor Jiang also liked to call him up to answer questions, as if he wanted to set an example for other students.

Fortunately, Li Shushan has always maintained a spiritual connection with Olivia, otherwise he would not be able to answer those questions at all. He really has no talent in mathematics, and now because of long-term "truanting", he can't understand even more.

Then Li Shushan finally understood why Professor Jiang was so enthusiastic about him. It turned out that after he entrusted his body to Olivia, he always studied and listened to the lectures seriously, and even went straight to "Li Shushan" in the library after class. I don't know when He has the character of a "student master".

All of this is seen by the teachers. Although the university teacher is far less responsible than the high school teacher, of course they still appreciate students like Li Shushan who are willing to make progress and work hard to learn.

Professor Jiang even told Li Shushan privately that he could study under him for graduate school if he wanted to. He believed that Li Shushan was very talented in the subject of mathematics. He knew that Li Shushan was very interested in space geometry, topology, etc. …

Of course Li Shushan himself is not interested in these things, but who asked him to entrust his body to Olivia? She is interested in them because she thinks that this knowledge will greatly benefit her space magic!

Let's put it this way, when Olivia used space magic, she could only rigidly use some fixed formulas of space magic created by her predecessors. However, after learning the mathematical knowledge that she considered extremely valuable, she had With the ability to create new spatial magic herself, she can use magic more freely.

At the same time, she has a more scientific understanding of her space magic talent, which is a high-dimensional technology that operates on low-dimensional space. If the world is viewed as a picture, she can twist, fold, and twist at will. The portal created by smashing and altering the scroll is equivalent to a wormhole.

When human science and technology can build wormholes, it means that humans have used technology to restore Olivia's "space gate" magic. As for the "star gate" often mentioned in science fiction novels, in fact There is not much difference in effect from Olivia's fixed teleportation circle.

Therefore, the more Olivia uses Li Shushan's body to learn scientific knowledge on earth, the more she feels that the "training system" of science has unlimited potential. In the game world, it is the kind of "late-stage hero". The more it develops, the stronger it becomes.

In a sense, science has extremely powerful compatibility. Now Olivia is trying to use modern scientific thinking to practice magic. Of course, the effect is amazing. The speed of increase in strength is not what she could do in the original world. comparable.

Olivia used to basically "know how it is but not why" about magic, but now, she has tried to study the nature of magic. Not only magic, she is also familiar with Yu Shengfan's "game" ability. She is very interested. Now there is another Su Wuming, which means that she can also study the martial arts training system.

One day, Olivia hopes to complete the "Great Unified Cultivation System" in her mind. Anyway, she will never stop pursuing the truth.

In addition to being favored by teachers, Li Shushan's "academic master" persona has also made him somewhat popular among his classmates, especially those students who are afraid of failing the class at the end of each semester. They prefer to plan ahead and look for solutions. "Thigh" takes them through smoothly.

It's a pity that Olivia is completely polite to these people. They have no chance to invite "Li Shushan" to dinner, because Olivia thinks that eating with them is a waste of time, and it is better to spend more time in the library to learn more knowledge.

Li Shushan didn't think there was anything wrong with Olivia's approach. Some people might go to college just to broaden their connections and make friends, but he was not such a person, and he didn't care about personal connections.

Even if heroines like him came to reality without him, he would still do this. He would rather read a book for a while than socialize. This is his character.

After this professional course ended, Li Shushan had no classes today. He left the classroom naturally. There were actually quite a few "sleeping" students in the classroom. It was estimated that they were playing "Martial Arts World".

Li Shushan's consciousness connected to Alice in the magic network and asked her to send Tan Keying's location.

The third update today! ! !

Thanks to [Shu Zi Fang Hua] for the 100 tip~~~

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