What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 144: Still in bud [Additional update for the alliance leader]

The location of Tan Keying did not surprise Li Shushan. As expected, she was still in the school library.

The main task currently assigned to her by the "Future Technology System for Academic Masters" is to publish a paper in an influential academic journal. After completing the task, her grades in subjects such as mathematics and physics will be improved.

When Li Shushan went to the library, he also carefully looked at the statistics of Tan Keying's completion of various tasks in "Xueba's Future Technology System" and discovered that she had never given up on a task issued by the system!

Her persistence in completing system tasks is no less than Yu Shengfan's persistence in completing game tasks...

Whether it was a small task of losing weight or a main task of becoming a top student, she completed it meticulously!

It should be said that she is indeed the Tan Keying in his memory. In terms of seriousness and concentration in study, no one can compare with her!

It's just that Tan Keying was limited by her own talent and could not become a top student. However, now there is a "future technology system for top students" to develop her brain through magic, increase her intelligence, and at the same time, she That unparalleled effort...

Li Shushan has reason to believe that this "future technology system of academic masters" may create an extremely great scientist who will change the world in the future!

In the main task of learning that Keying Tan completed, she had actually completed all the books that the math department had to study in the four years of college by herself. While others were doing the questions, she was doing the books!

And she was originally a girl who studied accounting, and now she was writing a sophisticated paper that no mathematics student could write, and it was about spatial geometry.

Li Shushan suspected that this main task was arranged by Olivia. She was currently studying mathematics assiduously and wanted to find a regular communication partner. However, it was very helpless that Jiangcheng University, a low-ranking student who was neither "985" nor "211", This university really lacks such talents.

The appearance of Tan Keying made Olivia happy, and she used the "future technology system of academic masters" to guide Tan Keying's research direction.

Of course, the "Xueba's Future Technology System" is not a mandatory system that forces the host to complete certain tasks. It is very tolerant of the host's requirements. Even if the task is not successfully completed, it will not punish the host, which makes it look particularly Buddhist. .

After all, scientific research cannot produce results by imposing orders. On the contrary, a relaxed environment can allow researchers to have more ideas.

However, because of this, many researchers are often in a state of laziness. As a result, they clearly have ideas but cannot put in the effort to start research as soon as possible.

This is probably like a lazy creator who clearly knows what to do next according to the outline, but has no desire to write.

Creators who can overcome laziness often have a brighter future.

And Tan Keying is a top student who is completely free from laziness. As for the "future technology system of top students", she has the talent that can make full use of her efforts. When the two are combined, she can instantly master this. All the students in the school were thrown away!

Li Shushan maintained a certain expectation and entered the school library. He actually felt that this library was more intimate to him than the campus outside. It seemed that his body memory could not deceive others. He entrusted his body to Olivia. After Ya, the other party devoted all Li Shushan's spare time to the library.

He subconsciously walked towards his usual seat, almost forgetting that he was here to observe Tan Keying today.

However, when he sat down in his seat and remembered this incident, he looked up and saw that the person sitting opposite him writing furiously was not Tan Keying, but who was it?

It turns out that the former "Li Shushan" had already formed a tacit understanding with Tan Keying!

It's just that the real Li Shushan is addicted to the Magic Network, developing games, and can't extricate himself. He has no idea that "Li Shushan" has already become close to Tan Keying.

This can also explain why the paper written by Tan Keying is what Olivia is most interested in.

Tan Keying is doing research for Olivia for free. Of course, it is not correct to say it is completely free. Tan Keying can get rewards from the system, and the system comes from Olivia's magic.

However, what shocks Li Shushan the most now is Tan Keying's appearance and figure. They haven't seen her for a few months. Tan Keying is no longer a "tank", but a beautiful college student with an extremely hot body and sweet appearance!

Tan Keying still doesn't look very slender as a whole, but has a fleshy feeling, but she can never be described as "round and fat". Maybe she should be called "sexy and sexy beauty"!

To be honest, this appearance seems inconsistent with her character as a "female academic master". After all, female academic masters should be thinner and have small breasts. After all, they say "big breasts but no brains", but Tan Keying's current IQ is definitely directly proportional to her milk volume.

Perhaps in the eyes of girls, Tan Keying's current figure is still not considered good and belongs to the fat category, but for men, they simply cannot refuse such a fleshy beauty!

Tan Keying's face has completely slimmed down, and when combined with her hot figure, her charm index rises infinitely!

Fortunately, Li Shushan has already been amazed by the appearance of the heroines in his "writing". Otherwise, Tan Keying, who has successfully lost weight with the help of the system, will definitely make Li Shushan unable to help but be fascinated by her.

But then again, Tan Keying's success in losing weight must be due to magic. It is estimated that Olivia's magic of "eating sweets and not being afraid of getting fat" was used, which can prevent Tan Keying from producing fat after eating. As for the fat in her body, it was all consumed through her study, thinking, and exercise...

But this is undoubtedly a process that requires long-term persistence, and the weight loss magic cannot make her lose weight overnight, which will definitely cause harm to her health.

But while her current appearance shocked Li Shushan, he still didn't know how to describe her clothes. The main reason was that she didn't seem to care about such things at all, so that she still wore the "tank" she wore before. "My clothes looked particularly baggy..."

As a result, Tan Keying, who should have bloomed, is still in a state of budding.

Li Shushan decided to help. This will also be a huge test, that is, when Tan Keying's charm is discovered and there are countless suitors, can she still maintain her original intention?

Coincidentally, Tan Keying finally stopped writing at this time.

The fourth update today! ! !

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