What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 145: Humble in the Bone [Additional update for the alliance leader]

In fact, when Li Shushan was sitting opposite Tan Keying as usual, she had already caught a glimpse of her with her peripheral vision. Her heartbeat accelerated slightly because she seemed to notice that Li Shushan seemed to be a little different today, and he continued to His eyes were on her...

Why does she feel that Li Shushan is different today? Because "Li Shushan" in ordinary days would never spend so much time watching her like today. He seems to cherish his time very much.

"Li Shushan" will be like her. After coming to the library, he will quickly immerse himself in the sea of ​​books. And instead of just pretending to read, he will bring paper and pen and perform various calculations.

She felt that some of the issues involved were unfathomable and she had no idea what "Li Shushan" was calculating and verifying. However, she had to admit that Li Shushan in this state was simply handsome to the core.

And every time "Li Shushan" solved a certain problem and a relieved smile appeared on his expressionless face, she felt happy for him from the bottom of her heart.

There is no doubt that such "Li Shushan" has set an excellent example for Tan Keying. She was originally a person who loved learning, and now she was lucky enough to be bound to the "future technology system of the academic master". How could she Even worse than "ordinary people" and "Li Shushan"?

Of course, in Tan Keying's heart, Li Shushan is special to her. He extended a helping hand to her when she was in the most desperate situation, and even he himself was isolated in the class. At that moment, Tan Ke There was a figure in Ying's heart.

In her extremely heavy and gloomy youth, there was finally a ray of light.

Li Shushan is his hero.

Maybe Li Shushan himself had forgotten those little things, but she would never forget them.

But Tan Keying is humble at heart. Even if she just stares at him silently from a distance forever, she can't muster up the courage to express her feelings to him. She can't accept herself like that. How can she be worthy of him? ?

Now, being able to sit face to face with "Li Shushan" in the library every day, even if there is only a slight nod of greeting and extremely formulaic academic exchanges, she is very happy in her heart.

But sometimes she feels a little frustrated because her current knowledge level seems to be unable to keep up with her opponent. Who is bound to the Xueba system?

Why did "Li Shushan" suddenly become such an awesome academic? She was puzzled...

However, as time goes by, Tan Keying seems to have become accustomed to such "Li Shushan". At the beginning, she still had the idea of ​​​​successful in losing weight and surprising Li Shushan, but in the end, it turned into the idea that she must succeed academically and be able to Let Li Shushan really take his own ideas seriously...

As a result, Tan Keying didn't care about her appearance even more. She didn't have any friends in school anyway, and she had long been accustomed to some malicious and mocking looks. She didn't care anymore, and then she did it completely." "Complete your own system tasks and ignore the eyes of others" is simply the ultimate implementation of Lu Xun's famous saying "Go your own way and let others say it".

However, I don’t know since when, people gradually began to take the initiative to talk to her, and the topic was often inseparable from "weight loss". Girls would ask her how to lose weight and stick to it, while boys would directly express how she would look after losing weight successfully. She is very beautiful and sexy. Can you invite her out for a meal or a movie, and ask her what gifts she likes...

Regarding this, Tan Keying's heart had no fluctuations, and Li Shushan didn't say this to her, so what's the point?

And why didn't anyone pay attention to her when she was a lonely fat girl?

Tan Keying feels that she has seen the world more clearly. It turns out that the personality of a beautiful woman is not "isolated and surly", and she can only be described as "the flower of the high mountain".

No matter how a beautiful woman dresses, no matter how tacky she is, no one will object. They will only say that being tacky to the extreme is also a fashion.

So even now, even if Tan Keying is still bare-faced and dressed in rustic clothes, there are still people who notice her beauty and come to chat with her. Some boys who feel good about themselves seem to be trying to make her chase after her, after all, she was once so humble.

All of this made Tan Keying find it boring. It was too superficial and boring. Most humans were still animals that only cared about appearance. No one noticed that she had reached the level of academic excellence. Ordinary people are in a completely different realm.

Only when the paper she wrote in the field of mathematics is successfully published, may some people be shocked that there can be students like her in such a school...

The only person who knows her true academic level is "Li Shushan". The most fateful thing in the world is probably this.

Fortunately, she also saw a completely different side of "Li Shushan", which made her care about him even more. This is like-minded!

Tan Keying put down her pen and had a lot of thoughts for a while. She finally mustered up the greatest courage in her life, raised her soft cheeks after successfully losing weight, and looked at Li Shushan opposite.

Li Shushan's face showed the gentle smile deep in her memory, which was completely different from "Li Shushan" who usually only smiled lightly.

There is no doubt that the real Li Shushan is more approachable. After all, he is not Olivia, the arrogant and superior imperial princess and legendary mage at heart.

He is just a young man with ordinary talent and a penchant for fantasy.

"Tan Keying, you have changed so much between you now and you in high school. How does it feel to lose weight successfully? You must have put in a lot of effort. I really admire your perseverance." Li Shushan was very sincere. said.

When Tan Keying heard what Li Shushan said, she didn't react for a moment. Where had the "Li Shushan" who only nodded to her and discussed academic issues in a formulaic way gone?

But soon, Tan Keying's heart was filled with a huge sense of satisfaction, probably like the kind of licking dog that silently licked the goddess for a long time and finally got a slightly enthusiastic response from the goddess.

But Tan Keying is even worse. She is the kind of person who has such low self-esteem that she doesn't even dare to lick...

She even suspected that Li Shushan had forgotten that they were high school classmates, but now, she no longer needed to doubt it.

Tan Keying's soft cheeks showed a smile for the first time, but it was a little stiff. She almost forgot how to smile.

"Li Shushan, I thought you had forgotten me. After all, I am so fat and earthy, and my family is still poor. I really don't know why you didn't dislike me like others." Tan Keying subconsciously devalued herself.

The fifth update today! ! !

All updates for the alliance leader [Yin Ji] are completed~~~

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