What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 146 Getting closer [10,000 recommendation votes plus more updates]

"Because I know that one day you will become as good as you are today, so I invested in advance very deliberately... I believe that those who work hard will not have bad luck. What you lack now is self-confidence. Smile more like you just did." Li Shushan joked.

Hearing such an answer, Tan Keying obviously felt unsatisfied. Li Shushan was not a scheming person, he was obviously a good person with a kind heart.

"I'm so fat, and it doesn't look good when I smile." Tan Keying said subconsciously.

"Classmate, excessive modesty is pride. Look at yourself in the mirror. Where are you fat now? So don't live in the past world and look forward!" Li Shushan encouraged as always.

Tan Keying felt more and more that this Li Shushan looked like the one in her memory, and her heart became softer. She couldn't help but smile, but she still laughed at herself: "So what if I lose weight? People like me are completely useless." No one will probably like a girl who knows how to socialize."

"Why do I feel that you are scolding me in different ways, knowing that I am also a completely unpopular boy in school..." Li Shushan said pretending to be sad.

"Haha, who asked you to spend the whole day in the library, and you pushed your luck away? Don't think I didn't see a girl handing you a small note, and someone asked you for WeChat, but you actually "You said you don't have a WeChat account, are you a primitive person? This is a terrible reason for rejection." Tan Keying's smile became more and more natural.

Tan Keying has become more and more certain that Li Shushan is not in love yet. The main reason is that this guy spends too much time alone in the library. How does this look like someone with a love interest?

And every time Li Shushan rejected a girl who asked for his contact information, Tan Keying would feel a little happy in her heart.

Li Shushan couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Tan Keying said. He was laughing at Olivia, the legendary mage, who couldn't use her mobile phone, and of course she didn't have a WeChat account.

"Old classmate, what is your WeChat account? I want to add it." Li Shushan took out his newly bought mobile phone and asked for Keying's contact information. His old mobile phone has been given to Yu Sheng as an "artifact" It’s complicated.

"Eh, eh? Why did you take the initiative to ask for my WeChat..." Tan Keying blushed a little and her heart beat faster.

"Don't you want to join me?"

"No way! I think I should take the initiative to add you, but it feels like a dream, this progress is too fast..."

"What progress?"

"No, it's nothing! My WeChat ID is my mobile phone number, which is 158618..."


Li Shushan naturally added Tan Keying's mobile phone number to his address book, then called her mobile phone and added her WeChat account.

Of course, Tan Keying passed the friend application in seconds and carefully added Li Shushan's mobile phone number to the address book.

Li Shushan is very optimistic about Tan Keying's future, so of course he hopes to become a good friend with her. When the time is right, he can naturally draw her into his team and become a representative figure on the technology side.

He believed that Olivia should have a lot in common with Tan Keying.

"It's almost dinner time, shall I take you to have a meal with me? Let's catch up on old times." Li Shushan invited naturally.

Tan Keying wanted to be more reserved, but she really couldn't. This was an invitation from her crush!

So she nodded obediently, feeling extremely excited.

Maybe it's because Li Shushan and Olivia have been together for a long time now, and he has mastered how to treat girls naturally. As long as he has no wrong thoughts in his heart, he will naturally appear very decent and aboveboard. Even if he is rejected for a dinner date, he will It won't be too frustrating.

As for the successful appointment, isn’t that a basic operation?

It didn't take long for the two of them to leave the library side by side, which attracted some people's attention, but it was not because of Tan Keying, but because of Li Shushan.

Now Li Shushan's temperament is different from the inside out. He feels that he is still low-key and has no sense of existence, but he doesn't know that in the eyes of others, he is definitely of extraordinary origin, arrogant and reserved... Well, this is what Li Shushan often thinks of The sequelae after entrusting Olivia with her body.

In addition, the way Li Shushan is dressed now is no longer the same person who would be looked down upon when going to luxury stores.

And there was a girl next to Li Shushan, who had always been alone. She was a beautiful woman with an excellent figure, but she was dressed a little weirdly. Maybe this was the unique aesthetic of beautiful women?

All in all, this pairing has attracted everyone's attention.

Li Shushan did not invite Tan Keying to a big dinner at the beginning, but planned to eat in the cafeteria together. He knew that the other party's financial situation was not very good now, and she was still so sensitive and had low self-esteem, so he could not put pressure on her and wait until Tan Keying As Ke Ying's academic ability becomes stronger and stronger, she will definitely not worry about money anymore.

What made the plan unable to keep up with the change was that when Li Shushan and Tan Keying walked to the cafeteria together, they unexpectedly met Tan Keying's two roommates, whose names were Tang Yan and Li Lina.

After Tang Yan and Li Lina saw Tan Keying, they greeted her very warmly. Unexpectedly, they thought their roommates were so close. After all, dormitories are the bond between universities.

"Talking about the great beauty, why don't you introduce this handsome guy? You've gained a lot of love just by losing weight. It's really enviable!" Li Lina said with a smile, as if she had forgotten that she used to call Tan Keying "fat girl" .

Tan Keying looked aloof, holding back her displeasure and said, "This is my high school classmate."

Logically speaking, people who know how to watch people's emotions should have left wisely. As a result, Tang Yan and Li Lina seemed to deliberately go against Tan Keying. They followed Tan Keying and expressed that they wanted to eat together. How could roommates not eat together? Woolen cloth?

Tan Keying may have wanted to maintain her image in front of Li Shushan because of Li Shushan's presence, so she did not show her surly side. And Li Shushan, a straight man, was not aware of the complexity between Tan Keying and her roommates. relation.

In fact, when Keying Tan was still a fat girl, Li Lina, the most beautiful girl in the dormitory, had a good relationship with Keying Tan. Although she kept calling Keying Tan "fat girl", she didn't mean any harm and was delicious. Yes, I will also share it with Tan Keying.

However, after Tan Keying successfully lost weight and her charm far surpassed that of Li Lina, the other party became more and more sinister. It can only be said that some girls are really pitiful.

"With so many people, don't go to the cafeteria to eat. I'll drive you out to eat." Li Shushan suggested casually.

"What? Handsome guy, you are a rich man who drives to college, that's okay!" Li Lina looked admiring.

The sixth update today! ! !

Thanks to [Falling Star Shadow] for the 100 reward~~~

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