Among universities, it is indeed rare for students to be able to drive directly to school.

And for such students, their families are definitely not short of money.

When Li Lina saw that Li Shushan's car was actually a BMW 7 Series, she couldn't help but be even more shocked——

Who is this boy? Does his family have a mine? Why did he buy him such an expensive car?

But she didn't know that in Li Shushan's mind, this car was already low-key enough, and it wasn't considered too expensive at all. Only those supercars with slutty looks were more high-profile.

As soon as Li Lina was shocked by Li Shushan's casual aura of a wealthy person, she became much more normal. She probably wanted to maintain a good image in front of Li Shushan. She also made a fuss about their last names, saying that everyone had the same last name. "Li" must have been a family five hundred years ago...

It's a pity that Li Shushan's attitude from beginning to end was relatively indifferent. He only invited them to have a meal together just for Tan Keying's sake.

Compared to Tan Keying, whose charm has skyrocketed after successfully losing weight, the appearance of her other two roommates can only be regarded as average.

Apart from their appearance, Li Shushan didn't see anything outstanding in their characters or abilities. He used one term to define them, that is, "ordinary female college students."

Li Lina, who was sitting in the back seat, was of course very envious of Tan Keying who could sit in the passenger seat. It was the so-called "hostess exclusive seat". She didn't expect that Tan Keying, a fat girl, could hide it so well. Deep, there are wealthy high school classmates like Li Shushan.

Is this guy working so hard to lose weight just to catch Li Shushan, a rich man? Hum, I must get there before her...

The meal was held in a harmonious atmosphere, mainly because Li Shushan easily controlled the situation. The girls all seemed cautious in front of a "god man" like him.

Tan Keying was originally in a bad mood because her roommate ruined her and Li Shushan's meal alone, but because of Li Shushan's deliberate care for her, which reflected the close relationship between her and him, her feelings were very subtle, but she didn't expect that she would be like this. The girl who once humbled herself in the dust also has the opportunity to show off her man one day...

Isn't this the kind of treatment only those beautiful beauties in school get? There is always a lack of high-quality men around them, and they like to show off when they have nothing to do to prove their charm.

After a meal, Tan Keying miraculously discovered that her other two roommates seemed to have subtly changed their attitudes towards her. Could it be because Li Shushan always emphasized at the dinner table that Tan Keying used to be him? She is the best high school classmate, and their friendship is still very deep now, so I hope they will take care of her in the dormitory?

When did Li Shushan have such great influence?

After eating, Li Shushan sent them back to school.

As the three of them walked from the school gate to the dormitory, no one spoke for a while and fell into silence.

Tan Keying was simply too lazy to talk to them. Although she was in a good mood now, Li Shushan's tenderness to her just now made her recall it endlessly.

Li Lina couldn't help but speak: "Talking about the beauty, why don't you introduce this Li Shushan to me? I feel like I'm in love and fell in love with him at first sight! Even if he becomes my boyfriend, it won't affect you and him. It’s a pure friendship, right?”

Tang Yan also helped: "The good news should not go to outsiders. Since you have such outstanding high school classmates, Ke Ying, you should first consider the good sisters in the dormitory."

Tan Keying was so angry that she laughed, is this a good sister?

She was really mistaken. Fortunately, she thought they had changed just now, but it turned out that they were just pretending to be like that in front of Li Shushan.

Originally, Tan Keying was not the kind of person who liked to socialize. She had a surly and awkward personality and was able to maintain a superficial harmony with her roommates. She had been putting up with it for a long time, but now that Li Shushan was involved, she couldn't bear it at all.

"Haha, we've already had a meal together. We've known him for a long time. Do you still need me to introduce him?" Tan Keying sneered.

Li Lina started to get angry again: "Hey, now that you have successfully lost weight and become a beautiful woman, you are starting to swell? Is this your attitude towards your roommates? It's really disgusting for a guy with an awkward personality like you, give up, Li Shushan He will never like someone like you, he just treats you as an ordinary friend."

At this time, Tang Yan saw that the two of them were about to fall out over a man, so she quickly smoothed things over and said, "Keying, don't take Lina's words too seriously. She is the kind of person who talks without thinking. This is not what we just said at the dinner table. I forgot to ask for Li Shushan’s contact information. You and he are old classmates, so you must have contact information, so just share it with Lina.”

Tan Keying finally saw through it. These two bitches were just wearing the same pair of pants. Want to get Li Shushan's contact information from her? There are no doors! If you have the ability, go get it yourself...

Tan Keying felt inexplicably happy at the thought that Li Shushan would reject Li Lina just like he rejected the girls who approached him in the library.

At this time, Tan Keying no longer wanted to pay attention to them, and she speeded up and walked towards the dormitory. She was thinking that when she would make money on her own, she would move out of the dormitory directly to make her study and rest environment better. Some.

Except for her, no one in the entire dormitory was focused on studying. They completely regarded the university as an amusement park.

Not to mention Keying's daily academic system, her growth trajectory has undoubtedly satisfied Li Shushan, but now she still needs time. With the accumulation of her knowledge, she should soon be able to become a scientist. A new star in the world.

After Li Shushan returned to his residence, he was told by Yu Shengfan that Su Wuming wanted to communicate with him alone and get some advice from him.

There was no way, Yu Shengfan was in front of Su Wuming, but she boasted her "Old Li" to the sky, especially her good at layout, farming, and development. Su Wuming was right to ask "Old Li" for advice on the problems she was encountering now. .

Of course, Li Shushan would not refuse Su Wuming's request, just like he would try his best to help Olivia and Yu Shengfan. Anyway, the stronger they are, the stronger his ability to cause trouble, and their loyalty to him , is also beyond doubt.

When Li Shushan came to Su Wuming's room, he discovered that her room had also been uniquely designed. He didn't know if this was because Yu Shengfan used his "game" ability to help her. Her room was very martial arts style, but those high-ranking Technology products are still there, and the two are perfectly integrated.

To Li Shushan's surprise, Su Wuming had changed his clothes and taken off his blindfold.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Xiao Muyue], [I love Misaka Mikoto], [I envy the guy next door], and [zmzqssldd] for their 100 tips~~~

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