What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 148 Three-dimensional Picture Scroll

Although Su Wuming's original hooded gray clothes could increase her mystery, there was no doubt that it greatly reduced her charm.

According to what Yu Shengfan said, when she was fighting side by side with Su Wuming, Su Wuming still had a "second stage". The gray clothes would turn into white clothes, and then her eyepatch would also take off. Next, she opened her eyes as beautiful as stars, and her inner eyes matched her real eyes. Su Wuming in this "second stage form" was simply a god who could kill a god, and a Buddha who could stop a Buddha!

At this moment, Su Wuming changed into white clothes and took off her blindfold. This made Li Shushan wonder whether she was in a violent "second stage form".

However, when Su Wuming saw Li Shushan arriving, she made tea for Li Shushan very respectfully. Her movements were skillful. It seemed that in addition to being skilled in swordsmanship, she was also familiar with tea ceremony.

After taking off the blindfold, Su Wuming felt less mysterious and inaccessible.

The expression on her face was also gentle and graceful. No one could imagine that such Su Wuming was actually a peerless swordsman who combined the sword's art with the way of heaven.

What attracted Li Shushan's attention the most was her pair of extremely beautiful and pure eyes, which contained a kind of compassion.

"If you need my help, you can tell me directly. There is no need to relay it through Xiaoyu. You three are all the heroines of my 'writing' and the most important people in my life." Li Shushan Said from the heart.

Su Wuming nodded meekly, but took out what he had written long ago and handed it to Li Shushan to read. It seemed that she could really stop talking without talking...

If Su Wuming's original taciturnity was due to her personality, then her current taciturnity is due to "talking about the constitution of heaven". As a heroic spirit, she has integrated into the way of heaven in her world. Now every word she speaks will be reflected on her. Original world impact.

For example, if she said "hello" to Li Shushan, it meant that if he went to her plane, he would be favored by heaven.

Li Shushan took a very serious look at what Su Wuming wrote.

She first expressed her most sincere gratitude to Li Shushan, and also her most sincere apology. The gratitude was of course because without Li Shushan, she might not even have the possibility to grow up. The apology was of course that she had failed Li Shushan's expectations of her. , even took the initiative to seek death, and failed to live up to Li Shushan's "halo of the protagonist".

And if it weren't for Yu Shengfan, a righteous, passionate, and middle-class super player, maybe she and her world would have been completely sunk and distorted.

From these words, we can see why Su Wuming is so respectful to Li Shushan. She is the kind of person who will repay a hundredfold if others help her.

In her mind, Li Shushan helped her more than a little. She always called him "Lord Li Shushan".

Perhaps among the three heroines, Su Wuming has the lowest profile. If Li Shushan needs her to do something, she will definitely do her best to complete it.

In addition to thanking and apologizing, Su Wuming wanted to ask Li Shushan for help, which was about how to promote the world and evolve it into a world of high martial arts. Her current lack of strength was limited to her original world.

The biggest difference between Su Wuming and Olivia and Yu Shengfan is that she is no longer a human being, but a heroic spirit, the kind of heroic spirit that is bound to the world.

In other words, as long as her world develops well enough, her strength will be promoted together with the world. But if her world remains the same as before, her strength will also be greatly limited, and she can only She is invincible in her world, but in the world, she is relatively weak.

Of course, there is more than one way to advance in the world. In addition to hoping that a peerless genius will be born in the world and be able to break through the limits of the world on his own, you can also engage in plane wars and devour other planes as nutrients for your own world advancement. .

It’s just that in the case of plane war, you must first find other planes and have the ability to locate planes. This is actually what Olivia is good at, because she is a legendary mage who is proficient in space magic, and she has learned from those on earth. Master of advanced mathematics.

After Li Shushan read Su Wuming's unsolvable problem, he just pondered for a moment and then came up with an idea. He first asked, "Can you tell me specifically what you can do to your world?"

Su Wuming thought for a while and then told Li Shushan about the authority she had.

First of all, she can create living creatures, but only in the physical body. The living creatures will generate wisdom over time, and thus generate souls. However, advanced souls are too rare. Often when the body of a creature dies, the soul will also Dissipate and feed back to the world.

In addition, she can adjust the flow of time in her original world and even view all timelines. However, judging from the current development of her world, although the entire world is in the process of promotion, the final result is that the promotion failed!

The timeline shows that although today's world has entered an era of prosperity of martial arts because of her, Su Wuming, and even demons have become the prey of warriors, as time goes by, warriors will stagnate and no longer pursue The ultimate in martial arts is to stand out and enjoy life through martial arts. In the end, such a trend will be formed, which will completely corrupt the world.

There was no timeline pointing to a successful promotion, so Su Wuming could only adjust the flow of time to make the process as slow as possible. During this period, he thought of various methods, including asking Li Shushan for help.

After all, Su Wuming had never been a god. She even doubted whether her previous "defying heaven" behavior was correct. Is it right for heaven to favor demons? Are they more capable of advancing the world than humans?

However, this is undoubtedly wrong. Demons without intelligence will only make the world sink, but intelligent humans will become inert, and eventually even form a trend of "entertaining to death", completely stagnating the development of the world. Come down.

In order to demonstrate her authority, Su Wuming also took Li Shushan to visit her heavenly space. Li Shushan and Su Wuming seemed to have entered a high-dimensional space and transformed into high-dimensional creatures. A three-dimensional picture unfolded in front of them. The entire world and all the creatures in it can be manipulated by them at will...

Today's warrior world, after the efforts of Su Wuming and Yu Shengfan, can be said to be prosperous, but when they looked through the many timelines, what they gathered at one point was a miserable painting of decay.

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