What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 149 Super large online game [15,000 recommendation votes plus more updates]

Just like Li Shushan could issue tasks to Yu Shengfan and make her complete them willingly, now he knew that as long as it was his suggestion, Su Wuming would definitely adopt it.

Li Shushan felt that he was so awesome that he accidentally "written" a creator. That's right, Su Wuming, who brought his own world of warrior planes, what was he if he wasn't a creator?

Now, Su Wuming shared the authority of the Creator with him, hoping that he could think of a way to promote the world instead of ending up in ruins.

Li Shushan said: "The way to prevent the world from turning into ruins is to add variables. Just like in many online novels, many people travel through time inexplicably. Their existence is a kind of variable. Returning to After ancient times, as variables, they were able to significantly modify the timeline of history.”

Su Wuming seemed to have some understanding: "You mean, we pull a time traveler from the earth and put it into our world to change the rotten destiny of this warrior world?"

In the heavenly space, the two of them communicated with each other through consciousness.

Li Shushan smiled faintly and finally said the way he thought of to help Su Wuming: "One time traveler is not enough, it is too petty. Have you ever thought about making your world into a super large online game, and not only contains The martial arts training system is an online game that allows players to have unlimited possibilities, which means that the entire world has unlimited possibilities. Players will even take the initiative to launch plane wars in order to have a higher level limit. Devour other planes! All players are working for you!"

Su Wuming couldn't help but be stunned. Those eyes as bright as stars were full of incredulity. Her basic reference for game players was "Yu Shengfan". If her world entered the countless "Yu Shengfan" ” Then there is no need to worry about the decay of the world. How can the gamers’ desire to upgrade and explore be comparable to that of the indigenous people?

After all, for players, constantly getting stronger in the game is a kind of happiness and enjoyment.

Li Shushan continued: "Originally, I was preparing to create a new online game. However, such an online game is based on the spiritual world of Magic Network. Players will not have bodies, but now with your ability, they can play with you. Your world has real bodies. They think they are playing a game, but they don’t know that they have come to your world and work for you.”

Su Wuming couldn't help but sigh: "Master Li Shushan, how did you come up with such a wonderful method?"

Li Shushan said modestly: "I didn't think of it myself. It's just because this type of online articles is popular now. The situation you are encountering now is similar to the protagonists of those online articles. Then through Olivia and I, we will challenge the players." Through the operation of the conscious body, let them descend into the body that you have molded according to their requirements, and you can successfully use players, creatures with unlimited potential, to promote your position for you."

Su Wuming felt that his worries were gone. Sure enough, Xiaoyu was right. Master Li Shushan was a very trustworthy and dependable good person. Of course, he was also a super talented game designer.

Li Shushan continued: "It's just that your world is not suitable for making online games now because it is too monotonous, and my previous stand-alone game "Martial Arts World" also used your world background and environment settings to create a branch plot. As for the plot, if players find that the online game still has the same settings, their interest will probably drop significantly."

"Then what should we do?" Su Wuming became worried again.

"Before we open the server, we need to carefully plan this 'picture' and invite Olivia and Yu Shengfan to discuss it. While retaining the martial arts training system, we can add more training systems. In addition, We also need a grand background story for the game. The longer the history, the better. You know, there are many so-called plot party players who like to explore the legendary 'ancient secrets'."

Su Wuming was stunned for a while, but Li Shushan's eloquent appearance undoubtedly made her more and more convinced of him.

"Therefore, we need to paint on this 'picture scroll' in advance, or evolve the world, which is probably equivalent to the background of making the game. When players enter the game later, they will naturally have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of promoting the development of the world. Now, the players' journey will take them all over the world! Maybe one day they will find the earth, which will be very interesting..." Li Shushan couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

If players really find the earth, they will find that they can actually control two bodies. There is one body in the "game" and another body in reality. It's just that compared with the body in the "game", then Just useless.

Su Wuming was not a sloppy person. She immediately brought Olivia and Yu Shengfan into her heavenly space, which could be regarded as a console and map editor for the entire world.

Su Wu famously conveyed Li Shushan's thoughts to them in a concise and concise manner.

Yu Shengfan immediately became excited, and she said loudly: "Lao Li, are you finally going to make a new game? And you're going to make it directly using a plane. This is really a big deal. I can't wait to play this game!"

Olivia also had a curious look on her face. Although she had been a so-called "Creator God", she was not actually a real Creator God. She just traveled through space to an indigenous plane and then pretended to be a God of Creation. He is just the creator god.

She didn't expect that the real God of Creation and Creator would have such a "backstage".

However, Olivia was curious, but she did not envy Su Wuming at all, because although she had obtained the authority of the God of Creation, the Creator, and the Way of Heaven, it also meant that she had completely lost her freedom and was completely bound to this plane. Well, once this plane does not develop well or is invaded by other planes, Su Wuming will be the first to bear the brunt.

Fortunately, Su Wuming met Li Shushan, a dreamer and mastermind. Otherwise, the mentally retarded natives in her plane wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything!

"This idea is still very interesting. At the same time, I am also curious about what will happen if the magic system evolves in a plane. What will happen when the magic system collides with other systems? Which one will be better and which one will be lower? This is simply the best Laboratory!" Olivia said with great anticipation.

When Li Shushan saw his idea of ​​making a super large-scale online game based on Su Wuming's world, Olivia was curious. Then he knew that Olivia would definitely help. She liked to satisfy her curiosity too much.

The third update today! ! !

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