What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 150: Pinch the Planet [Update with 20,000 recommendation votes]

With Olivia's help, it means that the players' consciousness can be wrapped with magic power and "travelled", while Su Wuming creates unconscious bodies in her plane for the players to use. .

As for the physical death of the player in the "game", it is not harmful at all. For life, the truly precious thing is his soul.

A creator like Su Wuming cannot create souls directly, otherwise she would definitely create countless talented warriors. In this way, wouldn't it be easy to advance in the world?

The arrival of the players' consciousness in Su Wuming's world already means a lot of wealth. After they mistakenly thought that this was a game world, they would definitely build it well. After all, there will be "plane wars" in the future. For the main line, if we don’t build the base camp well, it will definitely not work.

As for a plane world, not all places are suitable for the human race. Li Shushan said that Su Wuming's world was too monotonous because there were still too few races in the world, and some places were not used at all, which was a waste.

Her world was originally a world with "a round sky and a square earth", which was not in line with Li Shushan's wishes at all. He directly suggested that Su Wuming turn the area where warriors in the world are mainly active into a warrior planet, and this planet would be dedicated to warriors. It is used to follow the martial arts training system. If the player wants to follow this training system in the future, he will need to come to this planet to "seek the Tao".

Of course, Su Wuming would not refuse Li Shushan's suggestion. In fact, after observing the performance of warriors in this world through the timeline, she was already disappointed with these humans. If Li Shushan hadn't found a way to help her, she might have developed in martial arts. When it reaches its peak, it will directly destroy the world!

In this way, she has preserved the essence of the world, and can gamble her luck to evolve a new world and a new life. It depends on whether this new life group can help her advance to the world.

Su Wuming's move of pinching the warrior planet shocked both Olivia and Yu Shengfan. The "three-dimensional scroll" in front of them seemed to be easily cut out by Su Wuming. Inside were warriors who were like ants, but They didn't seem to realize that the world was undergoing drastic changes...

The split continent, which seemed to be an endless "round sky and square earth", turned directly into a rotating planet, maintaining the same day and night changes as before, and even the seasons did not change.

After all, it is not a real planet, it is still a variant of the "round sky and earth" type world.

At this time, in the newly formed planet of warriors, there was a warrior named Yan Huandong. He was originally practicing in the so-called "Abyss of the World". He was a descendant of Yan Qingmeng.

Several decades have passed since Yu Shengfan and Su Wuming spent hundreds of years "defying heaven" to succeed.

After Yan Huandong was defeated by Duan Chen, the successor of the Sword God, three years ago, he went to the "Abyss of the World" to practice. It is said that this is the farthest place to the east that a warrior can set foot on, an endless ocean, and no one knows the other side of the ocean. What is...

It was indeed like this originally, but after the Warrior Continent became the Warrior Planet, as long as the warriors dare to go to the sea and sail eastward, they will find that the "Abyss of the World" has been connected to the "Endless Land" .

That's right, originally the "Endless Land" was the furthest place to the west that warriors could set foot on.

After Yan Huandong accidentally crossed the "Abyss of the World", he became the first warrior to discover that "the world is round". Such a discovery initially made those who were accustomed to the "round sky and square earth" world view The older generation of warriors simply couldn't accept it, but under the ironclad evidence that the opposite side of the "Abyss of the World" was the "Endless Land", they could only choose to accept the new world view.

Yan Huandong became a well-known warrior in the entire Warrior Continent, but he was not famous for his martial arts. After he discovered that "the world is round," he suddenly had new questions. Since the world is round, what will happen to the world on that day? So what?

He hopes to go to the sky one day. Such an idea makes him feel incredible, because I don’t know when the warriors in the Warrior Continent are all obsessed with practicing martial arts, because practicing martial arts can make them become masters. As for exploring the world People who aspire to pursue the pinnacle of martial arts don't care about this kind of thing at all.

"Hey, Mr. Li Shushan, after I created a warrior planet according to your instructions, I discovered that the future of this world has undergone tremendous changes. Although its final result is still decay, the speed of decay seems to be slower than before. Yes, is this because of variables?" Su Wuming told Li Shushan about her newly discovered situation with a hint of surprise.

Li Shushan nodded slightly, maybe because there was an indigenous protagonist in Su Wuming's new martial arts planet. However, the variable of an indigenous protagonist could not affect the final outcome of the world at all.

At this time, Li Shushan's attention was focused on other parts of the "Three-Dimensional Picture Scroll". After cutting out this piece of the "Three-Dimensional Picture Scroll", the remaining space was still much larger than the planet where the Warrior World was formed.

Li Shushan continued to ask Su Wuming to shape the remaining parts into other planets that were not yet alive, as soil for the evolution of new worlds, new lives, and new cultivation systems. They would also be places where players would "travel" in the future.

"Olivia, I will allocate a planet for you to evolve your magic practice system. I will also use a planet to evolve a new practice system myself. At that time, should I use the new life inside to play a chess game to see whose practice system is better? Better?" Li Shushan smiled.

Olivia couldn't help but asked curiously: "You haven't practiced yet, right? How can you evolve the cultivation system?"

"My mind is big enough, and I have read enough novels. Besides, I can also refer to the evolutionary history of our earth, and you can also refer to the development history of your plane." Li Shushan said quite confidently.

At this time, Yu Shengfan couldn't help but interjected: "The monsters I killed in the game "Tower of Planes" were all kinds of weird. Can you allocate a planet to me specifically to breed monsters? The role of monsters is to The world-destroying thing is like rubber, making it easier for you to erase life species that have no potential and then create new ones."

Before Li Shushan could agree, Su Wuming readily agreed: "Of course, Xiaoyu, your idea is very good. One day I will have to re-evolve the warrior planet and optimize the martial arts training system so that I can always use your monster planet." Yes, it is more natural and convenient to use the hands of monsters to sharpen warriors and even destroy the world."

The fourth update today! ! !

Thanks to [Chen Qixiong] and [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for their 100 tips~~~

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