What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 151 Outdoor anchor’s trip to Japan [25,000 recommendation votes plus more updates]

Li Shushan felt as if he had assembled an online game production team. After everyone worked together to help Su Wuming advance to the world, the team's cohesion would definitely increase.

However, he did not immediately start evolving Su Wuming's world, mainly because he was worried that the world had evolved well, but as a result, the magic power to allow the player's consciousness to travel through time and space was not enough, which would be embarrassing.

The magic reserve is probably like the server capacity of ordinary online games in reality. Online game players certainly hope that the server capacity of online games is as large as possible. In this case, more people can be online at the same time, and the game will naturally be more playable.

Nowadays, there are only two sources of magic power. One is the "Martial Arts World" game that has gradually become popular all over the world, and the other is the "supernatural resurrection" from Japan.

If the game "Martial Arts World" had not become popular in China, perhaps the attention of Chinese netizens would have been attracted by the "supernatural resurgence" in Japan next door. But now, Chinese netizens are still paying more attention to the game "Martial Arts World" Various news about the game.

This has led to a very funny phenomenon, that is, the Chinese are addicted to the strategy virtual reality game, while the Japanese are "dancing with demons", the ghoul underground organizations are gradually growing, and the Japanese "super disaster response room" is also being strangled. Exterminate demons with your brain...

Of course, there will always be some Chinese people who are interested in supernatural events and are driven by curiosity to go to Japan to find out.

There are also some Chinese outdoor anchors who want to be popular, not to be outdone, and want to go to Japan to live broadcast ghost encounters and reveal the truth about the "supernatural resurgence" that has been widely discussed and debated on the Chinese Internet.

Hao Yuchun is such an outdoor anchor from station B. As we all know, the live broadcast platform of station B is averagely popular, and the popularity of outdoor anchors like Hao Yuchun is even more average.

Nowadays, the "lawless place" of Mowang Live Broadcasting Platform has appeared in the live broadcast circle. Many anchors who think they have enough fans and loyal enough have decisively chosen to go to Mowang Live Broadcasting Platform because of the sharing of reward income there. They are so conscientious. They believe that their fans can donate generously, making their income higher than on the original live broadcast platform.

Hao Yuchun did not choose to change jobs because he had finally made a name for himself at Station B and completed the contract signing. It was really unwise to change jobs under such circumstances.

And Hao Yuchun also likes the atmosphere of station B very much. He thinks the audience here are all talented people and the barrages posted are fun. He likes it here very much.

Hao Yuchun decided to go to Japan to explore the truth about "supernatural recovery". He was not instigated by anyone, but he made the decision as soon as he slapped his head on his own.

Just because he goes to live broadcast in Japan, he has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he is very proficient in Japanese dialect, and he has no problem communicating with Japanese people at all.

So he did what he wanted, bought a plane ticket, brought his own live broadcast equipment, and went to Japan. The title of the live broadcast room had been changed by him to - Approaching Science to Reveal the Mystery of Japan's "Supernatural Resurrection"!

As soon as the title was changed, the popularity of his live broadcast room really increased. It seems that many Chinese viewers are indeed interested in the "supernatural recovery" taking place in Japan.

As soon as Hao Yuchun got off the plane, he started the live broadcast with a selfie stick. He introduced to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Hello everyone, now I have arrived at Narita Airport in Japan. It is almost October. I feel like Japan The temperature here is really pleasant.”

He said this and looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room——

"Another anchor went to Japan to give away people's heads?"

"I ordered some wax for the host in advance, which number is this?"

"I wish the anchor good luck. There have been a few people who were not afraid of death before..."

"??? Can anyone tell me who is in trouble and why there is no news report?"

"You think our country's special affairs office is just a freeloader. This news has long been disseminated."

"Damn, why does it feel like this anchor is completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter?"

"Stop posting alarmist barrages, okay? Aren't those anchors who claim to be broadcasting live in Japan the talkative kings?"

"Just wait and wait for the anchor to reveal the truth about 'Supernatural Resurrection', and I will give you a gift when the time comes!"

When Hao Yuchun saw these barrages, he felt inexplicably panicked. He actually knew that there were rumors that some Chinese anchors had completely disappeared after coming to Japan, and their live broadcast content had been completely blocked.

But this is just hearsay after all. He feels that as an atheist materialist who grew up under the red flag, he will not be afraid of these Japanese supernatural rumors at all!

At this time, he probably paid attention to the foreign tourists passing through the customs, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. They all said that Japan was undergoing a "supernatural recovery", but there was no decrease in foreign tourists.

Indeed, now Japan's tourism industry has not slumped, but has become even more popular. It can be seen that many people in this world are indeed very curious, and they will not give up until they come to Japan to experience the legendary supernatural stories in person.

Of course, there are many intelligence officers from other countries who have secretly sneaked into Japan, and there are even intelligence officers from China. They are all silently collecting first-hand information on "supernatural recovery", and at the same time, they are also keeping in touch with researchers. They are keeping in touch, hoping that researchers can decipher the secret behind the "supernatural resurgence" based on the intelligence they collected.

If it can be cracked successfully, it is estimated that China’s classic program "Approaching Science" will be arranged, so that the Chinese people can feel at ease...

But now the Chinese people really don't need to "get closer to science" because they have "Martial Arts World". As long as they make more money and buy a caring and good-looking maid in the game, who cares about the "supernatural resurrection" of the Japanese country next door!

Hao Yuchun gradually calmed down his inner uneasiness. Although he came to Japan to explore the mystery of "supernatural resurrection" as soon as possible, he was not prepared to risk his life and play those "spiritual games" that had been uploaded on the Japanese Internet...

Hao Yuchun's target is the "Hell Girl" who was once very popular on "Douyin". According to rumors on the Japanese Internet, this "Hell Girl" Yan Moai is undoubtedly harmless. A visitor from hell, on the contrary, she is also the nemesis of those extremely vicious ghosts.

In addition, he also learned from information on the Japanese Internet that there is a shrine called "Amaterasu Shrine" that is very efficacious. It also sells consecrated jewelry. It is said that people who wear consecrated jewelry can be blessed by the goddess Amaterasu. shelter……

The fifth update today! ! ! The addition of all recommendation votes has been completed. Please continue to vote for more recommendation votes~~~

Thanks to [Qin Xiaotian] for the 100 reward~~~

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