What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 152 The Miko of Amaterasu Shrine

"Isn't the anchor going to explore the mystery of Japan's 'supernatural resurgence'? Why is he always broadcasting live to the Internet in the hotel?"

"I've unblocked it and unblocked it. After waiting for a long time, I still don't see the host playing those conjuring games in urban ghost stories."

"After watching the anchor's live broadcast, I always feel that Japan's 'supernatural recovery' has been exaggerated..."

"It's good for the anchor to follow his own pace. Don't be affected by the comments from the audience. They want you to die!"

"The anchor's live broadcast is very real. It's not like some anchors who went to Japan to sensationalize. Even though nothing happened in the live broadcast, they yelled that there was a ghost. The acting is really exaggerated!"

Just when Hao Yuchun was searching for various information about "supernatural resurgence" through the Japanese network, the comments in his live broadcast room all criticized him for being too slow and too slow, with no live broadcast effect at all.

However, Hao Yuchun is not anxious at all. Apart from the fact that he came to Japan as soon as he slapped his head, which seemed impulsive and stupid, now that he has calmed down, he is indeed better than those who came to Japan to live broadcast ghost hunting and finally succeeded in committing suicide. , the anchor who lost contact in Japan is much better.

This also shows the importance of knowing a foreign language. Of course, now because of the "Universal Translation" app, you can master other languages ​​by paying money. Unfortunately, Hao Yuchun doesn't know this "app" at all, otherwise he would definitely One, because it is so convenient to use.

"Okay, audience friends, I have basically understood the situation of Japan's "supernatural resurgence". Now, in addition to the outer world, there is also an inner world in Japan, which can also be said to be the supernatural side."

"In addition to the ghost side, there is also the official organization 'Super Disaster Countermeasures Room'. In addition, there are many spontaneous organizations and ghost hunters among the private sector. As long as ghost hunters successfully hunt ghosts, they can go to the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" "Redeem rewards."

"Among them, the 'Amaterasu Shrine' that has become famous among the people is the most reliable shrine passed down by many Japanese people. The name of the shrine maiden who presides over this shrine is actually 'Platycodon'!"

While Hao Yuchun introduced it to the audience in the live broadcast room, he also cooperated with the evidence on the Japanese Internet, which made the audience marvel. Among them, the one that made the audience react the most was undoubtedly the witch Kikyo from the "Amaterasu Shrine"!

On the Internet, someone uploaded a secretly taken photo of Kikyo, the miko of "Amaterasu Shrine". In the photo, Kikyo is seen wearing a classic miko costume, a white top and a red kimono hakama.

She has dark eyes, an oval face, a sleek black hair style, usually tied with a plain white hair tie, delicate and beautiful facial features, a simple bow and arrow she often carries on her back, a faint touch of cherry lips, and an expression Determined but with a hint of melancholy.

With such a "Platycodon" appearance, even if she said she didn't run away from "Inuyasha", no one would believe it!

She already looks more like Kikyo than the best cosplayer, because the coser can only play the appearance of Kikyo in the anime, but cannot show her charm, unless the coser can also look like the shrine maiden of the current "Amaterasu Shrine" Like Platycodon, she truly possesses spiritual power.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly because Hao Yuchun showed a picture of the three-dimensional witch "Platycodon".

"Holy shit! It's really my goddess Kikyo. I beg the host to go to Amaterasu Shrine quickly and put my goddess in the same situation in the live broadcast room!"

"This Japan is not just a 'supernatural recovery'. This is a two-dimensional recovery. As long as a witch with powerful spiritual power like Platycodon appears, why do we need to worry about demons and monsters?"

"I just want to know if there are any real onmyojis besides the emergence of shrine maidens with real spiritual power. If there are, please tell me if I can become a master to learn onmyoji..."

"Goddess Platycodon licks her. When I first watched "Inuyasha", she was my favorite character. She was strong, noble, and kind. Unfortunately, she was tricked by love. I hope that the witch Platycodon from the Amaterasu Shrine won't also fall in love with monsters. .”

"Why do everyone think that the shrine maiden of Amaterasu Shrine is the one in the anime? Maybe they are just similar in appearance, just like the 'Hell Girl' Enma Ai. It feels completely different from the setting in the anime. I don’t even know where the Yama Sword in her hand came from..."

"Suddenly, I feel that the current environment in Japan is so interesting. It has almost become the setting in a novel. There are ghost hunters in the outside world and the inner world. Does that mean there are also hunter ratings and hunter licenses? "

Hao Yuchun saw that the audience in the live broadcast room was so enthusiastic for a while, and the number of viewers was also increasing. He only felt that he had really made a very right choice this time, which could not only ensure his own safety, but also Catch the audience's attention.

As soon as other anchors came to Japan, they couldn't wait to find the places where the supernatural stories happened, and then went to play those spiritual games to death, as if they wanted to expose the scam of Japan's "supernatural resurrection" as soon as possible. However, their end was in Japan. , live broadcast until contact is lost...

Taking advantage of the rapid increase in the number of viewers in the live broadcast room, Hao Yuchun quickly asked the veterans to click and follow, and then selected some questions raised by the barrage to answer.

For example, many comments are concerned about the issue of "ghost hunters" and want to know how this group emerged, how they practice and master the power to fight against ghosts.

However, there is no answer to this question on the Internet. It seems that those extraordinary people who have successfully become "ghost hunters" do not want to expose their secrets at all. In addition, ghost hunters do have ratings, but they do not have a "hunter license". Is it possible? Can't I hunt ghosts without a "hunter's license"?

As long as you are strong enough, any ghost can become your prey. This is the confidence that a "ghost hunter" should have.

"Although there is no information on the Internet about how this 'Ghost Hunter' appeared, in fact 'Ghost Hunter' is also the first choice of attack for those ghosts. While they are hunting ghosts, they are also being hunted by ghosts, and the ghosts kill them. After that, it will become even stronger... Tsk tsk, this Japanese inner world feels like raising voodoos. It is better for our country, China. All monsters and ghosts will turn into ashes in front of our iron fist of atheism and materialism. !" Hao Yuchun said quite proudly.

Next, he packed his luggage and went straight to Amaterasu Shrine, which has become an "Internet celebrity shrine" in Japan and even the world.

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [I Love Misaka Mikoto] and [Stars S Qin Shang] for their 100 tips~~~

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