Amaterasu Shrine is famous in Japan and even around the world for at least two reasons. One is that believers who devoutly believe in the goddess Amaterasu and purchase ornaments consecrated by the shrine are indeed protected by the goddess. The other is of course because of the beauty of Amaterasu Shrine. Miko Platycodon.

Although "Inuyasha" is a work that has been completed for many years, its influence still exists, and the super popular character "Lakyo" in it is also well-known.

The shrine maiden who currently presides over Amaterasu Shrine is actually Kikyo who seems to have escaped from the second dimension. This has to make people wonder whether Amaterasu Shrine and the shrine maiden Kikyo came to reality after the "supernatural resurrection". Among them, for specific examples, you can refer to the previous "Hell Girl" Enma Ai.

As for some manga fans who have verified that Kikyo should not be the shrine maiden of Amaterasu Shrine, they have never even heard of Amaterasu Shrine, they only know Ise Shrine. No one will care about this. If everything is really the same as in the anime Likewise, that would make people lose the desire to explore the secrets behind her.

The appearance of the witch Platycodon is undoubtedly the work of Li Shushan and Olivia.

Olivia originally wanted to cultivate a "Saint Girl" herself, because she felt that she was rich in experience. After all, she had been a "Goddess of Light" and worked in the Church of Light. Now she directly used the identity of "Goddess Amaterasu" to bring her to the Church of Light. Amaterasu Shrine can be carried forward and reap the Japanese people's faith. Isn't it still easy to capture it?

However, now Olivia is no longer as leisurely as she was when she started the Church of Light in the indigenous plane. She is obsessed with learning the knowledge on earth and can't help herself. She even forgot about cultivating shrine maidens.

As for now, Olivia is obsessed with having sex with Su Wuming. No, she should be using Su Wuming's heavenly authority to evolve her magic planet, which she named "Mage World".

Under such a situation, Li Shushan could only run the Amaterasu Shrine himself. He directly asked Olivia to create the miko "Kikyo" according to the method of creating the familiar "Enma Ai". Her appearance and personality were all set by Li Shushan, and they are almost the same as those in the comics.

However, Kikyo is undoubtedly the same as Yama Ai. They can only be regarded as tool people. After all, they are essentially familiars. It is their instinct to obey the will of the mage who created them.

But as long as Li Shushan and Olivia don't take the initiative to give them orders, they will act completely according to their own personalities.

Kikyo usually runs the Amaterasu Shrine conscientiously, and is very keen on promoting the consecrated ornaments produced by Amaterasu Shrine, so much so that some manga fans wonder whether the inner nature of this witch who looks like Kikyo is the gambling maiden who doesn’t care about money and integrity. Li Lingmeng.

In fact, Platycodon sells these consecrated ornaments not for money at all, but for faith. They are probably equivalent to the crosses of Western Catholicism. As long as believers wear them, their beliefs can be uploaded through them at any time. Believers encounter ghosts Whenever possible, just pray to it to ensure your own safety.

Since Platycodon was created to gather faith for "Goddess Amaterasu", she will of course use various methods to accomplish this goal. In this case, she will also be very happy.

In addition to the various consecration decorations to promote Amaterasu Shrine, Platycodon also kills ghosts. Mainly because there are some blind wild ghosts who actually dare to invade the territory of Amaterasu Shrine. They thought that Amaterasu Shrine is different from those ordinary ones. The shrine is just as easy to bully.

Just because ghosts attack the shrine, they can gain huge gains, which means more fear value, or "fear". Generally speaking, the higher the "fear" of the ghost, the more powerful it is. "Fear" can make They advance and want to become red clothes, which is the instinctive pursuit of every ghost.

As a result, Kikyo's demon-breaking arrow hit a child, and he made some extra money. After all, logically speaking, this is what Yama Ai should do.

It can be said that the three familiars of Li Shushan and Olivia have a clear division of labor. The cracked girl specializes in sowing supernatural seeds. She hopes that there will be more and more wild ghosts, which represents her achievements.

And Yama Ai is used to harvest ghosts, but generally she only kills ghosts that have grown up and are closer to the red realm. For those weak ghosts, she will deliberately give them time to grow. After all, the pigs have to be fattened. Only by killing easily can you harvest more meat at once. The same is true for killing ghosts.

Platycodon is not responsible for killing ghosts, she is responsible for harvesting the faith of those who are scared by ghosts to believe in gods, and protecting devout believers from being harmed by ghosts. Sometimes killing ghosts is just a necessary way to protect believers, which can also be expanded The influence of Amaterasu Shrine.

The three familiars still maintain a private relationship, and they help each other wherever they can. After all, they are "originally born from the same roots", and the meaning of their existence is to help their masters harvest more magic power.

In order to expand the influence of Amaterasu Shrine, the Rift Girl often sends a group of ghosts under her to attack other shrines, which is regarded as "fighting monsters and upgrading". She fattens these ghosts. When they really get fat, she notifies Yama Ai to come. Harvest them, or take them swollen to death.

I am afraid that the ghost forces in this world have not thought that the real identity of the "veteran" and "big man in red" who sows supernatural seeds everywhere is the "ghost herder". The ghosts in her eyes are not at all It's not her kind, just a beast that produces magic power.

It is also worth mentioning that the supernatural beings like "Ghost Hunters" who were born in the supernatural side of Japan, their extraordinary power also comes from ghosts, or it is more appropriate to call them "Ghost Controllers".

The original "King of Ghouls" Izayoi Kaede was this kind of "ghost controller", but he did not choose to be a "ghost hunter", but chose to create his own tribe to feed on humans. This may be because at that time There were still too few ghosts, and he didn't even think of killing other ghosts to increase the strength of his partner.

Now, the way for ghost hunters to improve their extraordinary power is to kill other ghosts and let the ghosts in them devour them.

However, this will undoubtedly bring about a problem, that is, the "ghost controller" will be backlashed if he is not careful. As a result, the whole person will transform from a "ghost hunter" fighting for humans to a more terrifying ghost!

This setting is very similar to a comic called "Big Sword", in which the "Big Swords" will awaken into monsters accidentally.

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