What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 154 Super-national treatment [200 monthly tickets plus updates]

In Japan's "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", "ghost hunters" are also ranked and divided into several levels, namely super S level, S level, A level, B level, C level, D level, E Among them, super S-level and S-level "ghost hunters" do not yet exist, and the most powerful "ghost hunter" is A-level.

Don't underestimate the A-level "ghost hunter". This means that the ghosts he controls are already as powerful as the "mother-child conjoined ghost" that was recorded in the files of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" and was codenamed "Ghost Infant". On a par with each other, the ghoul originally codenamed "Ghoul" was also S-level.

The only super-S-class ghost that has been recorded in the files from beginning to end is the "Slit Girl" codenamed "Plague".

However, as time went by, a member of the analysis team of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" raised objections, saying that he did not think "Plague" could be regarded as a super S-class ghost, just because of the number of humans who died at her hands. , completely 0. He had reason to suspect that the cracked girl was the kind of ghost who was not interested in killing people at all.

And how can a crack girl who doesn't kill anyone be rated as super S-class?

They can't just make hasty conclusions about her just because she is the first ghost to appear since "Supernatural Resurrection" or because she was once the heroine in the famous "Urban Ghost Story", right?

The question raised by a member of the analysis team indeed sparked a moment of controversy. Some people agreed with his point of view, saying that the "slit girl" is more famous than her strength, and maybe she just likes to do scary pranks.

Some people bluntly refuted his point of view, thinking that although the number of humans who died directly in the hands of the Rift Girl was 0, there were many people who died indirectly in her hands. Don’t forget that she could kill those humans who died with deep hatred. , transformed into ghosts, and then those ghosts became human beings' biggest enemies.

Of course, not all ghosts are transformed by the "Slit Girl". After all, the "Gate to Hell" has been opened in Japan, and new ghosts will appear every moment, and many ghosts also have their own ability to infect.

As a result, the view that the slit woman indirectly kills people cannot convince the public, because some people feel that those people deserve to be killed by resentful ghosts. If there were no "slit women", maybe those who were wronged and harbored hatred would not be able to do so. Take revenge personally.

Of course, some "law parties" jumped out and said that this was illegal, and that the only people who could help people get justice were the police, who personally transformed into ghosts and took revenge. This really ignored the overall situation.

The "law party" exists no matter when and in what country. They stubbornly pursue a certain kind of procedural justice and rigidly want everything to be executed in accordance with the will of the law. They do not pay attention to the actual situation at all, and believe that this is the real justice. .

The status of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" in the Japanese officialdom can be said to be very important. This is largely due to the former leader of the "Ghoul Countermeasures Team" and the current deputy director of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" Kazuhiko Miyazaki. .

Miyazaki Kazuhiko should now be the most powerful person in the entire "Super Disaster Response Room". After all, the director is only a part-time or temporary post of a big leader above, and all specific affairs must be handled by Miyazaki Kazuhiko.

This elite bureaucrat who once witnessed "Hell Girl" Enma Ai clean up the ghouls like chopping vegetables and melons. Although he did not succeed in kneeling down and licking Enma Ai at the time, he has been thinking about Enma Ai since then. , almost with a "visit the thatched cottage three times" attitude, if you want to invite Yama Ai, you must come to the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" to take charge of the overall situation. The whole of Japan really needs her!

Li Shushan, who has always paid attention to Yama Ai, was shocked by this elite bureaucrat who knelt down and licked Yama Ai almost without limit, but he certainly would not be confused by Miyazaki Kazuhiko's ecstasy soup. What happened to Yama Ai? Maybe preside over something.

But Li Shushan finally let Enma Ai give Miyazaki Kazuhiko a chance to kneel down and lick her, and she became the transcendent existence of the entire "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", just like a super worshiper of a big force in the novel.

Anyway, the meaning of Yama Ai's existence is to harvest ghosts, and it is best to harvest those powerful ghosts. However, if she were to find it herself, the efficiency would be too low, so it is better to use the information advantage of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" to Specifically to help them solve the most difficult and powerful ghosts, and clean up those "ghost hunters" who have been attacked by ghosts.

Yama Ai is not a subordinate of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", but a completely equal existence. On the contrary, the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" has set up a service team to serve her specifically. Whatever she wants to eat or play, she will be satisfied. .

Even the real big shots in Japan, such as the emperor, prime minister, chaebol bosses, etc., have met Yama Ai in private and given important instructions, that is, they must ensure that Yama Ai is treated as a citizen. Of course , if their lives are in danger, they must hope that Lord Yama Ai can lend a helping hand...

It can only be said that the more high-ranking people are, the more they cherish their lives. When they knew that Yama Ai also needs faith, they even built a Yama Ai God Palace for her!

This shrine is much more impressive than the shrine.

In this way, Yama Ai took the upper-level route of Japan and got into the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", becoming its real trump card and making the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" an authoritative organization in the Japanese world.

There is no doubt that this is of great benefit to her. Regardless of whether she joins the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" or not, her purpose is to harvest ghosts.

After joining now, everyone will work conscientiously and work hard to select the ghosts worthy of her, at least they cannot be lower than A level...

At the same time, Yan Moai can also look through all the research materials in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". She can check out any supernatural technologies developed through the study of ghosts. If she can also cooperate with the researchers, then she can It would make the researcher extremely happy, but unfortunately it all depends on her own wishes.

Kazuhiko Miyazaki, an elite bureaucrat who relies on "recruiting" Enma Ai to take the position, can be said to have knelt down and licked her even harder. She will never use her trump card for any small matter. Anyway, she must never let Enma Ai develop a feeling that she is just " "Subordinate" and "thug", but regard her as a strategic nuclear weapon, otherwise it is estimated that more and more "ghost hunters" among the people will go to heaven.

With Enma Ai as a trump card, Miyazaki Kazuhiko's position in the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" became more stable. At the same time, he also began to actively recruit private "ghost hunters" to form a "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" regular team of supers.

The third update today! ! !

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