What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 155 Dangerous Night [Additional update after 100 orders]

The existence of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", coupled with the fact that it has the "Hell Girl" "Enma Ai" sitting in charge, has an absolute guarantee of force. This has undoubtedly allowed the Japanese official to stabilize the "supernatural recovery" "After that, society is about to face a turbulent situation, so as to appease the distracted people.

In a sense, it is a win-win situation for Yama Ai to cooperate with the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room".

She has obtained more information and knows the current situation of the "other world" very well. Which ghosts have been fattened and can be killed. As long as she gives her orders, other staff will arrange the battlefield for her and prepare for the battle. Clean up the site afterwards.

And every time the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" asks her to take action, it means that it owes her a favor and needs to pay more to repay her favor.

So where does the "super disaster response room" win? Obviously, the victory was based on the political significance and deterrence of Yama Ai.

Kazuhiko Miyazaki, the leader of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", after obtaining Enma Ai's consent, launched a media campaign and held a press conference.

He told all the Japanese people that the national hero "Hell Girl" Enma Ai has reached a strategic partnership with the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". He advised those ghosts who tried to subvert the social order of Japan and transformed into monsters through the power of ghosts. Extraordinary fellows, stop having unrealistic dreams.

As long as they dare to commit any violent and terrorist incidents, what awaits them is to be purged!

The "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" is willing to cooperate with those extraordinary beings and ghosts who stand on the side of mankind, and it is also absolutely not afraid of any extraordinary power that thinks it can challenge the social order.

Miyazaki Kazuhiko now has a big stick in hand and has used the deterrent power of Yama Ai to the extreme. For an elite bureaucrat like him who is committed to maintaining social order, this is just a basic operation.

His own prestige and power have also been greatly improved. It can be said that he has become a dazzling new star in the Japanese political arena. Some people say that he is the Prime Minister of the "Inner World". As for the Emperor of the "Inner World", of course he is Yan The devil is in love, but she is not a rubber stamp, but a Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all extraordinary beings.

It is precisely because of the changes in the overall form of Japan that Japan has formed a subtle dynamic balance. On the surface, its order is still very stable. In fact, in some areas, it has become a customary "ghost monster". Only "ghost hunters" dare to set foot there, and it has become a place for hunters to take risks and fight.

Hao Yuchun, an outdoor anchor from China, is careful enough and has learned so much information about "paranormal recovery" from the Japanese Internet, but in fact he still only scratches the surface.

So on his way to Amaterasu Shrine, he accidentally stepped into a ghoul settlement!

During the day, everything seemed normal here, and he didn't feel any scary atmosphere at all.

In the evening, he broadcast live in the hotel as usual. He told the audience in the live broadcast room that he would successfully arrive at "Amaterasu Shrine" tomorrow, and he must invite the miko Kikyo to his live broadcast room...

He also said that it is really not easy to go to "Amaterasu Shrine" because its location is so remote and the transportation is very inconvenient. It is impossible to get there directly by Shinkansen. However, there is an unspoken rule for long-distance buses nowadays, that is Can't drive at night.

There is no way, because there are more and more wild ghosts, the risk of driving long distances at night is too great. When I accidentally passed some ghosts, I don’t know how many cars were discovered during the day, and they have been destroyed and killed.

Just when Hao Yuchun introduced his progress to the camera, there were many comments saying that he was too timid and had never gone out at night. Didn't everyone say that the public security in Japan is good? Why not go out at night and live broadcast the night scene?

Some viewers said that Hao Yuchun's live broadcasts these days are too bland and have no live broadcast effect. Watching his live broadcasts, it feels that there is no "supernatural recovery" happening in Japan at all, and it is not interesting at all. If it were not for the expectation of the witch Kikyo The point is, they will definitely not spend time watching his boring live broadcasts anymore.

When Hao Yuchun saw these barrages, he felt a little anxious. He felt that his live broadcasts in the past two days were indeed too dull, and they were not even as interesting as his outdoor live broadcasts in China...

At this time, he couldn't help but feel that Japan's "supernatural recovery" was a little too exaggerated, and that he was a little too cautious.

So, he had another impulse and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Okay, then I will live broadcast the night view of Japan for everyone, but this is not a big city, it is just a small county similar to ours."

As he said this, he picked up the selfie stick, walked out of his room, and then left the hotel. It was pitch dark outside. He suddenly regretted it, but he still had the courage to shout to the live broadcasters, " 666" viewers said: "I'm going to visit the night market now. I checked it online and the night market here seems to be very famous."

However, when he wanted to find a taxi at night, there was not even a car here!

The night here is really too quiet.

At this moment, Hao Yuchun suddenly heard the sound of a lighter lighting up. He followed the sound and saw a man wearing a British-style coat and a round-brimmed hat, smoking in the dark. His face was completely Hidden by hat.

Hao Yuchun was slightly startled, and subconsciously wanted to stay away from this man who exuded a cold temperament. However, he heard the man say in a hoarse voice: "Human, this is not where you should come."

Hao Yuchun subconsciously wanted to ask why, but he saw that the comments in his live broadcast room were all——

"Anchor, run!"

"Back behind back!"

"Damn it, I finally saw a living ghoul."

"The ghoul Hezi is so handsome!"

"The anchor is finished, please invite the next Dream Chaser anchor..."

"The anchor shouldn't come out at night, it's too deadly!"

"It turns out that everything that happened in Japan is true!"

Hao Yuchun's face was pale. He didn't dare to look back. He could only place all his hopes on the cold man in front of him. He ran forward!

But the cold man wearing a British-style coat and a round-brimmed hat took a deep drag on his cigarette, and then rushed towards the ghoul behind Hao Yuchun with the cigarette in his mouth! His speed is so fast that it is simply not the speed that ordinary humans can possess!

He held a shotgun with a very thick barrel in his left hand, and his right hand was only inserted in his pocket.

Next, Hao Yuchun and the audience in his live broadcast room saw a scene they would never forget!

The fourth update today! ! !

Thanks to [AI039] for the 2000 reward, [Flying Pierre] and [Chen Qixiong] for the 100 reward~~~

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