What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 156 Ghost Hands [Update for 200 orders]

This is undoubtedly a battle between "ghost hunters" and "ghouls"!

And Hao Yuchun saved his life this time. If he hadn't met this ghost hunter who seemed to have a cold temperament, his life would have been decided tonight.

He feels faintly scared now. Why did he get so impulsive after seeing the barrage from the audience and go out at night to commit suicide...

But then he thought, if he hadn't come out, he probably wouldn't have seen this visually stunning scene.

As long as there are ghost hunters around, ordinary humans can be completely safe before the ghost hunters are killed by ghosts, because for ghosts, the rewards from killing ghost hunters are far higher than killing ordinary humans.

That's why Hao Yuchun was able to live broadcast this scene without interference.

I saw this man wearing a British-style coat, smoking a cigarette, and with his right hand still in his pocket. After rushing forward at top speed, he easily dodged the ghoul's attack, completed the close range, and then A single shot was fired at the ghoul's body. The gunshot was so loud that it made Hao Yuchun's ears ring a little...

However, this seemingly extremely powerful shotgun did not seem to cause fatal damage to the ghoul at all, but only caused the opponent to fall into a frozen state...

Hao Yuchun was dumbfounded at this time. He did not expect that the firearms that humans are proud of would really have no lethality against such ghouls who feed on humans!

However, this ghost hunter seems to have been mentally prepared for this. His shotgun seems not to be used to kill ghouls, but to break out of this frozen state.

At the next moment, the ghost hunter finally took out his right hand from his pocket!

This is not the palm that ordinary humans should have at all!

Instead, it is like the ghost hand of a fierce ghost, exuding a formidable cold aura!

"The anchor is really lucky. He just happened to meet a ghost hunter."

"Anchor, hurry up and become a disciple. Become a transcendent today!"

"Does anyone think that this guy is actually a serious fan of the game "Bloodborne"? No matter how you look at it, it seems that his clothes and moves are imitating the protagonist in the game. Tao Zhe's attack betrayed him!"

"In terms of combat effectiveness, I feel that it is far inferior to the previous Hell Girls. In the end, collecting Hezi was a bit out of character..."

"Suddenly I really want to go to Japan. If I change my job to a 'ghost hunter', will I be able to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and be omnipotent?"

Hao Yuchun saw such an explosion in popularity in his live broadcast room, and he couldn't help but subconsciously said: "If everyone thinks the live broadcast just now is exciting, please pay attention and reward, and then watch me do the interview This is my savior."

This time, the audience didn't skimp on anything. They donated generously and gave various gifts. Those who had no money also gave free gifts.

Hao Yuchun endured the secret joy in his heart, plucked up the courage to step forward, and then pretended to express his sincere thanks: "My lord, it is really thanks to you just now, otherwise I might have been eaten by a ghoul."

This ghost hunter who had given Hao Yuchun a cold feeling before seemed not so difficult to contact. After the other party collected Hezi, he responded calmly: "As a ghost hunter, hunting ghosts is what I should do. We ghosts The relationship between hunters and ghosts is that of natural enemies. They are necessary for our growth, and we are also the nutrition for their advancement. Why do you, an ordinary person, dare to come to this ghoul settlement?"

What? Is this actually a gathering place for ghouls?

Hao Yuchun was shocked. He felt that he was really lucky. He accidentally came to this place and survived...

Hao Yuchun couldn't help but express his gratitude to the ghost hunter again. This time his attitude was much more sincere.

At this time, he saw the other party's face under the round-brimmed hat. He originally thought that the other party was a middle-aged uncle with an unshaven beard, but he did not expect that the other party was actually very young, and his appearance was not as fierce as the ghoul he had just hunted. , but an ordinary-looking young man with the temperament of a gaming otaku. As for the cold aura exuding from his body, it is probably related to the thing he has always kept in his pocket.

Hao Yuchun suddenly felt that the pressure was not so great, and he was quite good at building relationships with the young man. After thanking him, he boasted first, and indeed he made the other person feel a little arrogant.

Then he showed his identity as a host, saying that the handsome fighting appearance of the opponent just now had been seen by millions of Chinese viewers in his live broadcast room. Everyone admired him very much, so could he show his respect to these viewers? Say hello and introduce yourself?

This young man was obviously a little confused by Hao Yuchun's talk, but his vanity was undoubtedly greatly satisfied. He simply opened the "Universal Translator" app and instantly mastered Chinese. Of course, he understood the bullets in Hao Yuchun's live broadcast room. screen.

Almost every ghost hunter is a user of the "Universal Translator" app, which they use to communicate with ghosts on their bodies.

As Hao Yuchun said, these viewers expressed their admiration and shock for him in various ways. After watching it, he could hardly maintain the mysterious and cold ghost hunter character at the beginning.

This young man wearing a British style coat once again shocked Hao Yuchun and the audience in his live broadcast room when he spoke to the live broadcast room.

Just because he no longer spoke Japanese, but said in smooth Chinese: "Hello everyone, my name is Yoshiyuki Tanimura. I am a C-level ghost hunter, codenamed 'Ghost Hand'. Currently, it can be regarded as our Japanese." The ghoul investigator in the CCG in "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room." This is my fifth time hunting ghouls. I feel like I'm not very proficient yet, and I've made a fool of myself in front of everyone."

The fifth update today! ! !

Thanks to [Flying Pierre] for the 100 tip~~~

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