What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 158 Number of Extraordinary People

Hao Yuchun complained, but he had to admit that there is no doubt that ordinary people's desire to become extraordinary.

The audience in his live broadcast room also expressed their opinions on this -

"Let me choose to be an ordinary person without any extraordinary powers, or to be a ghost hunter who is hated by ordinary people. Of course I choose the latter!"

"After seeing the extraordinary power of this ghost hunter just now, I have nothing to hesitate. Of course I choose to become such a strong man. In this way, I will have the ability to protect myself even if I encounter ghosts."

"Only Japanese people engage in such discrimination. If our country is lucky enough to have a supernatural revival, then I will definitely find a ghost as soon as possible and train as a ghost hunter! Ghost hunters will definitely be respected in our country. !”

"There are still people who hope for a supernatural recovery in their country? What kind of crazy idea is this? They will be killed by ghosts when the time comes. Let's see if you still hope for a supernatural recovery!"

"Although our country of China does not have supernatural resurrection, we do have "Martial Arts World". I wonder if you can become a martial arts master by beating this game (funny)..."

"Is it true? I also play "Martial Arts World". In addition to feeling that my mental strength has been strengthened after playing it, I haven't found that I can do martial arts in reality?"

"Look, there's a stupid kid here. Some people really dare to believe that he can become stronger by playing games!"

"The host will ask this ghost hunter again how the various ratings of ghost hunters are based on. What is the level of this C-level ghost hunter in Japan's other world?"

Next, Hao Yuchun also met the audience's expectations and continued to ask Yoshiyuki Tanimura a lot of questions about the supernatural side that is gradually forming in Japan, including of course the classification of ghosts and ghost hunters, and how many extraordinary people there are in the world now. .

However, what Hao Yuchun didn't know was that after he live broadcast the process of the extraordinary person Yoshiyuki Tanimura killing a ghoul, his live broadcast room had already been paid attention to by the Chinese official "Special Office".

It's just that this time the "Special Office" did not coordinate his live broadcast room, but used his live broadcast room to learn more about the world in Japan.

There are indeed Chinese intelligence officers who have entered Japan, but their understanding of the other world is still unclear. After all, there are only a few ordinary people who can become ghost hunters.

Don't look at what Yoshiyuki Tanimura said just now. It seems that ghosts are like Pokemon. As long as you catch one with a Pokemon ball, it will be for your use. In fact, how can it be that simple?

Most people probably don't have the courage to cooperate with ghosts, and some people foolishly think that certain ghosts will cooperate with them obediently, and even take the initiative to let the ghosts get on their bodies. The result is that they are deceived by those cunning ghosts. Nest, the control of the body belongs entirely to the ghost.

A person who can truly control a ghost must be a strong person mentally, so that the ghost can recognize your ability to make it stronger and eventually advance to red...

Or if you fulfill the ghost's obsession during its lifetime, it may also serve you willingly.

For example, the "King of Ghouls" Izayoi Kaede used this method to make a small ghost surrender to him, and combined with the ghost's obsession with eating people, he created the "ghoul" group.

Just because China's "Special Affairs Office" doesn't know the current situation on the supernatural side of Japan, a streamer accidentally chatted with a ghost hunter. Of course, they must seize this opportunity and learn more about it. Condition.

"What are the levels of ghost hunters? Actually, I'm not sure about this, because it's usually done by the analysts in our 'Super Disaster Countermeasures Room', which requires the use of various instruments. Of course, there are also big guys The evaluation method is very simple and crude. For example, the highest super S level is the world-destroying level, S level is the country-destroying level, A level is the anti-military level, and those below B level can be said to be ants. In addition, starting from B level, The probability of a ghost hunter degenerating into an abyssal increases rapidly, but most ghost hunters will not stop themselves from becoming stronger because of this."

"E-class ghost hunters are newbies who have just successfully changed their profession. Now in the other world, there are at least tens of thousands of them. This number is still rising. Even if they become neither human nor ghosts, ordinary people still aspire to become extraordinary. There are thousands of D-level ghost hunters. There are always three to four hundred C-level ghost hunters like me. As for B-level ghost hunters, there are only a few dozen, and some of them have become Abyssal Hunters. , which means that they will have destructive power infinitely close to A-level..."

At the end of the sentence, Yoshiyuki Tanimura's tone became deeper, and he didn't know if he had thought about whether one day he would be promoted to a B-level ghost hunter, and he would accidentally become an abyssal.

"What about A-level and above ghost hunters?" Hao Yuchun asked enthusiastically.

"There should be no ghost hunter above level A in the world now. Unless he degenerates into an abyssal, he will probably have almost S level power in an instant. I am still too far away from the level of A level. I only know our 'super disaster countermeasures' There is an A-level ghost hunter codenamed 'The Devourer' in the room. He will not take action easily. Once he takes action, there will be big action!"

"The official A-level ghost hunter will not act alone, and the superiors will not let him act alone. If he degenerates into an abyssal, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous. No one can bear this responsibility."

Hao Yuchun nodded and said very innocently: "Then it would be better not to join the officialdom. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to become a free ghost hunter without any restrictions at all?"

Yoshiyuki Tanimura shook his head and explained: "Without official support, it would be impossible for folk ghost hunters to quickly advance to the level. The resources held by the government are unimaginable for folk ghost hunters."

Hao Yuchun asked again: "Then do you know what level the priestess Kikyo of Amaterasu Shrine is? Has she reached level A?"

Yoshiyuki Tanimura had been answering questions fluently before, but now he was confused by Hao Yuchun's question. He obviously didn't know much about Amaterasu Shrine and the shrine maiden Kikyo, because the other party was not from their circle of ghost hunters at all.

Hao Yuchun, in turn, educated Tanimura Yoshiyuki on the Amaterasu Shrine and the shrine maiden Platycodon grandiflorum. He also said that this place was very close to the shrine. Would you like to visit the shrine with him tomorrow and buy some consecrated ornaments to ward off evil spirits and ensure safety.

"This is a trick used by shrines to defraud money..." Yoshiyuki Tanimura is obviously not very optimistic about Amaterasu Shrine, because he has personally seen many shrines destroyed by ghosts, and in the end, the shrines have to hire ghost hunters to protect them.

Ironically, ordinary people still trust shrines more.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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