What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 159 Real and False [Updated for 300 orders]

Yoshiyuki Tanimura is obviously not very interested in the popular shrines in Japan. When he was not a ghost hunter, he felt that there was no need for shrines to exist. His family visited shrines every year and donated money, but nothing happened. The gods were blessing his family.

Later, after he became a ghost hunter, he looked down on shrines even more. Logically speaking, a "supernatural resurgence" has occurred in the island country of Japan, so why don't any shrines stand up and say that they can eliminate ghosts?

However, some small shrines came forward. As a result, not long after, the Shintoists in the small shrines who cheated on food and drink were all solved by ghosts. The ghost forces seemed to want to prove one thing, that is, there were no shrines at all. Any ability to clear out ghosts!

On the contrary, any shrine that dared to stand up and declare to protect human beings would be crushed directly. Even those who dared to pray to gods and Buddhas were frightened by the ghosts and no longer prayed to gods or Buddhas. Instead, they respected and feared ghosts. Everything is obviously the work of the cracked woman.

As a result, some very realistic ordinary people directly changed their beliefs and no longer believed in Shintoism, but instead invited ghosts back to worship them.

Generally speaking, ghosts with a little intelligence will choose to accept offerings from ordinary people. The fear and belief of ordinary people can increase their strength and speed up their advancement.

Yoshiyuki Tanimura's family, originally his parents were very religious people and would go to the local small shrine every year to pay homage and make donations. They all said that this small shrine is very efficacious, and the master who presides over it is a truly enlightened monk. …

After the "supernatural resurgence" occurred, the enlightened monk boasted that he had the ability to protect everyone in the town, as long as everyone donated five times the amount of money.

Many people chose to believe in this "Eminent Monk", including Tanimura Yoshiyuki's parents. The result was of course obvious. This "Eminent Monk" who claimed to protect the whole town was killed by ghosts not long after. The ghost thing is a ghost hand!

After the ghost killed the "Eminent Monk", it did not attack other people in the town. Instead, it enjoyed the fear of everyone in the town. It directly occupied the small shrine in the town and demanded that all the town residents It must be worshiped as if it were a shrine.

Residents who dared to escape from this place would certainly end up in a miserable situation. However, Tanimura Yoshiyuki's parents, who were very aware of current affairs, began to worship this "ghost hand", and they were probably the most pious.

Later, Yoshiyuki Tanimura communicated with Ghost Hand through the "Universal Translation" app. The other party said that its promotion speed had reached a bottleneck because its entity only had one hand, so they had a basis for cooperation...

"Ghost Hand" is relatively friendly to Tanimura Yoshiyuki, probably because of Aiwujiwuba, whose parents are its devout believers, so it gave Tanimura Yoshiyuki a chance to become a transcendent. When the two of them merge, they become With the current "Ghost Hunter" Yoshiyuki Tanimura.

The town where Tanimura Yoshiyuki lives is still enshrining the "Ghost Hand", but they have gone from resisting at the beginning to now being willing, because since the "Ghost Hand" was enshrined, their town has I was no longer troubled by ghosts.

This even led to people from other places coming to settle in the town, but the prerequisite for all this was that they also had to change their beliefs and believe in "ghost hands".

From then on, ghost hunter Tanimura Yoshiyuki began to look down on shrines less and less, not even the official shrine.

This "supernatural resurgence" is like a big wave washing away the sand, directly revealing the prototype of the original shrine, onmyoji, etc. They do not have any extraordinary power at all, so naturally they cannot eliminate ghosts, so they can only talk nonsense. Just blow it, and if you really encounter a ghost, you will be scared to death.

In the end, the ones who really have the ability to eliminate ghosts are the ghost hunters who use the power of ghosts and form a symbiotic relationship with ghosts. However, ordinary people still hate ghost hunters and still have illusions about shrines, onmyoji and other deceptive things.

Yoshiyuki Tanimura, who had never heard of "Amaterasu Shrine", was indeed a little ignorant, but he could not be blamed. First of all, because he despised the shrine in the first place, he would not pay attention to this news at all.

Secondly, after he became a ghost hunter, he never thought about relying on others. He felt that his own strength was the most reliable, so he spent almost all his time on practicing and cleaning up ghosts. That's why he said before Communicated with ordinary people.

Hao Yuchun also showed the Internet memes about "Amaterasu Shrine" to Yoshiyuki Tanimura, saying that there was a very interesting comparison picture called the comparison between the real "Amaterasu Shrine" and the fake "Ise Shrine" .

As we all know, Ise Shrine can be said to be one of the most famous shrines in Japan. Its divine body is the Yata Mirror, one of the three artifacts symbolizing imperial power. It can be called the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people. Since its construction, no foreigner has been able to Access was not open to foreigners until 1957.

Unlike other shrines in Japan, the security guards of the shrine are all Japanese Self-Defense Force policemen. This in itself shows how huge the political significance of this shrine is.

However, since the emergence of "Amaterasu Shrine", this "Ise Shrine" has been very embarrassed. Many Japanese people who have visited "Amaterasu Shrine" feel that the goddess Amaterasu enshrined in "Amaterasu Shrine" is the real goddess. If she exists, she will also bless those who come to worship her. After all, even her miko is a platycodon with extraordinary power...

However, people who go to "Ise Shrine" to worship feel that it is useless, and the staff in the shrine have no extraordinary powers at all. This is different from the shrine maiden in "Amaterasu Shrine" who seems to have come out of the second dimension. When compared with Platycodon, it’s too far behind!

So Japanese netizens started to make fun of me, and the comparison picture between the real Amaterasu Shrine and the fake Ise Shrine was spread all over the Internet...

It’s no wonder that Japanese officials want to quickly build a shrine for “Hell Girl” Enma Ai. At least they can stabilize their faith and have a new spiritual sustenance. After all, Yama Ai really exists, and the “Ise Shrine” enshrines her. Gods and artifacts, but they cannot come back to life to help the official clean up ghosts.

After Yoshiyuki Tanimura read the memes on the Internet, he became slightly interested in "Amaterasu Shrine", which allowed so many netizens to unanimously praise "Amaterasu Shrine" and use it to belittle "Ise God" "Miya", it seems that the shrine maiden of "Amaterasu Shrine" should not be that simple.

So the next day, Yoshiyuki Tanimura went to visit Amaterasu Shrine with Hao Yuchun out of curiosity.

As a result, when they arrived at their destination, they found that this small shrine was surrounded by a sea of ​​people!

There are various stalls around the shrine, it's like attending a Japanese festival, or a Chinese temple fair...

The third update today! ! !

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