What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 160 Everyone may die [Update for 400 orders]

Yoshiyuki Tanimura, a native of Japan, was very surprised by the grand occasion in front of him, because he had never thought that so many people could gather in such a small rural place.

Hao Yuchun learned through the Internet that this place seemed to be a wasteland, but it was purchased by a Japanese company at a low price, and then a large amount of construction work was carried out, saying that it was going to build a horror amusement park.

As a result, this decision was of course regarded as a joke by other companies. Building a horror amusement park in such a small rural place with inconvenient transportation?

Are you afraid that you are not living in a dream?

Is the president of "Magic Co., Ltd." mentally ill?

Who would come to this place for a horror amusement park?

Moreover, with the outbreak of "supernatural recovery" throughout Japan, the population in many rural areas has become increasingly sparse. Everyone has chosen to go to the metropolis, because many metropolitan "super disaster response rooms" affiliated institutions have been slowly established. It has extraordinary power that can fight against ghosts, which can definitely ensure the safety of the people to a certain extent.

As a result, no one went to those small rural places, and ghosts were formed one after another. Those who were lucky enough to survive basically became existences that believed in ghosts, such as the small town where Tanimura Yoshiyuki was born. town.

However, what no one expected was that not far from the horror amusement park being built, an Amaterasu Shrine and a shrine maiden named "Bikyou" appeared unexpectedly.

The appearance of the shrine is like a bright light in the dark night, seeming to drive away the ghosts in the area, and the "Magic Co., Ltd." that purchased this land has undoubtedly become the luckiest company!

The land prices around "Amaterasu Shrine" are rising like a rocket. Many wealthy people who cherish their lives hope that the society can develop a residential area. By then, they will definitely buy a house. A refuge exists.

The companies that had previously laughed at the decision of "Magic Co., Ltd." were all dumbfounded, because even if "Magic Co., Ltd." did not develop this land at all and directly sold it, it would instantly generate dozens of times profit!

However, "Magic Co., Ltd." certainly does not do nothing. Don't forget that Li Shushan controls the general direction of this club, and all the details of company management are Magic Artificial Intelligence Alice. Under the operation of both parties, the company's It can be said that the development is in an orderly manner, and the employees in the company have no worries. After all, this is a place protected by the goddess Amaterasu. They feel very safe working here!

Therefore, not only is the construction of the horror amusement park and the mage tower in the amusement park fully on schedule, but all other land is also being used. There will be business districts, residential districts, schools, hospitals, etc. here one after another.

This isn't just building a horror amusement park, it's building a city!

If there is no "supernatural recovery", this approach is undoubtedly a waste of money, because how many people will settle in this small rural place? It doesn't matter what you want here.

However, now that "Amaterasu Shrine" is a vital "beacon", you don't have to worry about no one coming, because even in a big city, it may not be safe here. Don't forget the slit girl who can guide ghosts to launch attacks. , it is too easy to create panic.

In fact, the next goal of the Rift Girl is undoubtedly the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people - "Ise Shrine". Since it is said on the Internet to be a false "Ise Shrine", why not just call it Get rid of it and correct the name of "Amaterasu Shrine"?

In addition to "Ise Jingu Shrine", the other two major shrines "Atsuta Jingu Shrine" and "Meiji Jingu Shrine" are also included in the attack plan of the Rift Girl. It is best that after these shrines are destroyed, the new "Yama Shrine" "Palace of Love" can completely replace them.

This is to prove that beliefs that cannot manifest extraordinary abilities are meaningless. It is better to transfer all the people's beliefs to those gods who have the ability to protect their own shrines (shrines) and protect the people.

At this time, Hao Yuchun started the live broadcast again, and then showed the audience how popular the Amaterasu Shrine is now. He and Tanimura Yoshiyuki were already in the queue to visit the shrine and buy consecrated ornaments. We also interviewed other Japanese believers who were waiting in line.

Hao Yuchun asked them how they knew "Amaterasu Shrine" and how much they believed in this "Amaterasu Shrine".

What surprised Hao Yuchun and the viewers in his live broadcast room was that many of these Japanese people had not come to visit Amaterasu Shrine for the first time. They had actually chosen to settle here and insisted on coming every day. Visit the shrine!

As for how much they believe in this "Amaterasu Shrine", their answers are very unified, that is, they believe it completely, and at the same time they firmly believe that the goddess Amaterasu will always protect them. As long as they are here, they will never have to worry about being harmed by ghosts.

Originally, many Japanese people were pan-believers, but as a result, the Japanese people here seemed to have become fanatical believers in the Catholic religion. They only recognized the goddess Amaterasu. As for other gods, they seemed to completely ignore it.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but be shocked when they saw this scene——

"When did Japan have so many fanatic believers?"

"Yes, it's scary. I feel like as long as Amaterasu Shrine organizes it, these people can fight for the goddess Amaterasu!"

"Why Amaterasu? Wasn't Amaterasu the Great God before..."

"F*ck, I have a bold guess. As the number of devout believers increases, will the goddess Amaterasu really come to the world? In this case, there will be a god protecting the island country of Japan. .”

"If the goddess Amaterasu can really come, it means that other gods can also come. There are many gods in our country. If we all work together to believe in one, we can also make him come."

"The Chinese people have no faith! The Chinese country is a place abandoned by God!"

"It doesn't matter where the gods have abandoned us. We Chinese can still kill gods by relying on our own hands!"

At this moment, when Hao Yuchun and Yoshiyuki Tanimura were halfway through the queue, suddenly there was a commotion at the outermost edge of the queue, and someone was heard shouting in horror: "A ghost hunter has gone crazy, and he is going to become evil." It’s a ghost, go and notify Lord Kikyo!”

Tanimura Yoshiyuki's expression changed slightly, and he showed a frightened look for the first time. He turned pale and said to Hao Yuchun: "This kind of terrifying and powerful spiritual pressure... is not good! This is at least a B-level ghost hunter." Transforming into an abyssal! Everyone here, including me, may die!"

The fourth update today! ! !

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